Stunts Forum

ZakStunts - the Competition => Competition Archive => Competition 2024 => Topic started by: dreadnaut on January 06, 2025, 08:45:40 PM

Title: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: dreadnaut on January 06, 2025, 08:45:40 PM
In 2024, at the end of each race, we asked participants to rate the track from 1 to 5 stars. Single votes and averages have been hidden during the season, but here we are for the grand reveal!

The Track of the Year 2024, with 16 votes and 4.3 stars on average is...
ZCT281: Eternal Wait (, designed by Akoss Poo

Runner up:
4.2 (13 votes) - ZCT270: Swiftshire (, by Alan Rotoi

Pretty good ones:
4.1 (14 votes) - ZCT279: Shortwave (, by Frieshansen
4.1 (13 votes) - ZCT277: SC2K (, by Erik Barros
4.1 (12 votes) - ZCT272: Spiral Architect (, by Duplode

And the others:
3.9 (12 votes) - ZCT278: Ghosted (, by dreadnaut
3.6 (12 votes) - ZCT280: Marginal (, by Zapper
3.5 (15 votes) - ZCT273: Kelvin (, by Daniel3D
3.5 (13 votes) - ZCT276: Bonkstad (, by Shoegazing Leo
3.5 (12 votes) - ZCT275: Keep Calm and Avoid Palms (, by Cas
3.0 (13 votes) - ZCT274: Mirage (, by Argammon
3.0 (12 votes) - ZCT271: Dopamine Pathways (, by Overdrijf

Thank you all for casting your votes, great to see good numbers across all tracks! Final ratings are on the track list (

Any feedback on the voting system itself is welcome! (see also: 2023 (
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister on January 06, 2025, 10:12:52 PM
Thank you very much.

This track was NOT designed to be the track of the year, it rather intended to be a track to make time difference even between top pipsqueaks, and maybe to open a way to some new tricks to be found even after two and a half decades of racing.

I feel somewhat pity as I didn't have a real effort - but I must confess, I could have not reached a top spot on the scoreboard of this track even at showing full effort. Congratulations to the top drivers, great job.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: alanrotoi on January 07, 2025, 05:11:13 AM
It's fair to point out that the worst ranked tracks were the most flooded tracks. We have used water for everything to the detriment of fun. Please let's change this a bit. For example instead of big flooded areas we could use crossing rivers if the main objetive is to avoid PG.

About the last track by @Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister  zct281 I agree it was the best track of the year. It's the only track I gave 5 stars this year.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Argammon on January 07, 2025, 04:20:32 PM
First of all I would like to congratulate @Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister. Well-deserved track of the year!  :)

Quote from: dreadnaut on January 06, 2025, 08:45:40 PM[...]

Any feedback on the voting system itself is welcome! (see also: 2023 (

I do not know if it is feasible, but I would like a double-blind system in which the voters do not know the author of the track. Otherwise, some voters may not only vote on the track but (subconsciously) also on the author.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Argammon on January 07, 2025, 04:25:05 PM
Quote from: alanrotoi on January 07, 2025, 05:11:13 AMIt's fair to point out that the worst ranked tracks were the most flooded tracks. We have used water for everything to the detriment of fun. Please let's change this a bit. For example instead of big flooded areas we could use crossing rivers if the main objetive is to avoid PG.

I do understand that some of us, including me, prefer open tracks with a lot of shortcuts, However, I do not understand how it is possible to like OWOOT rules (R4K) but not like flooded tracks. In my experience, the driving experience is quite similar with the difference that with flooded tracks you do not have to keep checking whether you violated the OWOOT rule, which is an advantage in my books.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Duplode on January 07, 2025, 05:57:15 PM
Congratulations @Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister ! ZCT281 was a track for the ages, and its victory was absolutely deserved.

I wouldn't worry much about the (relatively!) lower scores, considering that:

Quote from: Argammon on January 07, 2025, 04:20:32 PMI do not know if it is feasible, but I would like a double-blind system in which the voters do not know the author of the track. Otherwise, some voters may not only vote on the track but (subconsciously) also on the author.

Double-blind is not feasible because voting is only open to people who raced in the track, who already know who the author is.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Cas on January 07, 2025, 09:49:34 PM
Congrats, @Akoss, on the top track! :D

Uhm... about flooded tracks... they're not my favourite, but it doesn't have to do with the way of racing them. It's rather that they don't look very natural from inside. So it's more a cosmetic thing that makes some of us not like them very much, I think. I like OWOOT and I run an OWOOT tournament, but in reality, it's not that I prefer OWOOT over free-style. I like variety and sometimes I feel more like OWOOT (for racing, myself) and other times, more like free-style.

