Stunts Forum

ZakStunts - the Competition => General Chat - ZSC => Topic started by: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 03:45:48 PM

Title: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 03:45:48 PM
Duplode's 1st place in zct243 broke my 5 won races in a row. Sounds spectacular isn't it? Well, there are extraordinary pipsqueaks who achieved more wins in a row. It is the case of Roy Wiegerinck that in 2001 won 6 races in a row (zct03 to zct08). A year later I joined this community and he was still the best. But... I had a pupil once that became a master and won 2 Zakstunts seasons. Also this guy has better skills and plays the guitar very well. I'm talking about Gutix of course! He won 8 races in a row (zct104 to zct111). stallin incredible, isn't it? Well, I had another pupil who is in my honest opinion the greatest Stunts pipsqueak of all times. He made his own amazing silent  quiet but methodic and unbeatable path. He also won 2 Zakstunts seasons. It's about Ayrton (who else?) that won 12 races in a row from zct79 to zct90. He won the last race of 2007 and the whole 2008 season!! That's the greatest winning spree!

I collected the info about all the winning sprees and who stopped but I'll mention the longest from every pipsqueak:

Notably some pipsqueaks did their longest spree more than once like Renato Biker or Akoss Poo.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: KyLiE on October 19, 2021, 05:52:28 PM
That's an interesting and impressive list!  So, where do we sign up to become one of your pupils? ;)
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 06:30:18 PM
Quote from: KyLiE on October 19, 2021, 05:52:28 PM
So, where do we sign up to become one of your pupils? ;)

Those were the times I brought pipsqueaks from 4dsL (a popular but an amateur competition) to my team in zakstunts. That's why I insist in school teams.

Also this was Duplode's 50th golden medal in Zakstunts so congratulations! He is the pipsqueak with more winning sprees with a total of 13 (one time 4 races, six times 3 races and six times 2 races).
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: dreadnaut on October 19, 2021, 06:38:43 PM
Oooh, now I feel like I should highlight streaks on the medals table ( :)
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 06:44:59 PM
More weird records:

- Roy Wiegerinck won 11 races all of the in winning sprees (6, 3 and 2).
- Only 2 spree breakers hasn't winning spree yet being those races their only 1st place: Bismarck and Overdrijf.
- Ayrton won 23 races. More than the half of them were won in a row. (52,17%)
- All 20 Zakstunts seasons had at least 1 winning spree.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: dreadnaut on October 19, 2021, 10:52:43 PM
There, I've updated the medals table ( to show years and streaks. If the style is not updated, you might need to hard-refresh the page with Ctrl-F5.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 11:50:47 PM
Nice update! it's very clear now and more specific!
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Duplode on October 20, 2021, 03:52:09 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 03:45:48 PM

  • 4 winning spree Duplode (zct170 to zct173) stopped by Renato Biker
  • 4 winning spree Renato Biker (zct131 to zct134) stopped by Duplode

That is pretty cool  :)

Quote from: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 06:30:18 PM
Also this was Duplode's 50th golden medal in Zakstunts so congratulations!

Thank you! In my books, though, I still need one more victory to reach this milestione, as I didnt't really win ZCT156.

Quote from: alanrotoi on October 19, 2021, 06:44:59 PM
- Ayrton won 23 races. More than the half of them were won in a row. (52,17%)

That 2008 season was really something else. Time and again you'd think "all right, surely Ayrton can't keep this up forever", and time and again the bar would be raised even higher. If we also count the non-consecutive race entries in 2007 and 2009, Ayrton has won the last sixteen races he took part in. That streak is still ongoing...
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: KyLiE on October 20, 2021, 08:38:18 AM
Quote from: dreadnaut on October 19, 2021, 10:52:43 PM
I've updated the medals table ( to show years and streaks.

Nice work! :) What do the numbers on the medals signify?  Both the silver and the bronze medals have the number 2 on them.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: dreadnaut on October 20, 2021, 07:38:29 PM
Quote from: KyLiE on October 20, 2021, 08:38:18 AM
What do the numbers on the medals signify?  Both the silver and the bronze medals have the number 2 on them.

They mean I was distracted and numbered them wrong :P  Fixed now!
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on October 20, 2021, 09:50:51 PM
Gutix's z109 is a 1st place. You did it all manually? That's a lot of work. Oh and now we are talking about changes, could you mix my results from 2004? That year I raced under the name of Stunts Oracle :D
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Overdrijf on October 20, 2021, 11:20:02 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 20, 2021, 09:50:51 PM
Gutix's z109 is a 1st place.
That's a trippy scoreboard. In the overview of the year it says CTG won that month and Gutix was second ( Then on the  it says Gutix is first and CTG second ('s%20own%20page%5B/url), but both got 12 points because both got exactly the same corrected time. The trippy part however is that they do not have the same driven time, while they do use the same car. CTG was faster. What happened that race?

