Stunts Forum

ZakStunts - the Competition => Competition Archive => Competition 2003 => Topic started by: Anonymous on November 04, 2003, 08:14:39 PM

Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Anonymous on November 04, 2003, 08:14:39 PM
A typical chat with alain:

[19:10] <akosspoo> Mingva is overstating, but he is a big big cheater
[19:10] <Mingva> whas why alain hate u:
[19:10] <Argammon> huh :)
[19:11] <Mingva> zak: can i tell my time but not send rpl
[19:11] <akosspoo> :)
[19:11] <Mingva> i could send .hig file
[19:11] <Argammon> Mingva you can edit the .hig file easily
[19:11] <akosspoo> yes you are so stupid :D
[19:12] <Mingva> i'm not cheater like u :P
[19:12] <akosspoo> you just send Alain's second best rpl
[19:12] <Mingva> i'll send my rpl only after u'll beat my time :P
[19:12] <Mingva> al's 2nd best was 51
[19:12] <Argammon> and his best 50.95
[19:12] <Argammon> =P
[19:13] <Mingva> i did bettr than it
[19:13] <akosspoo> it will be a hard job to beat Alain's time, but I think you are way behind me in real
[19:13] <Mingva> no :P
[19:13] <Mingva> i'm way better than piss poo
[19:13] <Mingva> :D
[19:13] <Argammon> next years stunts meeting will be funny
[19:13] <Argammon> LOL
[19:13] <Mingva> without me :P
[19:14] * Glywyn has joined #stunts
[19:14] <akosspoo> wheeee
[19:14] <akosspoo> hi again
[19:14] <Glywyn> Hi
[19:14] <Glywyn> How do I change gear at Street Rod?!
[19:15] <Glywyn> ?
[19:15] * Alain has joined #stunts
[19:15] <Argammon> oh no.....
[19:15] * Alain is now known as Z6PO
[19:15] <Glywyn> what?
[19:16] * Z6PO is now known as Z6-PO
[19:16] <Argammon> space perhaps?
[19:16] <Glywyn> hm...
[19:16] <Z6-PO> ou ouu ouu ouu ouuuu ou
[19:16] <Z6-PO> what?
[19:16] <Z6-PO> can you repeat D2?
[19:17] <akosspoo> hi ALAIN
[19:17] <akosspoo> -insult Alain
[19:18] <Z6-PO> yes its me
[19:18] <Argammon> Alain , subst ai-o ->Alon +e = alone
[19:18] <Z6-PO> your life is a 404.htm page
[19:18] <Z6-PO> i know you know it by heart, but dont teach me loneliness :)
[19:18] <akosspoo> suck my Indy
[19:23] <Mingva> 4ZAQRACK 1u did mistake in scoreboard!!!
[19:23] <zaqrack> ?
[19:23] <Z6-PO> glywyn i thought you were alanrotoi
[19:23] <Z6-PO> :)
[19:23] <Z6-PO> hello
[19:24] <Mingva> argy sent time today
[19:24] <Mingva> not 3 but 4
[19:24] <akosspoo> VOTE ON TDC TRACKS
[19:24] <Argammon> mingva I send it yesterday
[19:24] <akosspoo> it is frozen!
[19:24] <Z6-PO> skid ya akoss
[19:24] <akosspoo> shut up cheat center
[19:24] <Z6-PO> i voted for my tracks, its enough
[19:24] <Argammon> because he had problems with his comp?
[19:25] <Mingva> NO
[19:25] <Z6-PO> lol
[19:25] <akosspoo> you should vote on all, unless your votes will be lost
[19:25] <Mingva> HE UPDATED IN EVENING
[19:25] <akosspoo> Zak?
[19:25] <Argammon> he didn't
[19:25] <Mingva> AND U SENT UR TIME 14H
[19:25] <Argammon> which time did he update in the evening?
[19:25] <Mingva> YES, HE UPDATED
[19:26] <Argammon> well bad luck for you
[19:26] <zaqrack> MINGVA
[19:26] <zaqrack> I'll tell you what I did yesterday, OK?
[19:26] <Mingva> YES
[19:26] <Argammon> you know I could not even drive that fast... i tried to copy alain's replay
