Stunts Forum

Life beside Stunts => Chat - Misc => Topic started by: ThugBone on November 01, 2006, 04:25:43 PM

Title: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on November 01, 2006, 04:25:43 PM
Hello people,

my username is ThugBone, I'm a 22 year old man from Leipzig, Germany !!

Many years ago i played stunts very often and last week I have found the link on wikipedia. So I have downloaded the game and it makes a lot of fun.

Now I Have decided to registry me here...I hope i can learn new things, and download the latest features, tracks, cars whatever....

My english isn't the best, but i hope it's enough to communicate with you and understand what you write..

If there any questions to me...then you can start !

Best regards and nice time,

I hope this is the right forum to present me.
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: JTK on November 01, 2006, 04:36:25 PM
Hi and welcome,

yes, you chose the right way to the community! At ( you will find the Stunts Portal with many links and the active Stunts contests (like mine :D).
Und falls es mal mit der Sprache nicht so klappen soll, kannst Du Dich auch gerne auf Deutsch an mich wenden (ich habe auch den Wikipediaeintrag geschrieben).
Anyway, I hope you'll find your place in the community and most important - that you start racing with us! 8)

Many greetings from JTK
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: lised on November 01, 2006, 07:04:04 PM
Quote from: JTK on November 01, 2006, 04:36:25 PM
Hi and welcome,

yes, you chose the right way to the community! At ( you will find the Stunts Portal with many links and the active Stunts contests (like mine :D).
Und falls es mal mit der Sprache nicht so klappen soll, kannst Du Dich auch gerne auf Deutsch an mich wenden (ich habe auch den Wikipediaeintrag geschrieben).
Anyway, I hope you'll find your place in the community and most important - that you start racing with us! 8)

Many greetings from JTK

Man darf nicht Deutsch hier sprechen!!

But anyway welcome...Don't worry about your English - it's just great!
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: zaqrack on November 01, 2006, 07:06:32 PM

Ja, ich auch spreche Deutsch - aber lieber English :)
---und ich muss es benutzen -ich will nicht alles vergessen :)

Du solltest nicht traurig sein, wenn es am start schlecht geht. Es ist nicht so schwer, die wichtigsten Tips lernen um ein erfolgreiches Stunts-pipsqueak zu werden!

Ich w?nsche dir viel Erfolg und Spass hier! :)


Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Mislav on November 01, 2006, 08:03:48 PM
Ach gebt's zu Leute, wir sprechen doch fast alle Deutsch :)

Willkommen ThugBone! You arrived at the good moment, the current competition track is easy to drive! Enjoy it!
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: CTG on November 01, 2006, 09:51:22 PM
Germany is my favorite country not counting Hungary - so welcome Thug Bone! :D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: DieselJoe on November 01, 2006, 10:11:57 PM
Auch von mir ein herzliches Willkommen! :)
Mensch, wo ich gerade zuf?llig einen Leipziger "treffe": du kannst mir nicht zuf?llig sagen, wie sehr die Akustik in eurer Arena f?r Live-Konzerte geeignet ist? :D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM
Wow - thank you for your nice welcome greetz !!!

I will hope - i post my questions and answers in the right thread, but at first I must make me a overview.

Another question: When can i try me in one of these competitions ? The new season is start 2007 is this right ? Or is there any way where i can start now ? I'm hungry  ;D

@JTK: Yes, you are the driver with the fastest times in my highscores at my stunt version  ;)

@zaqrack: I have played stunts, years ago soon every day it was great..and i hope all my experience isn't away.
               But what is a "pipsqueak" ?

@CTG: yeah in my holidays this summer I was in Hungary, in Siofok/Balaton. Are you Hungarian ?

@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: JTK on November 02, 2006, 10:01:43 AM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM
@JTK: Yes, you are the driver with the fastest times in my highscores at my stunt version  ;)
Uaaaah, *wipingthetearsfrommyeyes*, when did I read something like that before - oh, thanks ThugBone, you made my day. Hihetetlen, you will soon see thazt my times are very crappy. ;D

@Zak: Shall I correct your German writing just to optmize your almost perfect (really) German writing abilities? ;)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: lised on November 02, 2006, 03:13:55 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM
Wow - thank you for your nice welcome greetz !!!