Quote from: Duplode on October 20, 2021, 03:52:09 AMThank you! In my books, though, I still need one more victory to reach this milestione, as I didnt't really win ZCT156.
Now that I'm asking anyway, what happened in that race?
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Duplode on October 21, 2021, 12:09:10 AM
Quote from: Overdrijf on October 20, 2021, 11:20:02 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 20, 2021, 09:50:51 PM
Gutix's z109 is a 1st place.
That's a trippy scoreboard. In the overview of the year it says CTG won that month and Gutix was second ( Then on the  it says Gutix is first and CTG second ('s%20own%20page%5B/url), but both got 12 points because both got exactly the same corrected time. The trippy part however is that they do not have the same driven time, while they do use the same car. CTG was faster. What happened that race?

The deadline of that race was accidentally set to July 30th instead of July 31st (back then, deadline day was always the final day of the month). Gutix led at the 30th, and CTG lead at the 31st, after the deadline was fixed. In the end, Zak ruled it a draw. A nice bit of trivia!

Quote from: Overdrijf on October 20, 2021, 11:20:02 PM
Quote from: Duplode on October 20, 2021, 03:52:09 AMThank you! In my books, though, I still need one more victory to reach this milestione, as I didnt't really win ZCT156.
Now that I'm asking anyway, what happened in that race?

CTG's 2014 disqualification. Since it didn't have to do with his results as CTG, in principle his race results should stand, with only the assignment of points being changed. This WIki article ( documents the affected races.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: afullo on October 21, 2021, 01:23:52 PM
Quote from: Duplode on October 21, 2021, 12:09:10 AM
CTG's 2014 disqualification. Since it didn't have to do with his results as CTG, in principle his race results should stand, with only the assignment of points being changed. This WIki article ( documents the affected races.

It was fun to be proclaimed winner of the newbie league in March of the next year, when the "Agro Brothers" Rokker Zsolti and Boller Jani were exposed to be CTG's ghosts, as at least one dr1v3r conjectured still during the season...  :D
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on October 24, 2021, 03:46:44 PM
More fun facts:

- There are 23 race winners, 14 of them had at least a winning spree and 9 haven't.
- Not a record to be proud but Alan Rotoi has the largest gap between sprees (z18-z238)
- The 4 race winning spree from Marco (z182-z185) only led him to reach 3rd possition overall in 2016 meanwhile Akoss Poo reached second place twice (2003 and 2004) without a single race won.
- CTG won 4 races in 2018 two of then in a row and finished 3rd overall. Seeker1982 finished 2nd overall without a single race won that year.
- FinRok won 4 races in 2019 three of then in a row. Also those were the only tracks he raced so couldn't reach the podium.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on November 03, 2021, 07:52:12 PM
There were 51 winning spree in Zakstunts. A winning spree is at least 2 races won in a row by the same pipsqueak.

Winning spree quantity ranking:

I listed the pipsqueaks who broke every winning spree.

Winning spree breakers ranking:

Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on November 12, 2021, 04:18:29 AM
Look at all the sprees in a consecutive order. We can see in this particular way the change of eras, the comebacks, the dominating times of certain pipsqueaks. Most of times a spree wasn't broke by another spree but the next spree would be made by the same pipsqueak. I'll add the years:

Roy Wiegerinck

Roy Wiegerinck
Roy Wiegerinck
Alan Rotoi
Bonzai Joe




Renato Biker
Renato Biker

Ayrton (and all 2008)

Renato Biker

Renato Biker


Renato Biker

Renato Biker
Renato Biker

Akoss Poo
Akoss Poo

Akoss Poo
Akoss Poo

Renato Biker
Renato Biker





Alan Rotoi

PS: Every winning spree is listed in the year started regardless if it cotinued in the next year.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on December 14, 2021, 03:34:19 AM
A trivia: zct245 was the 14th consecutive podium of Duplode. He's there since November 2020 (zct232) and as far as I know it's the largest consecutive podium presence in Zakstunts history... and still going!
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on June 09, 2022, 06:35:19 AM
Most consecutive podium presence

FinRok 15 (2016-2017)
Gutix 14 (2009-2010)
Duplode 14 (from november 2020 until december 2021)
Bonzai Joe 13 (2002-2003)
Alan Rotoi 13 (current)
Ayrton 12 (all 1st places)
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on June 15, 2022, 01:53:01 AM
Percentage of podium effectiveness