[19:26] <Argammon> nice tricks ALAIN used
[19:26] <Argammon> =P
[19:26] <Argammon> .......
[19:27] <Z6-PO> since i know him, argammon is full of hate.. smtg in his real life must be really ugly :)
[19:27] <Argammon> full of hate?
[19:27] <Mingva> he's ugly
[19:27] <Argammon> that must be you ;)
[19:28] <Mingva> ZAK???
[19:28] <Z6-PO> you are the prototype of the sand yard loser :)
[19:28] * Glywyn has quit IRC (Quit: 12( 12:: NoNameScript 3.79 12:: 12))
[19:28] <Argammon> And you got mental problems alain
[19:28] <Argammon> real big one's
[19:28] <zaqrack> I started to install linux at 18h (i was in school before). I deleted all my windows installs, i had no operating system. I was in the middle of work, when at 20h zsuzsi came, and I prepared dinner, I didnt want to work with my computer anymore. Even more, at 23h I won a nice game, and she said I can do to her whatever I want so we had sex until 2am. Then we slept. So I just got no time to update, thats why I only updated today, when I arrived
[19:28] <zaqrack> rom school and installed a working system on my comp.
[19:29] <akosspoo> And Mingva why are you attacking Zak... you have no reason
[19:29] <Z6-PO> bonzai joe and zak are smarter, they use you :)
[19:29] <Argammon> Oh yes
[19:29] <Argammon> Bonzai and zak use me :)
[19:29] <Argammon> thanks for lightin the candle
[19:29] <Z6-PO> you can do whatever zak want...
[19:29] <Argammon> alain you are sad :)
[19:29] <zaqrack> i didnt update yesterday, last time I updated Alains time
[19:30] <zaqrack> then I went to sleep
[19:30] * Glywyn has joined #stunts
[19:30] <zaqrack> no sleep
[19:30] <zaqrack> school sorry
[19:30] <Z6-PO> at least, fight as a man
[19:30] * akosspoo posted on
[19:30] <zaqrack> I had lessons from 13h, so I left at 12h
[19:30] <zaqrack> I updated before that
[19:31] <Z6-PO> as long as you'll hide behind some fake smoke screen, you will be the prototype of some local underdog
[19:31] <zaqrack> Argy sent time at 14h as you can see. In the evening I had only time to say: pls resend all replays you sent today, bc I lost all the mail in my system installing.
[19:33] <Z6-PO> you could change three times your behaviour with me, but everytime i received your venom jet, the following one soon burnt... three chances, three checks, last time... check mate!
[19:34] <Argammon> alain online check game?
[19:34] <Z6-PO> go play with the orion team worst enemy: corks'
[19:34] <Z6-PO> you like to suck corks dick
[19:34] <Argammon> ...
[19:34] <Argammon> you are air now
[19:34] <Argammon> ty
[19:34] * akosspoo is listening to Iron Maiden
[19:37] * Z6-PO is now known as Alnitak
[19:37] * Alnitak is now known as Alnilam
[19:37] * Mingva is now known as Mintaka
[19:37] <Mintaka> ;)
[19:37] <Alnilam> ORIOOOOOOOOOON!
[19:37] <Mintaka> :D
[19:39] <akosspoo> Oh yes Alain Orion is shining bright and clearly, you must be proud of your team!
[19:39] <Alnilam> do you know other team in stunts competitions?
[19:40] <Alnilam> i know only one: stunts temple pilots.
[19:40] <Mintaka> :)
[19:40] <Mintaka> with or without orion?
[19:40] <akosspoo> no, i can only see Orion, they are covering the other teams with a deep shade
