World Stunts Meeting 2006 draft event plan
welcoming the first persons at Ferihegy Airport. Having endless conversations and doing anything we'd like to do. live races, free programme.
welcoming the remaining persons at Ferihegy Airport. (most likely only me and maybe someone else will go while the others keep on playing)
In the afternoon a brief sightseeing (optional)
In the evening most likely a live cart race on a near racetrack
The main Budapest sightseeing trip, which might cover some nearby areas too. This is a whole day spent together, so its not optional, its fun, and so a must :)
In the evening most likely Stunts live races until we all crash 100 times, and souvenir sausage shopping for KHR and JTK :)
goodbye to those pipsqueaks who have to fly back home. As most likely the younger pipsqueaks wll stay, we'll have a party in the evening somewhere (if there is any :))
early (don't drink too much on sunday!) departure with the help of the world famous Hungarian National Rail Company. Around lunchtime we visit Eger, one of the most beautiful citiies of Hungary with a nice castle and lots of wine :)
In the late afternoon we arrive to Akoss's place and his mother will cook a real gulasch for us. We discover the nightlife of Kazincbarczika.
departure in the morning with M?V (don't drink too much, again! :)), and we visit Tokaj at the banks of the Tisza, home of the famous Tokaji Asz? dessert wine. In the late afternoon we travel back by train to Budapest. (depending on how many more days you'll stay I guess Akoss might not come with us back) And having of course a big sleep.
Resting, packing and leaving. I stay, of course. You can also stay of course. :)
Sounds great! Thanks for putting so much work into it.
although i don't know my timetable for the summer, i guess i'll be there between 12th and 16th august.
it's a pleasure :)
and on the other hand this is my chosen profession too, so I have to exercise it :)
It certainly looks like a great programme! I'll try to be there as much as possible
Yeah! We're going to be there the whole week right? :smt026
sounds really great, only two little things:
a.) not my mother will cook that gulasch ;), be preparred for an Akoss-gulasch! I cooked that a few times, and my friends were satisfied with it the last time I cooked a gulasch.
b.) well, the night in Kazincbarcika. Two possibilities:
- to drink in Pap? Beer Pub till the dawn, after it, in other pubs, and sleep on the train in our way to Tokaj
- to organize a garden party instead of Kazincbarcika nightlife, and we can sleep there in tents (if we can get enough of it)
it seems i'll be there: August 10th-15th
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"b.) well, the night in Kazincbarcika. Two possibilities:
- to drink in Pap? Beer Pub till the dawn, after it, in other pubs, and sleep on the train in our way to Tokaj
- to organize a garden party instead of Kazincbarcika nightlife, and we can sleep there in tents (if we can get enough of it)
Weather dependence? :)
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"
- to organize a garden party instead of Kazincbarcika nightlife, and we can sleep there in tents (if we can get enough of it)
i vote for this option!
I can supply a 4 person and a 2 person tent.
Great! ;) I would also vote for that option! :D And I could also supply a 4 person tent, and a 1+1 person tent (the first person: ME, the second: a girl)! ;)
When we will be walking between the railway station and our flat, we can drop in for a beer to Pap? - just to visit this magic place, and to substitute the nightlife program with it.
I want to sleep with Lise.... erm I don't want to SLEEP with her. Same tent provides some more interesting things for us... :-D (pooping competition, for example).
Quote from: "zaqrack"Having endless conversations and doing anything we'd like to do. live races, free programme.
Very good start! :)
Quote from: "zaqrack"In the evening most likely a live cart race on a near racetrack
YESSS!!! Quote from: "zaqrack"souvenir sausage shopping for KHR and JTK :)
I hope Tesco's storage is a huge one ;-)
Quote from: "zaqrack"As most likely the younger pipsqueaks wll stay, we'll have a party in the evening somewhere (if there is any :))
What about the grandpas like me? :-? :P
Now here's my data:
Hamburg - Budapest
Flight Lufthansa LH 3476
Arrival in Budapest/Ferihegy: 10.08.2006 08:25 am, Terminal 2B
Budapest - Hamburg
Flight Lufthansa LH 3477
Departure from Budapest/Ferihegy: 14.08.2006 09:00 am, Terminal 2B,
which means check-in must be done until 08:30 am
When are the goth and dm parties you talked about taking place Zak? :bear:
Quote from: "CTG"I want to sleep with Lise.... erm I don't want to SLEEP with her. Same tent provides some more interesting things for us... :-D (pooping competition, for example).