91.42% Ayrton 32 podiums of 35 races
84.61% Renato Biker  55 podiums of 65 races
77.41% FinRok 24 podiums of 31 races
75.00% Gutix 42 podiums of 56 races
72.83% Duplode 126 podiums of 173 races
61.90% Roy Wiegerinck 13 podiums of 21 races
59.55% Akoss Poo 53 podiums of 89 races
59.45% CTG 88 podiums of 148 races
51.85% Marco 28 podiums of 54 races
50.94% Alain 27 podiums of 53 races
48.54% Bonzai Joe 50 podiums of 103 races
43.18% Seeker1982 19 podiums of 44 races
30.14% Alan Rotoi 41 podiums of 136 races

Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Cas on June 16, 2022, 03:24:50 AM
Oh!  That's a very good way to measure how powerful a pipsqueak is. This only counts races where each has participated, right?
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on June 16, 2022, 06:45:55 AM
Yep. It includes all participations of each pipsqueak, no matter if some were listfillers or if we spent many hours maxing out every trick. These are just numbers that shows participation and success. Every pipsqueak would know in how many gave 100% or just a lap to have fun.

I added Seeker because I suspected somebody newer and with less number of podiums could also have better numbers from this point of view.

The only year I didn't want to participate was in 2007 because the change of rules (that fortunatelly they changed again a year later). Only sent my old replay for default (zct79).

An incredible case is Duplode and his many podiums in so many participations. He joined 5 years after me but he raced in about 40 more tracks. If I get all podiums this year my percentage will rise only 3% so this is a statistic I won't fight for.  ;D

Ayrton's numbers from every point of view are unbeatable! A sort of Stunts Messi. Largest winning spree, the only pipsqueak with a full season win, best effectiveness. What else?
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on November 25, 2022, 08:02:07 PM
Most consecutive podium presence (corrected and updated)
Alan Rotoi 19 (2021-now)
Akoss Poo 17 (2014-2015)
FinRok 15 (2016-2017)
Gutix 14 (2009-2010)
Duplode 14 (from november 2020 until december 2021)
Bonzai Joe 13 (2002-2003)
Ayrton 12 (all 1st places)
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Overdrijf on November 25, 2022, 08:57:42 PM
O darn, yeah, we really need to kick you down to fourth place before you set the new standard at 20. I'm off to open a chatbox with Duplode, CTG, dreadnaut, KyLiE and Marco, that should be enough to do it.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on April 09, 2023, 10:08:55 PM
I'll open a thread about ZakStunts Feats.

Feat: Largest gap between races won by the same pipsqueak: Argammon, 200 races (zct60 - zct260).
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: dreadnaut on April 09, 2023, 10:46:57 PM
That'll be my excuse for not winning in the next decades: I'm trying to beat Argammon's gap!
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on May 07, 2023, 01:13:34 PM
Most consecutive podium presence (corrected and updated)

Alan Rotoi 23 (may 2021 - april 2023) almost two years
Akoss Poo 17 (2014-2015)
FinRok 15 (2016-2017)
Gutix 14 (2009-2010)
Duplode 14 (from november 2020 until december 2021)
Bonzai Joe 13 (2002-2003)
Ayrton 12 (all 1st places)
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Duplode on May 07, 2023, 02:54:09 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on May 07, 2023, 01:13:34 PMAlan Rotoi 23 (may 2021 - april 2023) almost two years

That was quite a run! A new towering record for the books.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on July 02, 2023, 05:23:52 AM
Original cars winners. There are only 3 pipsqueaks who won with the 11 original cars of the game: Gutix, Renato Biker and Duplode.  The rest are:

Ayrton 1 miss: Audi
CTG 1 miss: Countach
Alan Rotoi 1 miss: Audi
Roy Wiegerinck 3 misses: Corvette, Acura and Carrera
Bonzai Joe 3 misses: Porsche 962, Jaguar and Corvette
FinRok 3 misses: Porsche March INDY, Audi, Countach
Akoss Poo 5 misses: Lancia, Carrera, Corvette, Countach and Ferrari GTO
Argammon 5 misses: Porsche March INDY, Porsche 962, Jaguar, Lancia and Carrera
Marco 6 misses: Porsche March INDY, LM002, Carrera, Corvette, Ferrari GTO and Audi
Alain 7 misses: Jaguar, LM002, Lancia, Audi, Acura, Carrera, Countach

By the way, only 10 pipsqueaks could already achieve it: Gutix, Renato Biker and Duplode did it but Ayrton, CTG, Alan Rotoi, Bonzai Joe, FinRok, Roy Wiegerinck and Argammon didn't yet.
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on July 02, 2023, 08:23:57 PM
How many seasons did you take part in?