[19:40] <akosspoo> they are the mighty, they are the wise, they are the fair, they are the best
[19:41] <Mintaka> YES!!!
[19:41] <Mintaka> thanx akss ;)
[19:41] <akosspoo> they will never die
[19:41] <Mintaka> we will live forever :D
[19:41] <akosspoo> can you feel the irony?
[19:42] <Mintaka> no, bc ur words are correct :P
[19:42] <akosspoo> never
[19:42] <Mintaka> boooo =P
[19:45] * Glywyn has quit IRC (Quit: 12( 12:: NoNameScript 3.79 12:: 12))
[19:46] <Alnilam> stars
[19:46] <Alnilam> and satellites :)
[19:46] <akosspoo> damn the fog
[19:46] * Alnilam has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:47] * Alain has joined #stunts
[19:47] <Argammon> Stunts WARS 2004: Alain vs Argammon,Alain vs Bonzai Joe,Akoss vs CTG,Mingva vs Zak,Akoss vs Mingva.Come to the stunts meeting! STUNTSWARS 2004 in BUdapest!
[19:47] * Alain is now known as Alnilam
[19:47] <akosspoo> i think i will be lucky, because:
[19:48] <akosspoo> Akoss and Zak vs. Mingva
[19:48] <akosspoo> Akoss and Usrin vs. CTG
[19:48] <Mintaka> don't wait me in bupadest :P
[19:48] <akosspoo> Usrin expressed his anger on CTG's answers in Alain's interview
[19:48] <Alnilam> argammon, why do you sent more replays in two days than in one year with orion :)
[19:48] <Mintaka> i don't want to meet with assholes =P
[19:48] <Argammon> easy
[19:49] <akosspoo> then don't meet your mother Mingva
[19:49] <Mintaka> thanx god, u're not my mother (or even father)
[19:49] <Alnilam> translation: stay at home if your name begins with argammo and ends with an "n"
[19:49] <akosspoo> and: Akoss, Argammon, Bonzai Joe, Usrin, CTG vs. Alain :)
[19:49] <Argammon> yes
[19:49] <akosspoo> this one will be the best
[19:49] <Argammon> Alain would be beat upon big time
[19:49] <akosspoo> :
[19:49] <akosspoo> :)
[19:50] <Mintaka> we'll do Orion meeting next year :P
[19:50] <akosspoo> in the space ?
[19:50] <Mintaka> no, in MIR-2
[19:50] <akosspoo> we will shout you with our rockets
[19:50] <Alnilam> i asked a question mister snaky
[19:52] <akosspoo> i can't see any ?
[19:52] <Alnilam> argammon, why do you sent more replays in two days than in one year with orion :)
[19:53] <Argammon> Question is based upon a not true fact and thus is irrelevant to answer
[19:53] <Argammon> :)
[19:55] <Alnilam> you sent two rpls!!!
[19:55] <Argammon> and?
[19:55] <Alnilam> its incredible, most of time we had 0 rpls by month
[19:56] <Alnilam> you destroy your average rpls sent /month ratio
[19:56] <Argammon> that is not true
[19:56] <Argammon> until the audi track I was usually sending a lot more replays than you
[19:56] <Argammon> and you were just trying to copy my replays
[19:56] <Argammon> your memory is a short one
[19:57] <akosspoo> it is everybody's own decision how many rpl he sends
[19:57] <Alnilam> my memory is not a bipolar's one :)
[19:57] <Alnilam> i dont understand what you refered to in copying someone's replay
[19:57] <Alnilam> i call that team work... you hate everybody :)
[19:58] <Argammon> I hate everybody :)
[19:58] <Argammon> is it possible that you are creating your own dream world?