I'm sure she doesnt want to sleep with you :D
Quote from: "JTK"
Budapest - Hamburg
Flight Lufthansa LH 3477
Departure from Budapest/Ferihegy: 14.08.2006 09:00 am, Terminal 2B,
which means check-in must be done until 08:30 am
oh great that you only fly back on monday! great!
Quote from: "lised"When are the goth and dm parties you talked about taking place Zak? :bear:
oh, it depends there are 5-6 groups who organize a DM/goth party monthly/every 2nd week. This week there are 4! I'm amazed.
but I'm afraid having Sziget at the time of the meeting will cause less parties during the week you are here. I really hope there'll be at least one.
The best would be the one organized by the official DM fan club - there are always more than 1000 people. But I'm afriad that wont happen.
Still, there must be a goth place on the Sziget too (or a goth band :)), if there is nothing better :)
Quote from: "zaqrack"Still, there must be a goth place on the Sziget too (or a goth band :)), if there is nothing better :)
Is it obligatory? :smt078
Quote from: "CTG"Is it obligatory? :smt078
I hope it isn't...
DM party for #@&*!<{@?%# people who love it, beer for the others. :)
of course you dont have to come :)
I'm not sure you'd like to see a face-painted Lise, Bonzai Joe and Zak McKracken dressed in full black :D
DM party AND beer for those who love both :D
And eye make-up.
I'm coming by plane so I won't bring beer this time... that will be Akoss' or CTG's job, I guess :) And what about a slight zip of P?linka? :twisted:
Akoss' exercise is the heavy drinks cathegory, maybe wine too. Mine is beer (Usrin can help me, he's an addict too :-D ). Zak can serve mineral water. :lol:
I'll bring some p?linka, yes :D and we'll have it in Kazincbarcika, too :D probably the most alcoholic night during the meeting ;)
Beer: Usrin, CTG
wine: we'll have it in Eger and Tokaj
i'd join the sightseeing tour, or a part of it, because it was fun 2 years ago (although I've seen Budapest so many times...)
i'd probably miss any goth party or things like that. i don't like the ppl there. not my world.
Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"DM party AND beer for those who love both :D
And eye make-up.
and black nailpolish and wild hair :D doesn't get much better...
I have different opinion about makeup and nailpolish.
And also about black colour on a girl.
I still love the natural girls, and not the 'plastic' ones.
Quote from: "lised"Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"DM party AND beer for those who love both :D
And eye make-up.
and black nailpolish and wild hair :D doesn't get much better...
you are sick, baby :-D
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"I have different opinion about makeup and nailpolish.
And also about black colour on a girl.
I still love the natural girls, and not the 'plastic' ones.
You don't have to be a plastic girl because you dress black a couple of times during a whole year :) It might be more beautiful to be natural, but also a bit boring, when you look like that almost each and every single day :)
black is not plastic, i don't like black on a girl due to a different reason
plastic is makeup, eye makeup, polished nail, the wild hair (thin eyebrush, high heeled shoe etc.)... if were a girl, i would not do things like these
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"black is not plastic, i don't like black on a girl due to a different reason
plastic is a polished nail, the wild hair (thin eyebrush, high heeled shoe etc.)... if were a girl, i would not do things like these
I don't think we understand "nail polish and wild hair" the same way. In your eyes I guess it's a "bimbo-look" (because you put thin eyebrush and high heels in the same box).