13 AbuRaf70
10 Afullo
13 Akoss Poo
22 Alan Rotoi
6  Alain
4  Alecu
8  Argammon
5  Ayrton
2  Ben Snel
17 Bonzai Joe
9  Cas
9  Chulk
19 CTG
3  Daniel3D
12 Dreadnaut
10 Dstien
17 Duplode
5  FinRok
3  Frieshansen
7  Friker
8  Gutix
6  Heretic
2  HunterBoy344
2  Igor
4  KyLiE
8  Marco
4  Mark L. Rivers
10 Overdrijf
9  Renato Biker
4  Roy Wiegerinck
3  Ryoma
5  Seeker1982
4  Shoegazing Leo
5  Shorty
6  Stan 286XT
22 Zak Mckracken
3  Zapper
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Erik Barros on July 02, 2023, 10:01:30 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 02, 2023, 08:23:57 PMHow many seasons did you take part in?

13 AbuRaf70
10 Afullo
13 Akoss Poo
22 Alan Rotoi
6  Alain
4  Alecu
8  Argammon
5  Ayrton
2  Ben Snel
17 Bonzai Joe
9  Cas
9  Chulk
19 CTG
3  Daniel3D
12 Dreadnaut
10 Dstien
17 Duplode
5  FinRok
3  Frieshansen
7  Friker
8  Gutix
6  Heretic
2  HunterBoy344
2  Igor
4  KyLiE
8  Marco
4  Mark L. Rivers
10 Overdrijf
9  Renato Biker
4  Roy Wiegerinck
3  Ryoma
5  Seeker1982
4  Shoegazing Leo
5  Shorty
6  Stan 286XT
22 Zak Mckracken
3  Zapper

Two hehehehe
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on July 02, 2023, 11:33:30 PM
Right! You started last year, sorry.

13 AbuRaf70
10 Afullo
13 Akoss Poo
22 Alan Rotoi
6  Alain
4  Alecu
8  Argammon
5  Ayrton
2  Ben Snel
17 Bonzai Joe
9  Cas
9  Chulk
19 CTG
3  Daniel3D
12 Dreadnaut
10 Dstien
17 Duplode
2  Erik Barros
5  FinRok
3  Frieshansen
7  Friker
8  Gutix
6  Heretic
2  HunterBoy344
2  Igor
4  KyLiE
8  Marco
4  Mark L. Rivers
10 Overdrijf
9  Renato Biker
4  Roy Wiegerinck
3  Ryoma
5  Seeker1982
4  Shoegazing Leo
5  Shorty
6  Stan 286XT
22 Zak Mckracken
3  Zapper
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on August 27, 2023, 05:14:38 PM
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on July 02, 2024, 12:10:26 AM
How many seasons did you take part in?

13 AbuRaf70
11 Afullo
13 Akoss Poo
23 Alan Rotoi
6  Alain
5  Alecu
9  Argammon
5  Ayrton
2  Ben Snel
17 Bonzai Joe
10  Cas
9  Chulk
19 CTG
4  Daniel3D
13 Dreadnaut
11 Dstien
18 Duplode
3  Erik Barros
5  FinRok
4  Frieshansen
7  Friker
8  Gutix
6  Heretic
3  HunterBoy344
2  Igor
4  KyLiE
10  Marco
4  Mark L. Rivers
11 Overdrijf
9  Renato Biker
4  Roy Wiegerinck
4  Ryoma
5  Seeker1982
15  Shoegazing Leo
5  Shorty
7  Stan 286XT
22 Zak Mckracken
4  Zapper
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: dreadnaut on July 02, 2024, 01:00:08 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 02, 2024, 12:10:26 AMHow many seasons did you take part in?

Ah, I wanted to add this to the website last year 🤦 Well, it's there now: you can sort the pipsqueak list ( by season participation!
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on July 02, 2024, 01:24:27 AM
Quote from: dreadnaut on July 02, 2024, 01:00:08 AM
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 02, 2024, 12:10:26 AMHow many seasons did you take part in?

Ah, I wanted to add this to the website last year 🤦 Well, it's there now: you can sort the pipsqueak list ( by season participation!

Cool! But it doesn't takes 2001-2004 seasons!
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: dreadnaut on July 02, 2024, 01:51:02 AM
I know!

Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: alanrotoi on July 02, 2024, 03:29:50 AM
I know that but I was mistaken. I forgot I raced under another nickname in 2004  ;D  ;D  ;D  Sorry, my bad  ;D
Title: Re: Winning Spree
Post by: Cas on July 02, 2024, 11:03:50 PM
Nice feature!