[19:58] <Alnilam> and when you will grow up, you will send me excuses
[19:58] <Alnilam> your behaviour is real madness
[19:59] <Argammon> If someone with comon sense would tell me that
[19:59] * akosspoo has quit IRC (webchat  (EOF))
[19:59] <Argammon> I would think it over
[19:59] <Argammon> but if ALAIN says that
[19:59] <Argammon> it's not even sarcasm
[19:59] <Argammon> YOU are the best example of madness
[19:59] <Argammon> shithead :)
[19:59] <Alnilam> go on insulting sprat ):
[20:00] <Alnilam> you live in a manure barrel
[20:00] * akosspoo has joined #stunts
[20:00] <akosspoo> hi again
[20:00] <akosspoo> skid my computer, it restarted
[20:00] <Alnilam> and you say to persons telling you you stink that they should use nose plugs
[20:01] <akosspoo> let's check weather sites again!
[20:01] <Argammon> world sensation
[20:01] <akosspoo> what?
[20:01] <Argammon> Alain Pere is the first people being able to SMELL over 800 KM
[20:01] <Alnilam> you dont send replay if you are going to lose :)
[20:01] <Argammon> person
[20:01] <Argammon> sorry
[20:01] <Argammon> Next world sensation
[20:02] <Alnilam> cowardry :)
[20:02] <Argammon> no
[20:02] <akosspoo> hmmm because his dick is 800 km long
[20:02] <Argammon> call it being better than the stunts oracle
[20:02] <Argammon> I KNOW the opponents time BEFORE the month started
[20:02] <Alnilam> 800.05 : i can feel your glass of vodka
[20:02] <Argammon> and if i see I can't drive that fast
[20:02] <Argammon> I don't send a replay
[20:02] <Argammon> :)
[20:02] <Alnilam> pure laziness
[20:03] <Alnilam> good for cork :)
[20:04] <Alnilam> i dont regret the heaven choice: throw him away
[20:04] <Argammon> You just don't get over I left orion :)
[20:04] <Argammon> like a kid who lost a player on his soccer team
[20:04] <Alnilam> i read you like a book
[20:04] <Argammon> waaaaaaaah you left my red shirded soccer team and now u play on the yellow shirt one
[20:04] <Argammon> waaaaah u traitor
[20:04] <Argammon> waaaaaaaaah
[20:04] <Alnilam> you are a traitor ;) of the worst kind... bismark remembers :D
[20:05] <Argammon> Are you so dumb ?
[20:05] <Argammon> You wanted me to leave :)
[20:05] <Alnilam> you'll never change wont you
[20:05] <Argammon> did you ask me to leave?
[20:05] <Argammon> yes or no?
[20:05] <Argammon> yes or no?
[20:05] <Alnilam> in ten years, you will be betraying as a game
[20:05] <Argammon> yes or no?
[20:05] <Alnilam> because you hate
[20:06] <akosspoo> Alain a question was asked from you
[20:06] <Argammon> :)
[20:06] <Alnilam> you feel nobody is reliable, because you think low about yourself, and imagine the others are even worse
[20:06] <Argammon> alain is to stupid to answer simple questions
[20:06] <Alnilam> you ARE ROTTEN
[20:06] <Argammon> he is not worth ANY minute
[20:06] <Argammon> I will mute him from now on
[20:06] <Argammon> -done-
[20:10] <Argammon> Is he still talking akoss?
[20:10] <akosspoo> what? what?
[20:11] <Argammon> I mean alain
[20:11] <akosspoo> i was checink
[20:11] <Argammon> I muted him :)
[20:11] <akosspoo> Alain... he is talking... bullshit
[20:11] <akosspoo> i can see his lines
[20:11] <Argammon> lol @ akoss :)