In my eyes black nail polish and wild hair is a way to dress up, when you're at a goth party. You're not trying to look pretty, but to look dark and deep :) and I'm not only talking about girl hair. Jacob looks good when he's dressed in black.
you are trying to be fashionable, not goth and dark
girls like this are - deep inside - trying to hide themselves, because they are afraid of themselves. trying to resemble to others... just to avoid showing themselves...
i contemn all things which are not natural on a girl, and put them into the same box
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"you are trying to be fashionable, not goth and dark
girls like this are - deep inside - trying to hide themselves, because they are afraid of themselves. trying to resemble to others... just to avoid showing themselves...
i contemn all things which are not natural on a girl, and put them into the same box
Maybe it's fashion to be dark in your country, but not in Denmark. If I wanted to hide behind a fashionable mask, I would look a lot different. And I would also "dress up" much more often than just a couple of times a year. If you're really afraid of yourself, you wouldn't "dare" to look "normal" almost every day.
I think we're misunderstanding each other a bit :)
It really must be because of the differences in the countries. Here, it's fashion to be a goth (and thus to be sad, to use makeup, dye your hair to black, thin your eyebrush etc.), fashion to be a rocker (to be a tough guy/girl, wear a heavy boot, a leather jacket etc.). It's fashion not to be a fashionable person (the disco bitches and their followers). Here, now, you can be yourself, you can preserve your personality if you just look average. It's for the girls, too.
And I was always attracted to the natural things on a girl.
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"It really must be because of the differences in the countries. Here, it's fashion to be a goth (and thus to be sad, to use makeup, dye your hair to black, thin your eyebrush etc.), fashion to be a rocker (to be a tough guy/girl, wear a heavy boot, a leather jacket etc.). It's fashion not to be a fashionable person (the disco bitches and their followers). Here, now, you can be yourself, you can preserve your personality if you just look average. It's for the girls, too.
And I was always attracted to the natural things on a girl.
Really? In Denmark girls have to look as Britney Spears. There are some goths, but most people look at them and think they're crazy.
When all this is said, I really don't think I'm dressing goth these few days, I think I'm dressing dark :) I don't colour my hair, wear boots and leather clothes or have thin eye brush or wear white powder...I'm really looking forward to see the girl in your country. It sounds like there are many things there are different from Denmark.
Have a nice weekend Akoss! :D
Here you 'have to' be even worse than Britney Spears. Hungarian girls are plastic. Always. Almost all of them.
Why do people want to be like someone else? Like the others? Like Britney? One has to show his or her real personality. Fashion only influences the weak people, the people without a personality, or one who wants to hide himself/herself.
Quote from: "lised"I'm really looking forward to see the girl in your country. It sounds like there are many things there are different from Denmark.
Have a nice weekend Akoss! :D
Thanks! You, too! ;)
You will see many Barbie dolls here...
Well you can't satisfy everyone with the way you look. If you like to wear make-up, you can't satisfy Akoss. Personally, I don't see what's wrong with looking un-natural. Appearance is after all just surface - it's not really what matters. If you look natural, your looks still don't have anything to do with the way you really are. I like to use clothes, wild hair, make-up etc. to make me look better than I do without it. If I had to use plastic, I would too :-)
And as Lise says, goths are very rare here in Denmark, you are really courageous if you dare to walk the streets in eye-liner and chains etc., people stare at you in strange ways... I don't like it at all, which is a pity because I like to wear these things. I usually actually let myself be subdued by these norms and just dress normally, slightly darkly. It's sad...
relook yourselves, you all suck big time.
Train and bus timetable for AUG 14-15 on our planned trip:
We travel 3 times by train, and one time from eger to Kazincbarcika by bus, because it's much faster on that route. If Akoss knows an even better solution (microbus?:)), we can change of course.
The start depends on when we want to arrive to Kazincbarcika. I though Eger and Tokaj both need at least 5-6 hours to enjoy ourselves.