I will hope - i post my questions and answers in the right thread, but at first I must make me a overview.

Another question: When can i try me in one of these competitions ? The new season is start 2007 is this right ? Or is there any way where i can start now ? I'm hungry  ;D

@JTK: Yes, you are the driver with the fastest times in my highscores at my stunt version  ;)

@zaqrack: I have played stunts, years ago soon every day it was great..and i hope all my experience isn't away.
               But what is a "pipsqueak" ?

@CTG: yeah in my holidays this summer I was in Hungary, in Siofok/Balaton. Are you Hungarian ?

@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!

There's a new competition every month, so get started NOW :) (yeah yeah I know guys, I have to get started again too)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 03:35:52 PM
Quote from: lised on November 02, 2006, 03:13:55 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM
Wow - thank you for your nice welcome greetz !!!

I will hope - i post my questions and answers in the right thread, but at first I must make me a overview.

Another question: When can i try me in one of these competitions ? The new season is start 2007 is this right ? Or is there any way where i can start now ? I'm hungry  ;D

@JTK: Yes, you are the driver with the fastest times in my highscores at my stunt version  ;)

@zaqrack: I have played stunts, years ago soon every day it was great..and i hope all my experience isn't away.
               But what is a "pipsqueak" ?

@CTG: yeah in my holidays this summer I was in Hungary, in Siofok/Balaton. Are you Hungarian ?

@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!

There's a new competition every month, so get started NOW :) (yeah yeah I know guys, I have to get started again too)

?hm sorry guys - but where is the competition for these month (november) ?
I don't see it.. my overview about this forum is still bordered. sorry

Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: lised on November 02, 2006, 03:46:55 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 03:35:52 PM
Quote from: lised on November 02, 2006, 03:13:55 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM
Wow - thank you for your nice welcome greetz !!!

I will hope - i post my questions and answers in the right thread, but at first I must make me a overview.

Another question: When can i try me in one of these competitions ? The new season is start 2007 is this right ? Or is there any way where i can start now ? I'm hungry  ;D

@JTK: Yes, you are the driver with the fastest times in my highscores at my stunt version  ;)

@zaqrack: I have played stunts, years ago soon every day it was great..and i hope all my experience isn't away.
               But what is a "pipsqueak" ?

@CTG: yeah in my holidays this summer I was in Hungary, in Siofok/Balaton. Are you Hungarian ?

@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!

There's a new competition every month, so get started NOW :) (yeah yeah I know guys, I have to get started again too)

?hm sorry guys - but where is the competition for these month (november) ?
I don't see it.. my overview about this forum is still bordered. sorry

The monthly competition isn't here (if it is I can't find it either), so that is why you can't find it here. You have to visit this site: ...there you'll find the track of the month (if you log in, you'll be able to push "download") and you can also see which car you have to use to the track, what the best times are now and most important: you can send your own track there!
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: lised on November 02, 2006, 03:49:26 PM
By the way ThugBone...check out "World Stunts Meeting 2007"!! :)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: JTK on November 02, 2006, 05:12:27 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 03:35:52 PM
?hm sorry guys - but where is the competition for these month (november) ?
I don't see it.. my overview about this forum is still bordered. sorry

You can see all active competitions at the Stunts Portal (
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: DieselJoe on November 02, 2006, 05:33:41 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!
Okay, dann sprechen wir wohl von verschiedenen Arenen, meine ist n?mlich eine Halle! ;) Und das Fu?ballspiel sah mir im Fernsehen nicht danach aus! :D

Quote from: lised on November 01, 2006, 07:04:04 PMMan darf nicht Deutsch hier sprechen!!
Okay, from now on! ;)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 02, 2006, 08:34:11 PM
Welcome to Stunts community ThugBone, I hope you'll join some of the competitions and stay with us. ;)

I won't tell anything in German, only German words I know are titles of Rammstein songs, and I'm not sure you'll like to hear me tell you that "Du reichst so gut" or to hear me talk about "Mein teil". :D  ;D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on November 03, 2006, 08:23:31 AM
Quote from: JTK on November 02, 2006, 05:12:27 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 03:35:52 PM
?hm sorry guys - but where is the competition for these month (november) ?
I don't see it.. my overview about this forum is still bordered. sorry

You can see all active competitions at the Stunts Portal (

Ahh now i think to understand...i have already register me on zak's page and have driven (?) this course...