Sorry but if that guy is not insane the world must be free of insane people ;)
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 04, 2003, 08:49:29 PM
chapter two.

Where Alain rolls argammon in tar greatly while sadly spreading white feathers on his back.

[19:50]<Alnilam> argammon, why do you sent more replays in two days than in one year with orion :)
[19:50]<Argammon> Question is based upon a not true fact and thus is irrelevant to answer
[19:50]<Argammon> :)
[19:53]<Alnilam> you sent two rpls!!!
[19:53]<Argammon> and?
[19:53]<Alnilam> its incredible, most of time we had 0 rpls by month
[19:53]<Alnilam> you destroy your average rpls sent /month ratio
[19:54]<Argammon> that is not true
[19:54]<Argammon> until the audi track I was usually sending a lot more replays than you
[19:54]<Argammon> and you were just trying to copy my replays
[19:54]<Argammon> your memory is a short one
[19:54]<akosspoo> it is everybody's own decision how many rpl he sends
[19:54]<Alnilam> my memory is not a bipolar's one :)
[19:55]<Alnilam> i dont understand what you refered to in copying someone's replay
[19:55]<Alnilam> i call that team work... you hate everybody :)
[19:56]<Argammon> I hate everybody :)
[19:56]<Argammon> is it possible that you are creating your own dream world?
[19:56]<Alnilam> and when you will grow up, you will send me excuses
[19:56]<Alnilam> your behaviour is real madness
[19:57]<Argammon> If someone with comon sense would tell me that
[19:57]  *** akosspoo quit EFnet : webchat  (EOF)
[19:57]<Argammon> I would think it over
[19:57]<Argammon> but if ALAIN says that
[19:57]<Argammon> it's not even sarcasm
[19:57]<Argammon> YOU are the best example of madness
[19:57]<Argammon> shithead :)
[19:57]<Alnilam> go on insulting sprat :)
[19:57]<Alnilam> you live in a manure barrel
[19:58]  *** akosspoo joined #stunts
[19:58]<akosspoo> hi again
[19:58]<akosspoo> skid my computer, it restarted
[19:58]<Alnilam> and you say to persons telling you you stink that they should use nose plugs
[19:58]<akosspoo> let's check weather sites again!
[19:59]<Argammon> world sensation
[19:59]<akosspoo> what?
[19:59]<Argammon> Alain Pere is the first people being able to SMELL over 800 KM
[19:59]<Alnilam> you dont send replay if you are going to lose :)
[19:59]<Argammon> person
[19:59]<Argammon> sorry
[19:59]<Argammon> Next world sensation
[19:59]<Alnilam> cowardry :)
[19:59]<Argammon> no
[19:59]<akosspoo> hmmm because his dick is 800 km long
[19:59]<Argammon> call it being better than the stunts oracle
[20:00]<Argammon> I KNOW the opponents time BEFORE the month started
[20:00]<Alnilam> 800.05 : i can feel your glass of vodka
[20:00]<Argammon> and if i see I can't drive that fast
[20:00]<Argammon> I don't send a replay
[20:00]<Argammon> :)
[20:00]<Alnilam> pure laziness
[20:00]<Alnilam> good for cork :)
[20:01]<Alnilam> i dont regret the heaven choice: throw him away
[20:01]<Argammon> You just don't get over I left orion :)
[20:01]<Argammon> like a kid who lost a player on his soccer team
[20:01]<Alnilam> i read you like a book
[20:02]<Argammon> waaaaaaaah you left my red shirded soccer team and now u play on the yellow shirt one
[20:02]<Argammon> waaaaah u traitor
[20:02]<Argammon> waaaaaaaaah
[20:02]<Alnilam> you are a traitor ;) of the worst kind... bismark remembers :D
[20:02]<Argammon> Are you so dumb ?
[20:03]<Argammon> You wanted me to leave :)
[20:03]<Alnilam> you'll never change wont you
[20:03]<Argammon> did you ask me to leave?
[20:03]<Argammon> yes or no?
[20:03]<Alnilam> in ten years, you will be betraying as a game
[20:03]<Argammon> yes or no?
[20:03]<Argammon> yes or no?
[20:03]<Alnilam> because you hate
[20:03]<akosspoo> Alain a question was asked from you
[20:04]<Argammon> :)
[20:04]<Alnilam> you feel nobody is reliable, because you think low about yourself, and imagine the others are even worse
[20:04]<Argammon> alain is to stupid to answer simple questions
[20:04]<Alnilam> you ARE ROTTEN
[20:04]<Argammon> he is not worth ANY minute
[20:04]<Argammon> I will mute him from now on
[20:04]<Argammon> -done-
[20:04]<Alnilam> if it was only the racing talent, you left no memories :)
[20:05]<Alnilam> what is the colour of your car?
[20:05]<Alnilam> what is your epic?
[20:05]<Alnilam> what is "argammon" ?
[20:06]<Alnilam> If i had not said you i had only 1.18.00, you would have sent a ten second gap winning time, just for fun
[20:06]<Alnilam> just to make fun of your own team
[20:07]<Alnilam> when will you change? when someone will behead your corpse?
[20:07]<Alnilam> target your heart with a wooden spear?
[20:07]<Alnilam> make you eat garlic?
[20:07]<Argammon> Is he still talking akoss?
[20:08]<Alnilam> the invisibillity in mirrors :)
[20:08]<Alnilam> be careful, the sun rises early tomorrow...
[20:08]<akosspoo> what? what?
[20:08]<Argammon> I mean alain
[20:08]<akosspoo> i was checink
[20:08]<Argammon> I muted him :)
[20:09]<akosspoo> Alain... he is talking... bullshit
[20:09]<Alnilam> my pleasure :)
[20:09]<akosspoo> i can see his lines
[20:09]<Argammon> lol @ akoss :)
[20:09]<Alnilam> argammon is the beast
[20:10]  *** Argammon left #stunts
[20:10]<Alnilam> who ever wears his number on his hand and head is damned
[20:10]<akosspoo> Argammon left #stunts []
[20:10]<Mintaka> yeahhhhhhhh!!!!
[20:10]<akosspoo> CTG where are you?
[20:10]<Alnilam> the smell is gone :)