So we either go with the 7:15 train from Budapest, arrive to Eger at 9:22, and then we leave to Kazincbarcika at 14:40 (arrival at 16:14)
Or we take the 11:15 train to Eger and leave with the 19:37 bus to Kazincbarcika, in this case to have a night party. :)
Third option:
we take the 9:15 train, arrive to Eger at 11:12, and leave with the 15:55 bus to D?d?stapolcs?ny sz?vetkezeti italbolt (means D?d?stapolcs?ny collective drink shop), and there wait 20 minutes for the bus to Kazincbarcika, where we arrive at 17:59. Well this is what I call a REAL eastern-Hungary trip :)
On the next day we may leave with the 10:26 train (journey time 1:38, the preferred choice) or the 11:28 train (journey time 1:14, needs a compulsory seat ticket which is around 2EUR) to Tokaj, where we spend a nice time again, and most likely we return to Budapest with the 17:51 InterCity or the 17:51 slow and full and cheaper by 4EUR train, and get a nice sleep at home
The total ticket costs at FULL price (unfortunately as I know you have to pay the full price, but I'll ask about international student cards. will be around 6400HUF (~25EUR) and a total of 9 hours spent travelling (and having fun meanwhile :))
I asked about renting a microbus, that would around 280EUR for the bus with fuel and road fees included. I guess thats no option. :(
Budapest-Keleti pu. 07:15 09:22 2:07 142 km 1.624 Ft - 2.
Budapest-Keleti pu. 09:15 11:12 1 1:57 142 km 1.624 Ft - 2.
Budapest-Keleti pu. 11:15 13:12 1 1:57 142 km 1.624 Ft - 2.
Eger, aut?busz ?llom?s Kazincbarcika, aut?busz ?llom?s 14:40 16:14 1:34
Eger, aut?busz ?llom?s D?destapolcs?ny, sz?vetkezeti italbolt 15:55 16:56 1:01 0:20 (waiting time)
D?destapolcs?ny, sz?vetkezeti italbolt Kazincbarcika, aut?busz ?llom?s 17:16 17:59 0:43
Eger, aut?busz ?llom?s Kazincbarcika, Szt.Fl?ri?n t. 19:37 21:15 1:38
10:26 12:04 1 1:38 81 km 890 Ft - 2.
11:28 12:42 1 1:14 81 km 1.020 Ft [R] [P] 1.2.
17:24 20:12 Budapest-Keleti pu. 2:48 238 km 4.060 Ft 2.880 Ft [R] 1.
17:51 21:12 Budapest-Keleti pu. 1 3:21 238 km 3.895 Ft 2.880 Ft [R] 1.2.
17:51 22:07 Budapest-Keleti pu. 1 4:16 238 km 3.375 Ft 2.360 Ft - 1.2.
Quote from: "zaqrack"So we either go with the 7:15 train from Budapest, arrive to Eger at 9:22, and then we leave to Kazincbarcika at 14:40 (arrival at 16:14)
This is my choice!
But of course forever D?d?stapolcs?ny sz?vetkezeti italbolt!!! :lol: :-D
this was the first picture I could find about D?d?stapolcs?ny.
Quote from: "zaqrack"this was the first picture I could find about D?d?stapolcs?ny.

THIS IS A PARASZT! :-D :smt044 :smt082
And I'm sure we wont get lost here!
but its not such a small village, it has more than 1600 inhabitants!
Zaki: it's D?destapolcs?ny, and not D?d?stapolcs?ny. :D It's one of the bigger villages there, and it's not so undeveloped. I know the village, it is one of my usual destinations when I'm riding my bike. I also know where the pub is. :D
I would also opt for the earlier arrival to Kazincbarcika. I want to show more than our garden at night.
D?destapolcs?ny has a web site: ; you can find info and pictures there.
BJ and I now have our tickets, so we will be there for sure! :smt050 I'm really looking forward to see you, drink beer and palinka, play stunts and enjoy the lovely summersun with you! :D
Quote from: "lised"BJ and I now have our tickets, so we will be there for sure! :smt050 I'm really looking forward to see you, drink beer and palinka, play stunts and enjoy the lovely summersun with you! :D
:yawinkle: :supz: :smt041 =D> \:D/
I'll do a countdown. Still 184 days left. Half year... :?
Quote from: "lised"BJ and I now have our tickets, so we will be there for sure! :smt050 I'm really looking forward to see you, drink beer and palinka, play stunts and enjoy the lovely summersun with you! :D
oh great! did you bu y the ridiculously cheap one i found for you? :)
Yes, we did. Now I hope it's not a fake site that just wants to steal my money :-)
It's fake. I saw there's a Gelato at the airport. :-D
Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"Yes, we did. Now I hope it's not a fake site that just wants to steal my money :-)
What was your price? Mine was ~ 100,00 ?.
