
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Ursin

Quote from: afullo on February 27, 2019, 07:28:27 PM
Also Ursin, that was managed by both of you, as far as I remember from the wiki...  :P

Both of who???
Anyway, don't bother me with any Argentinian meeting or solar eclipse, I'll enjoy the summer in my homeland Slovakia.  ;D
Chat - Misc / Re: Slovak chat
May 02, 2016, 02:47:26 PM
If you need proof that Usrin is Slovak, look at this: he was co-author of a paper in the Slovak Geological Magazine! - page 17 of issue 2014/2 (=page 19 of the PDF file). :P
Competition and Website / Re: Banned users
March 12, 2015, 03:51:15 PM
For example if you banned Usrin The Slovak, I'd appear immediately. :) But poor Usrin would have no 2nd chance. Unlike some others, I guess.
Chat - Misc / Re: One-Race pipsqueaks
November 11, 2014, 10:04:32 AM
Bad news: that password works only for the forum, and not for the ZakStunts portal.
Chat - Misc / Re: One-Race pipsqueaks
November 11, 2014, 10:03:45 AM
Quote from: CTG on November 11, 2014, 08:24:55 AM
I guess U(s/r)(r/s)in was drunk last night... ::)

My long forgotten password came back to me... of course that deserved some celebration.  ;)

Chat - Misc / Re: One-Race pipsqueaks
November 10, 2014, 10:52:11 PM
Don't forget me when listing one race pipsqueaks.
Chat - Misc / Re: Which is the best water polo team?
November 10, 2014, 10:48:15 PM
In 10 years, the best water polo team will be SLOVAKIA!
Chat - Misc / Re: Movies
April 25, 2012, 04:27:37 PM
It's true!
Chat - Misc / Re: Beer
April 27, 2007, 11:27:19 PM
NB II, Group East:

Ferencv?ros-B?cs 2-1 (0-0)
Goal: Lipcsei (54., pen., 1-0), URBIN (56., 1-1), Laczk? (68., 2-1) ;D
Chat - Misc / Re: Slovak chat
September 21, 2006, 01:19:49 PM
B?FF!!! :P
Chat - Misc / Slovak chat
September 21, 2006, 01:19:23 PM
If anybody want to write in Slovak, here he can do it. I'll start it with my next post.
Hungarian Chat / Re: problems in budapest ?
September 21, 2006, 01:01:24 PM
Quote from: JTK on September 20, 2006, 08:01:57 AM
Quote from: Usrin on September 19, 2006, 10:58:26 PM
(Btw, is there any country on the world where promises of an electional campaign can be taken seriously?)
Vatican (where the cardinals elect), maybe?

Don't forget Slovakia! As wrote (after Slovak newspaper Sme):

Szlov?k politikus nem hazudik
Mi nem hazudunk - ?ll?tj?k a szlov?kiai politikai ?let szerepl?i, akiket a SME c?m? napilap a magyar minisztereln?k, Gyurcs?ny Ferenc esete ok?n k?rdezett. Szlov?ki?ban ilyesmi nem t?rt?nhet meg - ?rja a lap az MTI szerint. "?n soha nem hazudok" - mondta Milan Urb?ni, a Vladim?r Meciar vezette korm?nyer?, a N?pp?rt-HZDS aleln?ke. Milan Hort, a Mikul?s Dzurinda vezette SDK? aleln?ke sem eml?kszik arra, hogy valaha hazudott volna. Bug?r B?la, az Magyar Koal?ci? P?rtj?nak eln?ke ?gy nyilatkozott, hogy "a kereszt?ny ember soha nem hazudik" ?s legfeljebb azt tartotta megengedhet?nek, hogy a politikus "taktikai okokb?l" esetenk?nt valamit elhallgasson.

Original version:

Slovensk? politici: My neklameme
Ma?arsk?ho premi?ra zradila nahr?vka z politick?ho rokovania, na ktorej siln?mi slovami priznal, ?e voli?ov o situ?cii v krajine klamal.
Na Slovensku sa v?ak ?osi tak? asi sta? nem??e. Aj ke? sa politici navz?jom obvi?uj? zo l?i, o sebe tvrdia, ?e nikdy neklam?. Aspo? to vypl?va z reakci? politikov parlamentn?ch str?n, ktor?ch sme oslovili. "Ja nikdy neklamem," hovor? podpredseda HZDS Milan Urb?ni. Ani podpredseda SDK? Milan Hort si nespom?na na situ?ciu, ?e by klamal, aspo? nie verejne. "Nikdy som nemusel odvol?va? to, ?o som verejne povedal," hovor?. Kres?an neklame, hovor? l?der SMK B?la Bug?r. Za in? probl?m pova?uje, ?e niekedy nem??e ist? vec poveda?, lebo si to vy?aduje napr?klad politick? taktika.


A Slovak politician never lies
We don't lie - clamed persons of Slovak political life asked by newspaper SME after the case of Hungarian Prime Minister, Ferenc Gyurcs?ny. Nothing like this could happen in Slovakia, the paper writes. "I never lie" - said Milan Urb?ni, vice president of People's Party-HZDS, governing party led by Vladim?r Meciar. Neither Milan Hort, vice president of SDKU led by Mikul?s Dzurinda remembers any case when he lied. B?la Bug?r, president of Party of Hungarian Coalition [party of Hungarians living in Slovakia] told that "Christian people never lie", he felt allowable only keeping back some informations because of "tactical reasons" for a politician.
Chat - Misc / Google fight
May 17, 2006, 10:13:46 AM
Ursin - 691000. :-D I'm almost unbeatable amongst normal (longer than 3 letters) names!