* Alnilam: the central orion belt shining star, pure, powerful...  Orion is defined by his great belt, three bright second magnitude stars in a row that the ancient Arabs called "the string of pearls," which is the meaning of the name of the middle star, Alnilam.
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 04, 2003, 08:51:38 PM
cool! some of the insults i throwed are doubled in this thread!
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Orionian on November 04, 2003, 09:09:16 PM
You are so stupid Alain.Saying this I speak with backoff of 99% of the stunts community.But then again you are probably a victim in real life and need to release your anger on the stunts community.
You have probably been humilated your entire life.
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: BonzaiJoe on November 05, 2003, 12:24:41 AM
Come on, that's too low...

Alain gave me this treatment in 2002. I believe he is actually clinically insane or retarded in some way, and he doesn't really understand when he's not funny anymore. E.g always.

Argammon - why do you need to attack Alain when he's already ridiculed himself so far down that any fool can see he's a complete lunatic? Be silent and let his words speak for themselves. They most certainly do.

I'm also looking forward to Stunts WARS. It should be really interesting. Don't forget Argammon and I also had a great war, only a bit longer ago. So it's possible to make up and be civilised and team up!
There was also a Krys TOFF vs Akoss Poo fight, but I don't think that heated up too far...
Title: Race war
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 05, 2003, 12:59:28 AM
Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"I'm also looking forward to Stunts WARS. It should be really interesting. Don't forget Argammon and I also had a great war, only a bit longer ago. So it's possible to make up and be civilised and team up!
There was also a Krys TOFF vs Akoss Poo fight, but I don't think that heated up too far...

Krys TOFF/Akoss Poo war, mmm, I remind clearly Z25. I never was closer behind him.
I beat him with teamwork on Z29. In spite of that, he is better than me... :cry:
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 05, 2003, 02:52:23 AM
"But then again you are probably a victim in real life and need to release your anger on the stunts community.
You have probably been humilated your entire life."

when i used this joke i had no idea of how :) that is so clich?!

you opened my eyes :D

'humiliated your entire life' is a good tune, though ;)

my god, i neglegate bonzai joe, and now he wants his load. sorry BJ, i will take care of you sooner or later.
Title: fight
Post by: Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister on November 05, 2003, 10:55:16 AM
Krys-Akoss fight was when I started to say some bad words about French ppl, but I don't think we're still holding the grudge.
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Argammon on November 05, 2003, 01:12:03 PM
Bonzai: Who says I am 'Orionian? ;)

And.. that's all for now.....