Not on all competitions are now races running, right ? By JTK Track 5 is comming soon ?

Quote from: DieselJoe on November 02, 2006, 05:33:41 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!
Okay, dann sprechen wir wohl von verschiedenen Arenen, meine ist n?mlich eine Halle! ;) Und das Fu?ballspiel sah mir im Fernsehen nicht danach aus! :D

Also i kenn mich zwar nicht sooo gut in Leipzig aus...aber meines Wissens gibt es hier nur eine Arena...und das ist das Stadion...zu welchen Konzert willst du denn Gr?nemeyer ?

Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 02, 2006, 08:34:11 PM
Welcome to Stunts community ThugBone, I hope you'll join some of the competitions and stay with us. ;)

I won't tell anything in German, only German words I know are titles of Rammstein songs, and I'm not sure you'll like to hear me tell you that "Du reichst so gut" or to hear me talk about "Mein teil". :D  ;D

Yes, I have yesterday tried me in the first competition :)

LOL "Mutter" - "Links 2,3,4" :) Do you know the meaning of these songs ? Do you understand that what they are "singing" ?
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: zaqrack on November 03, 2006, 09:59:17 AM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM
@zaqrack: I have played stunts, years ago soon every day it was great..and i hope all my experience isn't away.
               But what is a "pipsqueak" ?

@CTG: yeah in my holidays this summer I was in Hungary, in Siofok/Balaton. Are you Hungarian ?

pipsqueak: select Herr Otto Partz as an opponent in Stunts - and I know it's hard - but try to lose! You'll know what a pipsqueak is :) Anyway it's just a nice forum feature, that whenever someone writes "pipsqueak" it's automatically "corrected" to "pipsqueak"  ;D

and yep, CTG is Hungarian. me too - along with many other pipsqueaks. Check the ZakStunts scoreboards and you'll see! :)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 03, 2006, 11:25:37 AM
Quote from: ThugBoneLOL "Mutter" - "Links 2,3,4" :) Do you know the meaning of these songs ? Do you understand that what they are "singing" ?
I don't speak German but I know a French website with lyrics translation. ;)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on November 03, 2006, 12:01:11 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 03, 2006, 11:25:37 AM
Quote from: ThugBoneLOL "Mutter" - "Links 2,3,4" :) Do you know the meaning of these songs ? Do you understand that what they are "singing" ?
I don't speak German but I know a French website with lyrics translation. ;)

Je regarde maintenant tu habite dans France ?

okay my French is much inferior than my english. I have French only 3 schoolyears. English 7 years I think.

Is it true that the french people doesn't have problems with drive against the other cars during parking in ?
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: DieselJoe on November 03, 2006, 08:10:08 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 03, 2006, 08:23:31 AM
Quote from: DieselJoe on November 02, 2006, 05:33:41 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!
Okay, dann sprechen wir wohl von verschiedenen Arenen, meine ist n?mlich eine Halle! ;) Und das Fu?ballspiel sah mir im Fernsehen nicht danach aus! :D

