From now Duplode is unbeatable...
1 Duplode
2 Alan Rotoi
3 Bonzai Joe
4 Friker
6 Chulk
7 Super Brian
8 Zak McKracken
9 AbuRaf 70
10 Overdrijf
Me, unbeatable? :D By the way, I should mention I really do not plan to race for real before eleven-ish of June or so...
I tend to find that doing predictions involving myself is somewhat nonsensical, but anyway:
1. Alan Rotoi
2. Bonzai Joe
3. Duplode
4. CTG
5. Chulk
6. Friker
7. Zak McKracken
8. AbuRaf70
9. Overdrijf
10. SuperBrian
This one is very difficult to predict because it depends heavily on Alan Rotoi's participation level. He could stop now or he could race seriously. Vast difference... Assuming participation here.
1. Duplode
2. Alan Rotoi
3. CTG
4. Bonzai Joe
5. Friker
6. AbuRaf70
7. Overdrijf
8. Zak McKracken
9. SuperBrian
10. Ice
I will be busy the whole month, and probably won't be able to race (or get online) after the 22nd. Assuming Zak will also be busy, and the non-participation of Chulk.
I quote myself from news page: "Corvette and AC/DC! Count me in!"
Well, good :) I'd rather have you participate than win the prediction game. Now put your money where your mouth is and rock the scoreboard 8)
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on June 04, 2009, 09:10:54 PM
Well, good :) I'd rather have you participate than win the prediction game. Now put your money where your mouth is and rock the scoreboard 8)
Can't promise anything more than my participation.
Then you should finish 11th, so I can win the prediction game ;D
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on June 05, 2009, 03:06:38 PM
Then you should finish 11th, so I can win the prediction game ;D
Well, I'll promise just one thing:
I promise to screw your predictions up!
Little modification:
1 Duplode
2 Bonzai Joe
3 Alan Rotoi
4 Mingva
5 Friker
7 Super Brian
8 Chulk
9 AbuRaf 70
10 Zak McKracken
You'll never change ;D
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 18, 2009, 01:14:10 PM
You'll never change ;D
Let me pretend to be dumb: change in what? ;D
You never change in putting yourself in lower posittions when it's known you'll fight to the end.
1. Alan Rotoi
2. CTG
3. Duplode
4. Paradisio
5. Friker
6. BJ
7. Superbrian
8. Aburaf
9. Zak
I wonder why never the pipsqueaks says "I will win" or puts theirself in the first place in the prediction game.
Quote from: alanrotoi on June 23, 2009, 08:52:52 PM
I wonder why never the pipsqueaks says "I will win" or puts theirself in the first place in the prediction game.
I don't do it because I never feel like the favourite to win...
The only thing I know: Rotoi and CTG won't win. :D
I guess that I.....
Quote from: CTG on June 24, 2009, 10:48:52 AM
The only thing I know: Rotoi and CTG won't win. :D
I was right... again! :D
I had fever last 4 days or else I would have won...
...the prediciton game :P