But probably you are right.......
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 05, 2003, 03:32:43 PM
Let's start with a fact argammon is the prototype of the "toxic" lier... i crossed the path of one in my real life... only one. I dont share any interests with this kind of people. In this "real" case, the ugly orc simply lied on his real appearance to close in within my range and annoy my life, just because, supposed I, expressed to him at first sight happiness and hunger for life, hence sovereignty and face-to-face superior power.

A vampire.

Some people are toxic.

Thus I would simply recommend argammon to no one. When you start to defend yourself with simply true ideas, the button for the lying mechanism is pushed and lights on. The best cure is not to plug your ears, because if you dont fight him, he will grow his own mental productions on his own mental production.

They start inventing things and disproportionally build defences around them, use the same lies several times to pump your air, they imagine a senseless fiction, and their results are frustrated, in the end masturbating the main component of their psychic life, hatred.

Now let's read... i hope "again" :) the lithuanian born french philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, argammon. This thinker tried to understand face to face human relations and his research were fueled during a long time by "X" greeds and ape like behavior in world war II.

Part of his conclusions are that people like you need only to do one choice to become "powerful" and "sovereign", while respecting "the other" in a general sense... nothing more... just "quit hatred state"...

The other is a threat to your sovereign "I," before he/she is a threat to you

So the I-you relationship, the source of fraternity, can also be
the source of "gratuitous hatred."

Well the hatred is "gratuitous" only if the other were no threat to me at
all, yet I find the other to threaten my sovereignty, so I hate the other.
Why is this hatred "gratuitous?"

The phrase "gratuitous hatred" is what is problematic in the relation.

Quitting the hatred state is your solution. Race for pleasure, express yourself in jumps, loops, tricks and power gear parts. You are talented enough to win zakstunts during one year in a row without playing too much time a month.

Then all that I wish to you is "accomplishment" without "gratuity". The feeling of accomplishing something must become a culture. Expressing something to someone else from you is nothing? Well convince yourself that you made little progresses compared to the last time you felt in the same "competitive state"... Gratuity? the same thing! rely on your sense to evaluate yourself. WITHOUT LIES... hence without hatred :) But we were speaking about one of the final movements, and it needs quitting the hatred...

Do i doubt you want to do the first step driving to fraternity? yes, and deeply. But I am super tolerant, and I know you can change... That's mine weakness? nooooo... That'z fraternity ;)
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Argammon on November 05, 2003, 04:08:31 PM
Maybe your post would not be to far off if you would simply replace the name 'Argammon' with the name 'Alain'.

That's all I will say as you make it pretty obvious,who is full of hatred :)
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 05, 2003, 04:13:16 PM
you need to skid, skid... if she does not want your spotted out dick talk about your big car with your right hand.
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Argammon on November 05, 2003, 04:17:43 PM
That's making me think of :'Hey Alain,I know a good therapist'
Title: accident
Post by: Mingva on November 05, 2003, 04:35:39 PM
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 05, 2003, 05:17:12 PM
Yes there are, u just never found them.
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: BonzaiJoe on November 05, 2003, 06:17:49 PM
How appropriate, you fight like a cow!
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: zaqrack on November 06, 2003, 12:19:34 AM
I was unable to read this all :)

but at least the whole world knows now I had great sex on monday   :lol:
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 06, 2003, 01:02:40 PM
well we are just all having fun... the way we can!

congratulations zak, and do it often, do it for your friends, do it for those who cant (argammon), do it for those who never did it (akoss poo), do it for those it doesnt mean nothing (mingva) do it for those who like the hot dogs (alanrotoi) do it for those who quit stunts to do it (Roy wiegerink) do it for those who will quit stunts to do it ( Bonzai Joe) do it for those who had too many children by doing it (Krys Toff) do it for the neighbours, do it for the pleasure!

just do it :)
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Mingva on November 06, 2003, 02:06:54 PM
Quotedo it for those it doesnt mean nothing (mingva)
Title: lol
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 06, 2003, 02:44:34 PM
Quote from: "al il professore"well we are just all having fun... the way we can!