Quote from: "JTK"Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"Yes, we did. Now I hope it's not a fake site that just wants to steal my money :-)
What was your price? Mine was ~ 100,00 ?.
Also around 100,00 ? for both of us...both ways :)
Of course both ways for me, too. And best of all (which i couldn't believe at first): I'll come with Lufthansa. :shock: VEry cheap flight, then.
Oh, how I'm looking to meeting all of you! 8)
And how I'm looking forward to winning all the eating contests. :D
Quote from: "zaqrack"In the evening most likely a live cart race on a near racetrack
This is very interesting to me. Do you already have some information (website e.g.?), Zak?
edit: i moved all the cart information to a separate topic. please reply there if you'd like to join or only watch.
How will the weather be, you think? I know it's very early to ask, but you know when a girl is leaving home for more than one day, it will take around a half year before she decides which clothes she'll bring ;-)
Well Akoss and usrin are the weather experts, but as I recall in August daytime temperature is usually around/above 30C, in the evening its around 20. Rains are very rare, but we'll have the raingod with us so that doesnt matter anyway :)
Quote from: "zaqrack":D
Well Akoss and usrin are the weather experts, but as I recall in August daytime temperature is usually around/above 30C, in the evening its around 20. Rains are very rare, but we'll have the raingod with us so that doesnt matter anyway :)
Really? You won't see me at all then :D I'll be off with my bikini and a lot of books! :D
Quote from: "lised"Quote from: "zaqrack":D
Well Akoss and usrin are the weather experts, but as I recall in August daytime temperature is usually around/above 30C, in the evening its around 20. Rains are very rare, but we'll have the raingod with us so that doesnt matter anyway :)
Really? You won't see me at all then :D I'll be off with my bikini and a lot of books! :D
No way, I'll also go with you to the "beach" :)
I did that with Thomas and we had incredible fun on the water slides :)
Quote from: "zaqrack"Quote from: "lised"Quote from: "zaqrack":D
Well Akoss and usrin are the weather experts, but as I recall in August daytime temperature is usually around/above 30C, in the evening its around 20. Rains are very rare, but we'll have the raingod with us so that doesnt matter anyway :)
Really? You won't see me at all then :D I'll be off with my bikini and a lot of books! :D
No way, I'll also go with you to the "beach" :)
I did that with Thomas and we had incredible fun on the water slides :)
You will? :D You know what...I have a feeling that the summer really can't get any better now :smt026
Quote from: "zaqrack"Quote from: "lised"BJ and I now have our tickets, so we will be there for sure! :smt050 I'm really looking forward to see you, drink beer and palinka, play stunts and enjoy the lovely summersun with you! :D
oh great! did you bu y the ridiculously cheap one i found for you? :)
I looked for the prices, and it's the same as 2 years ago : quite expensive for me...
Best price I found is 72 ? both ways (from 9th to 16th) but I have to add the train ticket to join Orly airport. Overall, it's a bit more than 100 ? just for the travel.
If I add the cost of food during this week + travel by train to Akoss' city
+ cart race + potential other things to do or to buy, then it will be more than 150 ? overall, maybe even close to 200?, which is more than I can afford. Trip to Denmark cost me around 100? last year overall.
For less than 200?, I'll go 1 week with all my family on Normandy, very close to the sea.
Sorry, my family 1st. It's now (almost) sure I won't come.
But you must have some kind of plan to come :-) Otherwise you wouldn't have looked for flights - you couldn't have expected to find anything cheaper than 72 Euros... that's very cheap.
See you in August! :P
The trip to Denmark cost 58 000 HUF to me (travelling, eating, drinking, premeeting in Budapest, tivoli park etc.), which is around 230 Euro. I wonder if a poor Hungarian could afford it once... I'm not going to finish the sentence.
An average western European earns 10 times more than a Hungarian, and the prices are only 1,5-3 times more than here... So...
