Checking some old HDs I found some old temporary internet files (temporary my ass, they have 15 year old! ;D) and I found some stunts stuff!
1) Flying Dutchmen team logo
2) Headless Chickens team logo
3) Red Arrows team logo
4) Scores for zct14 in 05/23/2002 18:11:28
more in the next post :D
5) Season standing n 05/23/2002 18:11:28
6) Index from 4dsl season 2004, November 18th of 2004, 3:26:52
7) Scores from 4dsl season 2004, November 18th of 2004, 3:26:52 (Isengard track)
8 ) One of the first mails from Aburaf:
"Thu, 11 Nov 2004 01:44:12
Hola Patricio:
Como todavía no pusiste la clasificación, aprovecho para enviarte este replay mejor que el primero...
Tal como lo vi desde el principio, hasta ahora no le encuentro ningún atajo (para mí... ya veo cuando corran Dark Chaser, Gutix o Ayrton...) no quiero ni pensar en los tiempos que van a hacer....
Un gran abrazo Anelio (AbuRaf70)"
9) Permanent tracks standings from 05/23/2002
Quote from: alanrotoi on January 17, 2014, 12:25:47 AMChecking some old HDs I found some old temporary internet files (temporary my ass, they have 15 year old! ;D) and I found some stunts stuff!
1) Flying Dutchmen team logo
2) Headless Chickens team logo
3) Red Arrows team logo
4) Scores for zct14 in 05/23/2002 18:11:28
more in the next post :D
@dreadnaut here you have some old teams logos :D
Already on the team list (, thank you 👍
Ooh sorry! :) Cool then
Everytime I see "Headless Chickens" I smile
Quote from: Shoegazing Leo on July 23, 2024, 04:18:42 PMEverytime I see "Headless Chickens" I smile
Me too. I even saw it wrong the first time ;D
Skoda vs indy.jpg
A picture taken the Sunday 15th September 2002, 22:12:50 of a Skoda about to crash a Porsche/March INDY. The red Skoda was driven by Skid Vicious and I was in the Indy. The Skoda jumped by accident with the corner of the highway and I was doin the track in reversal way. At those times there was a discussion about what car is faster, the original Indy or the cheated car Skoda.
Great picture! Do you still have the play somewhere? It'd be nice to watch it