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Stunts Chat / Re: Peculiar track
March 12, 2024, 10:52:37 PM
Quote from: mrdries on March 12, 2024, 12:06:28 PMAm I allowed to make a page about composite or simulated track elements on the Stunts Wiki?

Then people can add new elements later.

Sure! Check your PMs  ;)

We have an article on illusion tracks, the more specific concept Overdrijf mentioned, but though related that's not same as your idea. A broader catalog of combinations could be pretty useful indeed!   
Live Races / Re: Generations - (2024-03-17)
March 11, 2024, 11:41:51 AM
Great! I'll go vintage: 2003 model, dark grey  8)
Chat - Misc / Re: Association game
March 10, 2024, 10:16:56 PM
Stunts Chat / Re: Peculiar track
March 10, 2024, 10:11:50 PM
Quote from: mrdries on March 10, 2024, 09:57:19 PMCan you gain time by drifting?

In most cases not, but it's very situational. On a flat track clean cornering is usually best, but occasionally, with more slide-prone cars or after a tight landing, taming a slide with counter-steering and such can be more effective than slowing down to take a turn. (Also note that manual gears KITT is a very powerful car; the main challenge is keeping it on the track while in "pursuit mode"!)
Stunts Chat / Re: Peculiar track
March 10, 2024, 08:55:10 PM
With a suitable car, those can be good for drifting challenges! For instance: W.TRK, KITT Firebird, manual gears, going through all tunnels.
Stunts Chat / Re: Peculiar track
March 10, 2024, 06:44:12 PM
Very nice! I really like combinations of this kind. Here is one take at the first track. Still gotta figure out how to reliably use the first boulevard jump!

(By the way, while it's in a different style, ZCT272, the now-running ZakStunts track has a bit of corner geometry play. You might enjoy giving it a go  ;))
Competition 2024 / Re: ZCT271 - Dopamine Pathways
March 10, 2024, 03:31:13 AM
There were quite a few things to be revealed!

  • In the end, the P962 edged ahead, though there were plenty of solid Thunderbird and Stratos laps. (For a track this long, the gaps were fairly small overall!)
  • At the western/"frontal" section, Alan and Frieshansen went for a lovely alternative line! I think it is an additional example of the three-element loophole discussed in this thread.
  • Beyond Overdrijf and me on the P962, there were cork jump cuts in the Carrera replays by Spoonboy and me, and also in Alan's strong 2:37.65/2:02.97. I wonder how the Stratos would have fared on the Doubleplusspeed alternative line, though the first loop jump might be a big hurdle.
  • From the second loop to the beginning of the northern/"motor" ramp chain, Alan and me -- on very different lines -- had exactly the same sector time! (Though do note that Overdrijf was faster by two tenths there!)
  • To see even more of the track, have a look at @Ryoma's P962 replay -- fun stuff  :)
Wild guess: are you starting that 1.1 version with a crack or with the original executable? (It doesn't sound likely that the crack is at fault, but it might be worth checking just in case.)
Motor sports, Racing / Re: F1 videos
March 09, 2024, 01:30:29 AM
Quote from: CTG on March 08, 2024, 06:52:22 PM1:10 - probably the coolest Safety Car ever  ;D

That's a great shot of the yellow Monaco one!

Quote from: dreadnaut on March 08, 2024, 10:03:43 PM1:30 - Fiat Tempra! That was our family car in the mid '90s, quite impressive to see it in a list just after the Countach ;D

Interlagos special!  :D
Plenty of the early history of Stunts racing took place on Usenet and mailing lists. In particular, there is surviving evidence of a Stunts competition being held as early as May 1993: (alternative source: ). The message is reproduced below:

Quote from: David Leadbetter, to on 1993-05-04For all you Stunts addicts out there, there is a small list of people being
put togther who are going to race each other every week. If you are interested,
mail me and ask to be added to the list. We haven't started yet, but should get underway within a week.
Unfortunately, we don't want the list to be excessively large, but email if
you're interested, and if there is a tremendous overflow, I'll mail all the excess about setting up a second list (managed by someone different of course, who would have
to volunteer). If this does happen, you will get the benefit of all our preparation to date.

David (down under).

PS: I would have posted this to the correct new subgroup, but they all haven't made it
down here yet.

It looks like competition was a success, as there were at least two further seasons (announcements: and ).
Chat - Misc / Re: Association game
March 06, 2024, 10:16:37 PM
Chat - Misc / Re: Association game
March 06, 2024, 02:05:31 AM
Chat - Misc / Re: Distro hopping and my impressions
March 03, 2024, 09:20:42 PM
I have been happily using Arch as my main distro for many years now. One of the nice things in starting from a minimal, unopinonated base and adding to it what you need is how that gives you a system with hardly any hidden corners (the excellent documentation in the Arch Wiki also contributes to that). The rolling release aspect has not been a problem for me, as Arch updates have been very reliable -- broadly sticking to the recommended practices should be enough for a smooth experience.
Stunts Questions / Re: Slow video mgmt
March 03, 2024, 01:21:13 AM
The graphics menu dialog I linked to above sets three variables. Options 5 and 6 in the switch, which according to the menu order correspond to the mysterious "Slow video mgmt.", set timertestflag; options 7 and 8, corresponding to "[Slow/Fast] Simulation Speed", set framespersec2, the frame rate; and options 0 to 4 (the fall-throughs in the switch) set timertestflag2, the detail level.
Quote from: dukeofurl on March 02, 2024, 10:19:50 PMMore pics

In a rare sighting, the elusive Stunts paper manual in its natural habitat, hunting copy protection prompts  :D Great to see!