Stunts Forum

Stunts - the Game => Stunts Chat => Topic started by: roywiegerinck on February 25, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Title: Big Stunts Promotion !!!!
Post by: roywiegerinck on February 25, 2002, 12:00:00 AM
I found something to promote Stunts.

I found an organization which may allow Stunts in their catagory.

It works like this :

In this catagory are many links of different subjects.

It more like a startpage.

If you click on a subject, you'll go to the daughterpage.

That means that you'll go to a page of that subject with may links in different catagories.

To join I need 100 Stunts links in different catagories.

The pages where the "Stunts" daughterpage will be on get more than 100.000 visitors a day.

So not only the Stuntsdaughterpage will het more visitors but also the 100 Stunts that are on that page.

I searched hard and found many Stuntslinks, but I need more.....So if you have some more...........put them up!


Title: Big Stunts Promotion !!!!
Post by: Argammon on February 24, 2002, 05:00:00 PM
There seem to be a lot of dead pages,just follow the links from the Kalpen competition.

And there are 2 kinda dead stunts rings with a lot of 'dead' pages....

Title: Big Stunts Promotion !!!!
Post by: N McRae on February 27, 2002, 12:00:00 PM
Well, I purchased my paid host yesterday and my account there should be activated in a few days, so hopefully soon I'll finaly move my Stunts site. Once that's done, I'll give you the URL and you can add that if you want.


Quote:  And there are 2 kinda dead stunts rings...

Say, once I move my site and get it up I wonder if I should create a new Stunts WebRing with all the current Stunts sites that are still active and not dead yet? Edited by: N McRae at: 2/27/02 12:12:26 am
Title: Re: Big Stunts Promotion !!!!
Post by: CTG on May 30, 2012, 01:57:27 PM
Stunts WebRing... wow, it was already 10 years ago.