It's really an interesting topic to study what people like the most and the least about tracks. I suggest devising such a study. I personally have been having a problem with voting for tracks: the time when I'm requested to cast my vote is a time when I've forgotten how it feels to race the track and also, I don't remember my previous votes, so I can't vote objectively. It'd be better to be able to vote for a track during the race and change your vote any time you want until the race is over or something like that.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: dreadnaut on January 08, 2025, 07:17:01 PM
Quote from: Cas on January 07, 2025, 09:49:34 PMI don't remember my previous votes, so I can't vote objectively.

I'm very much expecting folks to vote subjectively, depending on whether they enjoyed the track or not, rather than base on some unmeasurable 'objective' good-trackness!

Quote from: Cas on January 07, 2025, 09:49:34 PMIt'd be better to be able to vote for a track during the race and change your vote any time you want until the race is over or something like that.

Mmmh, maybe that's something that I can make work 🤔
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Duplode on January 08, 2025, 10:55:38 PM
@Cas With respect to the votes, it might help to set a scale for yourself in advance. For instance, my personal default rating for an enjoyable track is 3, very good ones get a 4, and 5 is reserved for obvious "instant classic" status (typically not more than one per season). Also, you can look at your past votes in the tracks page. All that said, I do agree with dreadnaut on this being a subjective vote  :)

Quote from: dreadnaut on January 08, 2025, 07:17:01 PM
Quote from: Cas on January 07, 2025, 09:49:34 PMIt'd be better to be able to vote for a track during the race and change your vote any time you want until the race is over or something like that.

Mmmh, maybe that's something that I can make work 🤔

One possibility: allowing to vote (and change your vote) from the scoreboard page, from the moment you send your first replay on the track to the end of the year. The invitation to vote on the front page could either remain as it is (pointing to the most recently completed track), or show the oldest track you have raced and not voted on.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Spoonboy on January 08, 2025, 11:16:17 PM
Quote from: Cas on January 07, 2025, 09:49:34 PMIt'd be better to be able to vote for a track during the race and change your vote any time you want until the race is over or something like that.
I agree, this would be a good adjustment to make.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: alanrotoi on January 09, 2025, 03:43:02 AM
I'm not sure if it's a good adjustment. I think is better rating a track at the end after everything happened than voting and changing that vote every day of the race. It is a sincere, honest and more racional vote than voting when the race isn't over and before a lot of thing could happen later.

What we could add for those who prefer is a more detailed voting: we could rank from 1 to 5 stars the track, the race, the event, the fun, the rivalries, the cars... a lot of aspects that may influence in a vote.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Argammon on January 09, 2025, 09:04:29 AM
Quote from: Spoonboy on January 08, 2025, 11:16:17 PM
Quote from: Cas on January 07, 2025, 09:49:34 PMIt'd be better to be able to vote for a track during the race and change your vote any time you want until the race is over or something like that.
I agree, this would be a good adjustment to make.

I also think this is a good idea. Voting after the race has finished yields the risk that my race result influences my vote for the track which it should not.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Duplode on January 09, 2025, 03:55:00 PM
Personally, I prefer voting at the end of the race, because my opinion about a track often evolves through the month. However, I see why others might prefer otherwise, and making the voting more flexible seems okay to me. Mostly, I feel there's no need to overthink what is at heart a simple poll meant to celebrate track designing.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: dreadnaut on January 09, 2025, 11:07:30 PM
I can see a few options for the vote-and-update pattern:

Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: alanrotoi on January 10, 2025, 12:08:59 AM
I don't see the need of a modification but if you will then the third option sounds good.
Title: Re: Track of the Year 2024
Post by: Cas on January 10, 2025, 05:36:52 PM
I do agree with "subjectivity" as mentioned by Dreadnaut. What I meant by my not being objective is that I tend to kind of drift and I'm not sure if the vote I'm giving is proportional, but yes, definitely, it has to be a gut feeling, not an analytic thing, although... that depends on the person too, but I see the point, I agree.

Uhm... I kind of see Alan's point as well. I do think that some more flexibility would be good, though. It's a good idea that you can vote after having posted. It makes a lot of sense. Say, for example, that after posting a replay, you're allowed to vote and you continue to have that possibility for the duration of the race. If you didn't vote by then, you've missed it. And if you voted and changed your mind, maybe you are allowed a single change as long as the race is still running. Something like that. But any of the other ideas is good too.