congratulations zak, and do it often, do it for your friends, do it for those who cant (argammon), do it for those who never did it (akoss poo), do it for those it doesnt mean nothing (mingva) do it for those who like the hot dogs (alanrotoi) do it for those who quit stunts to do it (Roy wiegerink) do it for those who will quit stunts to do it ( Bonzai Joe) do it for those who had too many children by doing it (Krys Toff) do it for the neighbours, do it for the pleasure!

just do it :)

At least you can't tell for me the same thing you told about Akoss Poo. :lol:
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Arg on November 06, 2003, 05:25:21 PM
Alain's remark about me cleary reveals how he feels opressed by my overhelming charism, and while doing so he also reveals his own impotence while trying to mirror it onto a far away internet identity he does not know anything about.

Psycholigsts know that insanes or other people with severe problems try to release them partly by telling their surroundings about 'their' problems while projecting them upon 3rd person identities.
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 06, 2003, 05:43:20 PM
today reply will be easier than yesterday's... lets break him before he breaks by himself!

you dont believe in psychology, as you should already be relying on it to overcome your own problems. I crazily believe no one but you can solve the major dysfunction in your bipolar mind. But think it over, you are only an adolescent yet, and entire life to forget :)

just smile. smile in your posts and to your frien... oh sorry! you know i really tried to forget you dont have any!

bye bye sandwich man
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: Argammon on November 06, 2003, 06:11:17 PM
You are repeating yourself by now Alain :)
And really you have no clue how old I am,nor do most others here.
And about the rest of your post.It really does not deserve any reaction anymore.

but i have to mention I have posted something interesting to read on the 'racing in general' -> pipsqueaks cafe forum.

I would love to hear your insight on this matter.
Your friend
Title: A typical chat with......
Post by: al il professore on November 06, 2003, 06:26:56 PM
this is my last reply in disorder...

so friend, lets argue only on the 'protest and praise' part... because our munificent dispute is spreaded all over the forum.. i prefer to search your posts only in "protest and praise" now ok?

request to zak: Can you please move the topics "truth about the real idiot in this argument" and "a typical chat with"... so as every of our etc. protesting posts in "protest and praise" part? Because it has nothing to do with annoying other pipsqueaks about our woman fight...

Alain is a...
Title: Re: A typical chat with......
Post by: BonzaiJoe on November 18, 2011, 12:15:58 PM
This funny :) A man from real life visits the geeks in the chatroom:

[19:24] <Argammon> because he had problems with his comp?
[19:25] <Mingva> NO
[19:25] <Z6-PO> lol
[19:25] <Mingva> HE UPDATED IN EVENING
[19:25] <akosspoo> Zak?
[19:25] <Argammon> he didn't
[19:25] <Mingva> AND U SENT UR TIME 14H
[19:26] <Argammon> nice tricks ALAIN used
[19:26] <Argammon> =P
[19:26] <Argammon> .......
[19:27] <Z6-PO> since i know him, argammon is full of hate.. smtg in his real life must be really ugly
[19:27] <Argammon> full of hate?
[19:27] <Mingva> he's ugly
[19:27] <Argammon> that must be you
[19:28] <Mingva> ZAK???
[19:28] <Z6-PO> you are the prototype of the sand yard loser 
[19:28] <zaqrack> I started to install linux at 18h (i was in school before). I deleted all my windows installs, i had no operating system. I was in the middle of work, when at 20h zsuzsi came, and I prepared dinner, I didnt want to work with my computer anymore. Even more, at 23h I won a nice game, and she said I can do to her whatever I want so we had sex until 2am. Then we slept. So I just got no time to update.

Title: Re: A typical chat with......
Post by: zaqrack on November 18, 2011, 12:48:31 PM
Oh, youth...
weak English...
messing with linux...
having sex for 3 hours continuously...
staying up later than midnight...

sometimes I miss these things. :)
But then I only have to think on my son(s) to not care at all :)