Hi Guys
I am new to the forum, but i have already created my own car!!
Please try it and let me know what u think!!
Very cool, Jimmy! It is great to see new cars being designed. A modified Countach pairs pretty well with my GT3 'Vette :) Speaking of the ZR1, I approve of the Corvette-based dashboard. On track, it is much like a cheat car due to the very high grip (thankfully it is not ridiculously fast like the Niva and others) - except that it also has VERY STRONG anti-power gear (http://wiki.stunts.hu/index.php/Anti-Power%20Gear). That guarantees a puzzling ride for all of you who are going to try it (probably best done in a fast track with interestingly positioned jumps). In fact, the anti-PG is so strong that later I will have a look at the .RES to make sure I understand what's going on under the hood.
PS.: Is it OK for me to upload it to Southern Cross (http://scr.stunts.hu), Jimmy? (I could do it now or wait your instruction in case you wish to mod the car any further, just let me know)
PS.2.: Do you plan to add more colours? At least I definitely need a purple car in case I'm going to race it :)
Thanx for trying it out!!
Is it possible for You to make some tweaks to the .res file, and re-upload it, then meanwhile i shall create some more paint jobs.
I still have to learn what i am doing when changing the parameters in the .res file.
After the tweaks then i shall appreciate it VERY MUCH if You could upload it to Southern Cross.
Thanx Again
I have done some research and read through the Stunts Wiki, and after some trail-and-error, i think i might have tuned the car's performance to be much more realistic.
Some minor design changes to the interior and exterior (including a purple paint job!) is soon to follow.
I have included the 'new' car version (it is still in the beta stage):
The dash is still a wip
Let me know what u think!!
Quote from: crazy jimmy on May 09, 2010, 11:06:24 PM
I have done some research and read through the Stunts Wiki, and after some trail-and-error, i think i might have tuned the car's performance to be much more realistic.
It does seem you put your studies at the Wiki to good use :) I just raced the new version for a few minutes and really liked the feel of the car - it is right on the sweet spot midway between Countach-style and IMSA-style handling. To everyone else:
try it, and give your feedback!
P.S.: Even if I will not be really able to do any actual modding in the immediate future (I have some pressing concerns (http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=2504.msg45554#msg45554) to deal with during the Stunts part of my free time) feel free to ask me any technical questions that trouble you.
P.P.S.: I noticed your new whl1 and whl3 steering wheel bitmaps have bugged colours. In all likelihood that issue is due to colour settings of the image you imported into Stressed (I remember having similar problems due to accidentally using an indexed image with a palette different from the Stunts one). Try re-saving (in Photoshop, GIMP, etc) the bitmaps as a PNGs with RGB colour mode; it will probably fix them.
great to see more cars - a potential candidate to be included in the 2011 season :)
I will try it as soon as I can
Thanx alot Guys!!! :D
After Duplode said that the performance was much more realistic, i am almost finished!
The interior is complete and i am making final changes to the exterior!
Will upload the final release today :o
Finally, it's here!
Guys, please try it out and let me know what u think!
As far as i know and tested, there isn't really any major bugs or glitches or whatever, but if You do happen to stumble upon something, please let me know and i shall fix it almost at once!!
Duplode, I shall appreciate it very much if You can now upload it to Southern Cross.
Here is the Final Release:
With a little delay, Jimmy's car is now available from Southern Cross. Once I test it a bit more I will make a Wiki page about it too :)
Thank You very much Duplode. I appreciate Your efforts alot!! ;D
A bit late for a revieuw perhaps, but I just tried it.
On slow tracks, this could be fearsome competition for my own superkart. The difference being that this beast does not come alive untill above 150 MPH. I just shattered my previous record on a very fast "all loops, jumps and banked corners" kind of track. That probably says a lot about my driving when I set that record, but given that I was driving the indy at the time I'm still quite impressed. The road up to powergear can be a bit slow, but ones it kicks in the awesome comes out. It may be a bit of a cheatcar in some aspects, but it is not too easy to drive. All in all I'dd like to see this one in a competition, it's a nice addition to the lineup of fast cars, and the speedgate in particular needs to worry about its position. But the reason people will like it in a competition is because this car is about having speed more than about gaining it, I'dd take quite a big "longcut" over a shorter road which makes me lose lots of speed, and that makes it an interesting car for competitions. Just look at the things that have been done with the ferrari. I'm definately going to enjoy this car, thanks for making it.
O, and the looks are good too, although I liked the driving better. I like nice little touches like that oil meter, and I like that it comes in green, even in two kinds of green. After all, all great stunts cars are green...
Quote from: Duplode on May 08, 2010, 03:14:10 AM
Very cool, Jimmy! It is great to see new cars being designed. A modified Countach pairs pretty well with my GT3 'Vette :) Speaking of the ZR1, I approve of the Corvette-based dashboard. On track, it is much like a cheat car due to the very high grip (thankfully it is not ridiculously fast like the Niva and others) - except that it also has VERY STRONG anti-power gear (http://wiki.stunts.hu/index.php/Anti-Power%20Gear). That guarantees a puzzling ride for all of you who are going to try it (probably best done in a fast track with interestingly positioned jumps). In fact, the anti-PG is so strong that later I will have a look at the .RES to make sure I understand what's going on under the hood.
PS.: Is it OK for me to upload it to Southern Cross (http://scr.stunts.hu), Jimmy? (I could do it now or wait your instruction in case you wish to mod the car any further, just let me know)
PS.2.: Do you plan to add more colours? At least I definitely need a purple car in case I'm going to race it :)
I need help, my Stressed wont work when I load a car, how do I get the stats, body shape and textures?
@ Duplode
How do I use Stunts Resource Editor? Can you give me a manual or something? Please?
Quote from: DOS_in_time on October 05, 2010, 01:49:50 AM
I need help, my Stressed wont work when I load a car, how do I get the stats, body shape and textures?
Hello and welcome :) Let us go step-by-step: first of all, which file(s) are you opening when you load a car?
Quote from: DOS_in_time on October 05, 2010, 01:52:41 AM
@ Duplode
How do I use Stunts Resource Editor? Can you give me a manual or something? Please?
For now, the closest thing we have is this Wiki article: http://wiki.stunts.hu/index.php/Stressed_user_reference (http://wiki.stunts.hu/index.php/Stressed_user_reference) . And of course, feel free to ask anything you'd like to know here ;)
(Edit: Oh, BTW - if you like IRC and would prefer help more real-time than via forum right now I'm going to make myself available on the #stunts channel at http://www.efnet.org/ (http://www.efnet.org/) )
In any case, I asked which files you tried to open because understanding which file stores what, and how to save the files, is the main thing you need to know before using stressed. So, what exactly failed when you tried to edit things? Are you stuck when opening the cars or you can work within stressed but the modified cars fail to load in-game?
My money is on not having clicked any of the models in the left menu. But that's just because that's one of those things I could have done.