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Messages - Neil McRae

Chat - Misc / Re:
November 01, 2002, 08:34:25 PM
What's wrong with me quoting and putting URLs in my posts? And if you don't want me to post here anymore, again an easy thing to do would be for you just to ignore my posts.

BTW, Zak, I don't know what you did but the E-mail Notification to posts on this board doesn't work like it use to. I mean the link to view the topic now looks for the URL http: , it use to look for the right URL at first. And the freakin end-bold BBcode tag ( [/b] ) still doesn't work on this board. How do I disable it?
Chat - Misc / Re:
November 01, 2002, 12:26:20 AM
QuoteOriginally posted by al il professore
poor robored, when i see how u treat him, i dont want to be a modo there

I just warned him about losing his admin status a few times because he did things that other admins don't do. What's wrong with that? And think of it this way, has he lost his admin status yet?

QuoteOriginally posted by al il professore
ur mind sux... wash it. Twice. And wash ur mouth too.

If you want to get smart with me, then why don't you take these tickets I have for a free trip down the toilet?

QuoteOriginally posted by Mingva
Neil's competition probably will be his another terrible mistake

Now, why would my competition be a mistake?
Chat - Misc / Re:
October 31, 2002, 10:47:10 PM
Zak, please check your E-mail. I sent one to the addresses and to .
Chat - Misc / Re:
October 31, 2002, 10:28:11 PM
QuoteOriginally posted by BonzaiJoe
Firstly, I think I am wrong, and that you can use cheat cars in 1.1 as well.

But "Car Blaster" only works with Stunts 1.0 . So what do I use to edit the cars in 1.1 ?

QuoteOriginally posted by BonzaiJoe
1. No shortcuts: why not?

Well, I've seen other competitions that don't allow shortcuts.

QuoteOriginally posted by BonzaiJoe
2. Do not show your replay etc.... that's what teams are for.

BonzaiJoe, maybe you better take a look at the procedure too:

1. Download Stunts.
2. Download the track of the month.
3. Read the rules.
4. Send me your best (shortest) time (with a replay) at the end of the month unless you're confident that no one will beat you then you can send it to me earlier. This is optional, but if you want you can also include the country you are in when submitting your time.

1. Do not bother me about any penalty time you get, penalties will be your problem.
2. Do not edit or modify the contest track.
3. You can use any car you like. It can be a cheat car or it can be one of the original cars that comes with the game.
4. You can use any version of "Stunts" or "4D Sports Driving" you like.
5. Do not take shortcuts.
6. You can form a team or you can take the monthly track by yourself.
7. There is no prize for the winner of each contest. First place winner will be entered in high score table on High Scores Page and everyone who entered each contest will be entered on the scoreboard for that month with their time and country.
8. Don't let anyone else (besides me) know your best time until after it is put on the scoreboard.
9. Most important...Have fun.

And, Mingva, if you really think my competitions suck (and if you don't like me) you might as well not reply to my topics. It's an easy thing to do, just ignore my topics. You also don't have to enter my competition if you're against the rules. People like BonzaiJoe and Zak have been replying and telling me what I can do to change the rules to make more people enter. Basically, they've been giving me their input. But you don't have to give me your input if you're not going to enter. For example, if there's a reason why BonzaiJoe thinks I should take out rule #5, then I will allow people to take shortcuts. Now, Mingva, if you got nothing nice to say about me and if you don't want to give any input about my rules or my competition then you might as well shut up and stay away from my site. This is just like PershingII when he said he didn't like me and all that other stuff, jeez.
Chat - Misc / Re:
October 30, 2002, 10:25:04 PM
QuoteOriginally posted by BonzaiJoe
Neil: There was a competition that tried to allow cheat cars, until they found out that no one joined because having cheat cars in a competition is completely pointless. It means you have to spend half of your time designing a car, backing up one of your other cars, playing on 1.0 etc. and everyone wants to play Stunts  But I'll join your competition if cheat cars aren't allowed. Right now we don't have any regular Indy competition like the one at "" and I think we need one...

First, you mean the only competition that ever allowed cheat cars was one that no one entered? Second, you mean that you can only use cheat cars with Stunts 1.0 and not 1.1 ? That sucks. Anyway, here are the rules I can possibly be using with my cmpetition once I open that part of my site except I will probably change #3 to what you said which I guess is what most competitions would do:

1. Do not bother me about any penalty time you get, penalties will be your problem.
2. Do not edit or modify the contest track.
3. You can use any car you like. It can be a cheat car or it can be one of the original cars that comes with the game.
4. You can use any version of "Stunts" or "4D Sports Driving" you like.
5. Do not take shortcuts.
6. You can form a team or you can take the monthly track by yourself.
7. There is no prize for the winner of each contest. First place winner will be entered in high score table on High Scores Page and everyone who entered each contest will be entered on the scoreboard for that month with their time and country.
8. Don't let anyone else (besides me) know your best time until after it is put on the scoreboard.
9. Most important...Have fun.
Chat - Misc / Re:
October 29, 2002, 10:48:23 PM
QuoteOriginally posted by zaqrack
You can enter here anytime with 1.0, it's only highly recommended that you join with 1.1, because then you'll have 10-20% better times. But your choice, you're welcome.

Thanks for letting me enter with 1.0 . Okay, I'll try your November comp with 1.0 and if most of you beat me (if most of you get better times than me), then I'll look into 1.1 . But as I said on my downloads page, other useful programs such as "Car Blaster" will only work with 1.0 . I know I'm given a car to use in your comp, Zak, but when I get the competition seciton open on my site I might decide to allow cheat cars.

And BTW, Zak, how did you disable the bold in that quote you did? If my Stunts message board ends up moving to a phpBB, there better be a way I can disable the bold in certain parts of my quotes or I might decide to go with vBulletin. I tried using the end bold BBcode tag at the end of "Originally posted by zaqrack," but that didn't end it and it kept bolding.
Chat - Misc / Re:
October 29, 2002, 08:54:02 PM
QuoteOriginally posted by alanrotoi
I still don't understand why you don't take part in a competition.....

Because most of the current competitions don't support Broderbund Stunts 1.0 , only 1.1 . I would enter if 1.0 was supported. I did enter a few of Charles's competitions when his site existed. When I start having competitions on my site, I will support all three versions of Stunts. Now that's if anyone will enter, read my second to last reply to this topic and you'll see.

QuoteOriginally posted by N McRae here
Yeah, the only contest I had on my old Stunts site didn't attract too many new members.
Chat - Misc / Stunts MessageCenter Possibly Moving
October 28, 2002, 02:16:28 AM
hi all,

I just stopped by  to say that "The Stunts MessageCenter" could soon be moving. Check out this topic for more info and vote if you're interested.

And please don't send me private messages on this board. I don't know how to disable private messaging on my account.