Also i kenn mich zwar nicht sooo gut in Leipzig aus...aber meines Wissens gibt es hier nur eine Arena...und das ist das Stadion...zu welchen Konzert willst du denn Gr?nemeyer ?
It definately exists, here are links to a wikipedia entry and to pictures found by google! ;)
I'm going to visit a TOOL concert at the 4th of December! :)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 04, 2006, 12:09:42 AM
Quote from: ThugBoneIs it true that the french people doesn't have problems with drive against the other cars during parking in ?
Mmmm, I'm not sure what you mean... Do you say that French can park cars without hitting any other car, or do you say we always hit other cars while parking but no-one cares ?
Anyway, we train our parking capabilities with flash games like this one : or this one (with handbrake) :
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: CTG on November 04, 2006, 10:47:33 AM
Back to the title: "Hello. My name is Bond. James Bond." ;D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on November 06, 2006, 08:58:55 AM
Quote from: DieselJoe on November 03, 2006, 08:10:08 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 03, 2006, 08:23:31 AM
Quote from: DieselJoe on November 02, 2006, 05:33:41 PM
Quote from: ThugBone on November 02, 2006, 09:28:08 AM@DieselJoe: I war in der Arena noch nie zu einem Konzert, allerdings war die Stimmung/Atmosph?re beim WM-SPiel Angola-Iran fantastisch!
Okay, dann sprechen wir wohl von verschiedenen Arenen, meine ist n?mlich eine Halle! ;) Und das Fu?ballspiel sah mir im Fernsehen nicht danach aus! :D

Also i kenn mich zwar nicht sooo gut in Leipzig aus...aber meines Wissens gibt es hier nur eine Arena...und das ist das Stadion...zu welchen Konzert willst du denn Gr?nemeyer ?
It definately exists, here are links to a wikipedia entry and to pictures found by google! ;)
I'm going to visit a TOOL concert at the 4th of December! :)

Ah now i know what you mean..I don't know that is called Arena, but it's possible...the stadium was called so during the WM. But really it's called Zentralstadion...

To your question: I wasn't in there and so I can't say anything about it. sorry

Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 04, 2006, 12:09:42 AM
Quote from: ThugBoneIs it true that the french people doesn't have problems with drive against the other cars during parking in ?
do you say we always hit other cars while parking but no-one cares ?

Yes this i what I heared :D

nice games :lol:

Quote from: CTG on November 04, 2006, 10:47:33 AM
Back to the title: "Hello. My name is Bond. James Bond." ;D

That's not exactly right...I'm from the CIA and fight against pirate copy. And my number isn't 007. It's 911 :D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: JTK on November 06, 2006, 09:41:54 AM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 04, 2006, 12:09:42 AM
Mmmm, I'm not sure what you mean... Do you say that French can park cars without hitting any other car, or do you say we always hit other cars while parking but no-one cares ?
Anyway, we train our parking capabilities with flash games like this one : or this one (with handbrake) :

Yes there is that roumor and it can sometimes be seen in old movies. It's said that in France you may not park with brakes on so that others can bump one car backwards and one forward and park inbetween.

Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 06, 2006, 05:52:10 PM
Quote from: JTKYes there is that roumor and it can sometimes be seen in old movies. It's said that in France you may not park with brakes on so that others can bump one car backwards and one forward and park inbetween.
Oh, ok. I think it's not true... Maybe except in Paris sometimes. ;D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: BonzaiJoe on November 06, 2006, 08:13:44 PM
Hello ThugBone and welcome to the community!

Ich spreche auch Deutsch mit schlechen Grammatik.

Maybe we met this summer by the Balaton lake, Zak McKracken and I went there on August 20 :)

Now, I only wish for you that you make it through what I call the "disillusion" period. You come to the contest, you begin to race, thinking you are really good, and then once you've worked hard on a strong replay, you find out that you are AGES behind the leaders and you simply can't imagine how anyone can be so fast. This is the time of disillusion. One must not give up at this time, but simply begin to race harder and learn from strong replays :)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Chulk on November 06, 2006, 11:52:09 PM
Welcome Thugbone. It seems you're a very active forum member! That's great. I wonder if CTG has some competition now...
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: CTG on November 07, 2006, 12:36:01 PM
Competition? Don't make me laugh. I'm still the main spammer with a lot more posts than anybody else. ;D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 07, 2006, 04:30:25 PM
Quote from: CTGI'm still the main spammer with a lot more posts than anybody else. ;D
CT, CT... CTG is spamming. ;D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: CTG on November 07, 2006, 05:31:14 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 07, 2006, 04:30:25 PM
Quote from: CTGI'm still the main spammer with a lot more posts than anybody else. ;D
CT, CT... CTG is spamming. ;D

Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: zaqrack on November 07, 2006, 09:11:09 PM
City G  8)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: CTG on November 07, 2006, 09:43:47 PM
Zack Krack's Track Pack
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on November 08, 2006, 08:30:02 AM
WTF ??? :D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: CTG on November 08, 2006, 08:49:52 AM
Nothing, dear ThugBone. Try USC contest  (http://"") too! :)
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Krys TOFF on November 08, 2006, 04:16:01 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFFCT, CT... CTG is spamming. ;D
Quote from: ThugBoneWTF ??? :D
This is a song. Check World Stunts Meetings of 2004-2005-2006 topics.
2004 : "shitty, shitty... shitty alpenmilch" => the origin
2005 and later : numerous new versions : "fisse" version, "Diesel Joe's still drinking" version, ... And now "CTG is spamming" version. :D
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: lised on November 08, 2006, 04:20:44 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 08, 2006, 04:16:01 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFFCT, CT... CTG is spamming. ;D
Quote from: ThugBoneWTF ??? :D
This is a song. Check World Stunts Meetings of 2004-2005-2006 topics.
2004 : shitty, shitty... shitty apfelmich (not sure of the name) => the origin
2005 and later : numerous new versions : "fisse" version, "Diesel Joe's still drinking" version, ... And now "CTG is spamming" version. :D

It's on the melody of the chorus of "shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather", by Velvet Underground. We began on the "pik (dick) version" this year, but we still need two more "names" to finish the song.
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: CTG on November 08, 2006, 11:28:59 PM
You forgot to mention the most famous song of these...

Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: BonzaiJoe on November 09, 2006, 12:32:40 AM
Just for the record, the original Velvet Underground song is called "Venus In Furs". Come to the next World Stunts Meeting and you'll understand the importance of this song :). In 2006, guitars and a new structure was added, so it's going to be great.
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: JTK on November 09, 2006, 10:50:33 AM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on November 08, 2006, 04:16:01 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFFCT, CT... CTG is spamming. ;D
Quote from: ThugBoneWTF ??? :D
This is a song. Check World Stunts Meetings of 2004-2005-2006 topics.
2004 : "shitty, shitty... shitty alpenmilch" => the origin
2005 and later : numerous new versions : "fisse" version, "Diesel Joe's still drinking" version, ... And now "CTG is spamming" version. :D

Chilli chili, chili beans in pina.
Firey Firey, Firey ass on closet.
Crashy crashy, crashy Zak McCrashen.
Ole Ole, Ole and his penis.
Zaki Zaki, Zaki live on faki

Very famous:
Fisse, Fotze, Foufoune, Pina, Pizda.

And here the drunk Akoss Poo version:
Fisse Fisse, Fisse Fisse Fisse.

And of course the long, long Diesel song:
Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe is drunken
but Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe's still drinking
Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe will vomit
but Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe's still drinking
Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe will pass out
but Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe's still drinking
Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe is bleeding
but Diesel-Diesel - Diesel Joe's still drinking

And here's the melody (made by Diesel Joe): Fisse.mid (

You should come to the 2007 World Stunts Meeting, then you'll sure soon learn our songs.  ;D

Our song, it gives us a reason...
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: ThugBone on January 03, 2007, 01:57:56 PM
Hello people...I don't know if you have missed me ?!

I had an sport accident so i spent a lot time in hospital, an there is another operation at march ..I'm unhappy because I can't start the drivers season in your competition...

Have a nice year - best regards - until soon
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: zaqrack on January 03, 2007, 03:14:26 PM
Oh damn!
Get well soon!

I've had many sport accidents - luckily no operations were needed, just some broken bones.
Don't worry though, you can miss two month at ZakStunts without any consequences, so you can still win the season when you start in march!
Title: Re: Hello my name is ThugBone
Post by: Krys TOFF on January 03, 2007, 05:22:08 PM
Damn, I had thought you left us (so numerous people said hello and never started to race, or raced only once) but your missing was due to much more important reason ! :o :-[
Rest well and come back when you'll be fine. Happy new year anyway. ;)