:? :? :?
Quote from: "Krys TOFF" will be more than 150 ? overall, maybe even close to 200?, which is more than I can afford
And what if I lend you some money? :) Not too much because I'm not a rich man but let's say 20 Euros. More than nothing. Just come!
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"The trip to Denmark cost 58 000 HUF to me (travelling, eating, drinking, premeeting in Budapest, tivoli park etc.), which is around 230 Euro. I wonder if a poor Hungarian could afford it once... I'm not going to finish the sentence.
An average western European earns 10 times more than a Hungarian, and the prices are only 1,5-3 times more than here... So...
:? :? :?
Let me explain : I probably have a good salary compared to the ones paid in Hungary, yes.
But :
- I have a wife and 4 children to supply with just my own salary,
- I have a house to pay (still 12 years to pay, I pay it for 8 years now),
- I have 2 cars, still 1 to pay (a big one for the 6 of us, and a small Citro?n Saxo just for me to go to work which is not finished to be paid),
- Life is probably more expensive in France than Hungary just because average salary is higher : cost
for food only for the 6 of us is around 150 ? for only one week. Average cost per week is 200 ? if I add upkeeping products and other non-food things. I do not count some additionnal things like DVD and so on (which I do not buy very often). How much do you pay for 1 week Akoss ?
Let's make it mathematic :
- 200? / week x 4.5 week /month = 900 ?
- house and car cost = 800 ? / month (only 600 ? starting in December 2006 when my Saxo will be paid)
- other loan I also have for raw material cost I took to improve my house (create 2 bedrooms made in the attic) : 100 ? / month (this one stops in november 2006).
Overall costs = 900 + 800 + 100 = 1800 ?.
I earn 1850 ? / month.
Free money remaining = ?
Of course, things will be a lot better in 2007 because I'll have 300 ? of loan that will be stopped. But for this year, as for the last 2 years, situation is sharp. It was easier when my wife still had a job, but it stopped 2 years ago and she didn't get a new one since then (when you write "4 children" on a
curriculum vitae, it stops everyone :? )
Okay, let's increase my offer to 25 Euros. :)
Krys: Tell me the maximal costs you can still afford and we will solve it somehow. I hope others will help a bit too.
1850 Euros per a month? Then the cost of the meeting would be only 10-11% of a monthly salary for you.
An average Hungarian earns around 400 Euros per a month. For him, the price would be around 50% of a monthly salary. And the Hungarians will be there. And were in the distant Denmark!
I must cover the cost of the meeting from my stipendium and pocket money. It's not too much. The two together is 95-100 Euros/month, and I have to buy food, drinks, books, photocopy etc. from it in the university. And the Hungarians will be there!!! And were in the distant Denmark!!!!!!
Remark: The household, car etc. costs' proportion must be the same here in Hungary compared to other countries.
look, don't bother Krys with these things.
If I'd have a fixed amount of money for holidays, and I'd have 4 children, I'd also choose my children instead of a Stunts Meeting.
Hopefully that'll never happen, but still, I can understand his point.
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"
Remark: The household, car etc. costs' proportion must be the same here in Hungary compared to other countries.
It's nowehere near close!!!
The reason why living is cheaper here is mainly because of the significantly lower household costs.
We can upkeep our flat with all the bills and the foods for the two of us with my brother from 500EUR/month. That includes about 200EUR for foods, 200 for the bills, and the rest 100EUR is what we get as pocket money.
I said the proportinos, and not the costs.
The question was not about costs of living. I think it's hard to keep such a big family from one salary and I accept if Krys says it's too expensive for him. To help a bit, I offered some money for the WSM - if you want to come.
I won't mix in other people's economical issues, we just have to accept Krys' decision of priority, even though it is sad. I guess it's not just about money, but also about time. You can always find 200 Euroes in your budget to go to WSM if you really want to. Then you just have to save them elsewhere. If Krys doesn't want to save them on the family holiday, and doesn't want to save them on something else either, that's his decision. Sad for us, but fair enough.
