Yes I'm in a spam-mood :D I can have it too sometimes, can't I? :)
This opening post is especially dedicated to Dinmor :)
And its about
T?R? RUDI! (and many other things)
yes, the famous most delicious Hungarian sweetie filled with cottage cheese
Oh sorry, not really cottage cheese! details here:
and of course people love it from all around the world:
on the T?r? Rudi fanlisting page (
for example
Billy from Canada states:
Quote'WOW! I'm utterly speechless! My tongue had never truly lived until I tried this wonderful product!'
and whats more, Osnat from Israel states:
Quoteits the only thing i think about other than sex
I can definitely agree.
This is one of the Hungarian delicates I'll bring as a present to the hosts of the meeting. A pack of T?r? Rudi. Of course you can't miss a big piece of Hungarian salami:
and my world famous cooking skills:, which some can remember :)
(OK, maybe not this much :D)
and Akoss will surely fulfill the need of your throats (but i hope not the ears :)
World Stunts Meeting 2005, here comes Hungary!
Are you saying that I can just sit back and let you do the cooking? :smt017
well thats the way we do it here, my girlfriend sits back and enjoys my cooking, maybe helps with minor jobs, then we have a delicious meal, and then I sit back and enjoy my brother doing the washing-up :)
so you can rest...
but only after you have cooked me(us) a danish speciality :D
I will...I always tell Jacob to get out of my kitchen, so it's going to be hard for me to have you standing there cooking! :smt104
Oooooooooooh a rival topic! :) Favorite foods, lemme see... I have a lot! Maybe it's visible on my weight... :? :lol:
Stuffed cabbage with sour cream, grenadiermarsh (dunno how to say in English, it contains potato, pasta, onion and paprika powder - bacon can added too), almost all kind of pizza (just leave out the 'Fruits of Mare' :)), Zak's chilli beans :lol:, and many-many other things. :)
mmmmh!!! it seems its gonna be a cooking contest! i'll bring enough things to cook a couscous!!!!!! no need for forks or plates you'll eat with hands!
Topic is about favorite foods, mmm, let's say my favoritres :
- numerous French full fat soft cheeses, especially "Mont d'or"
- good bloody horse steak with shallots "au beurre blond" or with a "roquefort" sauce (I know, I eat horses so I'm almost a cannibal :twisted: )
- foie gras from duck or goose, especially from "Perigord" or "Quercy"
( (
- good French dry sausages (only a few are really good and not full of fat, some are made from ducks or wild boar =P~ ) from "Auvergne" (pig ones), "Quercy" (duck ones) or "Corsica" (wild boar sausages)
- T-Bone cow steak or beef coast cooked on a barbecue with dry herbs
( (
- aligot from "Auvergne" (made with potatoes in puree, "tome fra?che" (french cheese), garlic, salt and pepper)
( (
well, I stop here or I'll talk about my favorite foods during all the day. :lol:
Krys, there's a beer topic in the neighborhood. Let's post there too, because a good dinner needs some cold beer at the end in the summer! :)
Hm... I've had a good lunch, but I'm hungry after reading this forum. :)
I agree with Zak: T?r? Rudi is far more delicious than any other sweeties! Among "normal" foods, my favourite is a Slovak one: bryndzov? halusky (for some reason, Hungarians call it sztrapacska). It means small noodles (made with potatoes) mixed with "cottage cheese" (t?r?) made of sheep's milk, and served with bits of bacon on its top. But I also have to mention chili beans, and almost every types of cheese!
