
Message Room

Alan Rotoi @2024-06-02 15:38:57 UTC
I love these two cars. Zapper is the best car builder.

New race started! - FWD Vs RWD

Cas @2024-05-29 18:01:37 UTC
All replays published! Congratulations to @Alan Rotoi, @Duplode and @Spoonboy for the podium! And thanks @taufan99 for the track and for participating in Race For Kicks It's been a very enjoyable race.
Spoonboy @2024-05-28 11:48:23 UTC
Thanks @taufan99, this track was a fun challenge!

Race is over!

Igor @2024-05-23 09:00:31 UTC
Great track @taufan99, I did enjoy this one!
taufan99 @2024-05-18 02:46:46 UTC
Hey everyone! I'm a total n00b when it comes to , but nevertheless I had fun. That being said, everyone sure makes it look easy to finish quick with OWOOT! Guess I still have a long way to go...
Cas @2024-05-04 18:10:36 UTC
All replays verified so far! Yes, hope @taufan99 can peek around and maybe race his track here!
Duplode @2024-05-04 02:46:31 UTC
Great to see @taufan99's Mandalika International Circuit here! It's a well-balanced track that suits well both car and rules.

New race started! - Mandalika

Erik Barros @2024-04-27 22:20:53 UTC
Congratulations @Duplode, @Spoonboy and @Alan Rotoi!!!! Was a great race!
Duplode @2024-04-27 16:27:29 UTC
Thanks! I do feel I've come out of this race with a better understanding of the Torino.
Spoonboy @2024-04-26 18:17:01 UTC
He he, Luigi was always my favourite - What a great track! Love the long fast corners. Had fun trying to perfect the landing for those final bends.
Cas @2024-04-26 17:24:34 UTC
All replays verified! Congratulations @Duplode, @Spoonboy and @Alan Rotoi!  https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https://media1.tenor.com/images/7fd3a231b0f8c93453d8ea363fe571aa/tenor.gif - It's been a very fun race!

Race is over!

Duplode @2024-04-25 22:06:17 UTC
Okay, it's a little better now
Duplode @2024-04-25 22:00:07 UTC
0.05s faster!! It's an improvement, I guess 😅
Cas @2024-04-21 18:31:18 UTC
It really does feel like a racing car. On this track, it's very enjoyable and you get to feel the vertigo.
Alan Rotoi @2024-04-18 18:07:49 UTC
I consider the Torino a racing car because of its performance, but maybe it is less tuned. High speed (193 mph), high grip value (normal car = 210, Torino = 400) and enhanced brakes, but all of these numbers are lower compared to DTM, IMSA and Indy cars. Check the comparative list in the wiki: https://wiki.stunts.hu/wiki/IKA_Torino_GS#Comparison_Table
Cas @2024-04-15 16:48:11 UTC
It's been really fun to try the Torino on this track. It goes great with it. I wanted to make a NoRH replay, but it's difficult to not lose a lot of speed at the chicane just after the hill jump on the first try. I'll keep trying
FWD Vs RWD (by KyLiE)
Deadline: 2024-06-25 23:59 UTC
23 days left
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