Anyway I hope Krys will come. :)
Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"I guess it's not just about money, but also about time. You can always find 200 Euroes in your budget to go to WSM if you really want to. Then you just have to save them elsewhere. If Krys doesn't want to save them on the family holiday, and doesn't want to save them on something else either, that's his decision. Sad for us, but fair enough.
Very true, word by word.
Zak, will your girlfriend be there through the whole meeting? I'll have someone to talk to, when you're getting too lost in the computer wolrd :)
Does anyone know anything about Diesel Joe...? :?
Quote from: "JTK"Does anyone know anything about Diesel Joe...? :?
He's still drinking! :-D
Quote from: "lised"Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"DM party AND beer for those who love both :D
And eye make-up.
and black nailpolish and wild hair :D doesn't get much better...
I forgot how good a mix of cold coke, stunts and loud music is...NOW it doesn't get any better :smt020
you forgot the chips.
Quote from: "al il professore"you forgot the chips.
Don't have any =P~ Can I have some of yours? 8-[
@CTG : thanks for the offer, but I don't want others to pay for me.
@ the others : thanks for understanding. I still try to find a way to be there according to budget+time+family, but so far probability that I won't be there is bigger than the probability I'll be there.
Quote from: "JTK"Does anyone know anything about Diesel Joe...? :?
We should write him a nice email in order to persuade him to reenter the forum.
Make it so. 8)
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"Quote from: "JTK"Does anyone know anything about Diesel Joe...? :?
We should write him a nice email in order to persuade him to reenter the forum.
Now - did you do it?
Quote from: "JTK"Quote from: "Akoss Poo"Quote from: "JTK"Does anyone know anything about Diesel Joe...? :?
We should write him a nice email in order to persuade him to reenter the forum.
Now - did you do it?
Did I promise it? Btw we have a lot of time to do that.
Maybe DJ is womanizing. 8)
Quote from: "CTG"Quote from: "JTK"Does anyone know anything about Diesel Joe...? :?
He's still drinking! :-D
:lol: :lol: he sure is
any new facts/programs?
not until I finish my exams :)
Now Zak - how shall I do it with the money. Shall I...
- bring Forinth from here to pay you for everything?
- bring Euro, so that you pay evertything for me and I give you the Euros afterwards?
- transfer money to your account, so that you pay evertything for me and I transfer the amount later?
- not bother you, leave you alone with my problems and care for myself?
just bring the money preferably Euro, you can change at better rates here, no need to transfer, and we'll see if I'll have (probably will) enough money to cover the costs, and then settle things on the last day of the meeting.
O.k., thank you! I also think this is the easiest solution. 8)
Beer provider's calculations: 150-160 bottles needed. Huge amount of b?ffs! :D
Your job this time. I cannot bring beer on the plane 8)
yep, please organize the drinks!
I'll take care of everything else ;)
I'll bring a nice bottle of p?linka (1,0 litre, around 52 V/V%) hopefully.
But only the alcoholic drinks. :D
By the way: is there anything you would like us to bring from Denmark?
Of course there is. Bring a bikini. ;D
some kransekager
please, please :)
Quote from: CTG on August 03, 2006, 08:47:28 PM
Of course there is. Bring a bikini. ;D
Sure....I'll do that! :)
Quote from: CTG on August 03, 2006, 08:47:28 PM
Of course there is. Bring a bikini. ;D
Hmm I'm not really sure, that you'll look that hot in a bikini ;)
Quote from: lised on August 03, 2006, 09:22:58 PM
Quote from: CTG on August 03, 2006, 08:47:28 PM
Of course there is. Bring a bikini. ;D
Hmm I'm not really sure, that you'll look that hot in a bikini ;)
But then you will be naked. :D
Quote from: CTG on August 03, 2006, 09:48:08 PM
Quote from: lised on August 03, 2006, 09:22:58 PM
Quote from: CTG on August 03, 2006, 08:47:28 PM
Of course there is. Bring a bikini. ;D
Hmm I'm not really sure, that you'll look that hot in a bikini ;)
But then you will be naked. :D
Interesting conclusion ;) I don't really think WST is the right place for me to be naked :)