Quote from: "Krys TOFF"I know, I eat horses so I'm almost a cannibal :twisted:
Almost cannibal? Why? Are you almost a horse (like L?doszpoly or P?ter Lipcsei)? :D
Favourite foods of Akoss Poo:
(not in order)
chilli beans ? la Zaki
chilli beans ? la Akoss Poo
almost any kind of pizza (best: with a thin pasta, tomato sauce, ham, mushrooms, maize, olive, pineapple and ketchup)
chicken in sauce ? la Sichuan with rice
coated mushrooms with chips and mayonnaise
brass?i apr?pecsenye (chips, meat and a lot of garlic)
spaghetti ? la Bolognese with cheese
sweety: chocolate with hazelnuts (probably Milka is the best)
wine from Tokay (sweet szamorodni - white wine)
any kind of sweet or semi sweet red wine
champagne (e.g. BB Arany Cuv?e)
Martini (sweet, white)
Hubertus (something like Jaegermeister)
green absinthe (70 vol.% alcohol)
pear p?linka (Vilmosk?rte is also good, but it contains pear p?linka)
non alcoholic:
pear juice
Milka = Alpenmilch. Shitty, shitty, shitty Alpenmilch!!! :smt033
But "shit" doesn't mean something really bad, as you can see on the image. I've found that on, everybody can check it! :) (The exact translation of "nem igaz?n j?" would be "not really good"...)
Then watch this! My favourite translation from this dictionary page! :)
...aaaand for all who doesn't know: let me introduce CHILLI BEANS ? LA ZAKI!!! :d:d:d
Quote from: "Usrin"Quote from: "Krys TOFF"I know, I eat horses so I'm almost a cannibal :twisted:
Almost cannibal? Why? Are you almost a horse (like L?doszpoly or P?ter Lipcsei)? :D
Many people think that eating horses is like cannibalism... Dunno why. I don't see any difference with eating cows. :lol:
Anyway, my sex is as big as a horse's one ! :smt026 :smt040 (ok, ok, just kidding... :lol: )
Ouch I almost forgot to mention:
- scrambled eggs with sausages and onion, maybe some other vegetables in it
- "hot sandwich" with ham, cheese, ketchup and maybe olive :)
I think now we would almost be able to plan the menu of the meeting! :)
Guly?s (gulasch in Germany) is also very delicious. It is especially good when it is cooked in a bogr?cs on garden parties. In this picture you can see an enormous bogr?cs with a good guly?s with a lot of paprika. :)
Uuuh... I want a real delicious guly?s now! :)
Well lets put recipes here :)
I cooked pasta fredda con salsa di pomodoro yesterday, Lately I'm quite much into Italian food, and I must say it was delicious :)
The speciality of it is that the sauce is cold.
tomato dices + 2 garlic cloves + basil +rosemary + mint (fresh if possible) -? mix together and leave standing for 2 hours at room temperature to have the flavours come together, then mix with mozarella cubes exactly the same size as the tomato.
Then put on cold al dente!!!! paste, and have a good meal.
Great, when the weather is hot.
On wednesday I cooked spinach penne with my love. Own creation, don't search for it on the web :)
Again you need some al dente penne (maybe not so crunchy as for the other recipe), 250g is failry enough for 2 very hungry, or 2 moderately hungry people :)
The sauce consists of: 400-500g of minced spinach, 4 cloves of minced garlic -> cook these until spinach boils and some of the water goes away. Then add oregano, a generous amount of black pepper, a pinch of salt, a little parmesan cheese, and quarters of small champignon mushrooms. If you have big mushrooms, dice them up, but dont slice if possible, they'll get overcooked quickly.
Bring to boil again, and then serve. The sauce is best when the mushroom is almost raw, but has the taste of some garlic.
Don't ever put cheese on the top, it ruins the harmony!
Quote from: "zaqrack"Yes I'm in a spam-mood :D I can have it too sometimes, can't I? :)
This opening post is especially dedicated to Dinmor :)
And its about
T?R? RUDI! (and many other things)

Well if you bring some Turo Rudi to the meeting I will reconsider my view on that snack :)
Quote from: Usrin on May 31, 2005, 03:49:55 PM
Among "normal" foods, my favourite is a Slovak one: bryndzov? halusky (for some reason, Hungarians call it sztrapacska). It means small noodles (made with potatoes) mixed with "cottage cheese" (t?r?) made of sheep's milk, and served with bits of bacon on its top.
I tasted sztrapacska last week - it was the first try in my life. It won't become my favorite... (blame sheep's cottage cheese, I never liked it).
I didn't think I liked sheep cheese, but after tasting strackptkscskcktpskaktcsa, I found out I did! It was a truly great dish, thanks for recommending it, Usrin.
I bought some Pick Paprika Salami two days ago - GREAT! But: 2.99 ? for 250g :o Normal price is about 7 ? for 450 grams of Salami. But this time I couldn't resist. Me and my wife killed the whole thing in one evening, of course! ;D
Quote from: JTK on January 25, 2007, 12:22:16 PM
I bought some Pick Paprika Salami two days ago - GREAT! But: 2.99 ? for 250g :o Normal price is about 7 ? for 450 grams of Salami. But this time I couldn't resist. Me and my wife killed the whole thing in one evening, of course! ;D
I'm not disappointed about your meat capacity. ;D
I can absorb hihetetlen numbers of MEAT! 8)
A simple, but great recipe for WSM 2008:
-take some BIG potatoes, wash them thoroughly, and cook them slightly (edible, but not pulpish) without peeling.
-prepare some Zak-like hellish chili beans
-carve out the middle of the cooked potatoes with a spoon and fill with chili beans
-put some hungarian spicy sasuages on top
-put into the oven for 15 minutes
-enjoy :)
and I have bought the most spicy paprika ever. We couldnt finish it with my brother in a week...
Quote from: zaqrack on January 21, 2008, 08:48:12 PM
A simple, but great recipe for WSM 2008:
-take some BIG potatoes, wash them thoroughly, and cook them slightly (edible, but not pulpish) without peeling.
-prepare some Zak-like hellish chili beans
-carve out the middle of the cooked potatoes with a spoon and fill with chili beans
-put some hungarian spicy sasuages on top
-put into the oven for 15 minutes
-enjoy :)
and I have bought the most spicy paprika ever. We couldnt finish it with my brother in a week...
There's just 1 tiny problem about that recipe zak; with all that potatoe you won't be able to eat as much chili beans :) I think chili beans goes best with more chili beans ;)
Hot paprika? Fine!!! I like to suffer from it. :D
Anyway there was a place one year ago next to my university called "Hot Pot" with a very similar dish (potato with chili beans) - but due to the low quality of the ingredients and the unreasonable high price it went bankrupt. But I guess your version will be a lot better.
No chili beans for 19 months. I guess a single portion would kill me now.
I am just back from a 6 day trip in Zhejiang, 3 days spent in a country guesthouse, enjoying farm food from locally grown vegetables (so rare in China).
We get 5 different foods for every meal. For three days. No repetition, all cooked by the house lady.
DELICIOUUUUUSSSS! YUM YUM YUM. Love Chinese farm food :)
Quote from: zaqrack on August 04, 2012, 06:06:19 PM
DELICIOUUUUUSSSS! YUM YUM YUM. Love Chinese farm food :)
Piiiictures! And the smell as well, please!!! :) :) :)
Sorry, smell transfer is not implemented yet in the forum.
Pictures attached by popular request. Let me know if you need details :)
and a typical breakfast
Quote from: zaqrack on August 07, 2012, 08:49:44 AM
Pictures attached by popular request. Let me know if you need details :)
Really looks very tasty! What's on the plate in the front of the 2nd photo from above?
that was a strange one! Minced meat mixed with some spices, some eggs broken and put on the top of it then cooked (probably semi-steamed) together.
Never ate anything similar in China. It is not too sophisticated, but tasty.
Not my taste.
I want to eat Argentinian beef steak!
Quote from: CTG on August 10, 2012, 09:46:16 AM
I want to eat Argentinian beef steak!
The best meat is Argentinian!
That's an ass! ;D
Zak, I definitely have to visit you one day... :)
If your possibilities are limited by the doctors, you have to discover new favorites. Surprisingly I fond of millet and and buckwheat based food, several vegetables and lean meat. (It would never turn out without my medical problems)
Leave politics topic for a while... UP!
Chili beans for every Stunts pipsqueaks!