
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - HerrNove

Congratulations, that was a mighty work! The 962 can finally open its "eyes" :)

Interesting that the new version has slightly worse values for both 0-60 acceleration and top speed, but the power curve seems to suggest that its performance at typical racing speeds has actually improved.
Competition 2025 / Re: ZCT283 - Shadowplay
March 03, 2025, 05:56:58 PM
Betting is fun. Let's say my beginner's opinion, so that the events can prove me wrong.

A Lotus domination is not a given. The Diablo has great potential, MiDiaN holds #2 time in it. Given that top speed and car bonus seem the most important factors here, I'd even say the Countach has chances, but at present it seems not to be happening.
Similar problem for me. Building under Linux/Wine, which does not provide `cl`, I get

Can't recognise 'cl /MD /c /EHsc /Is:\src\sdl\include /I../c /DRESTUNTS_SDL /Zi
/Fobuild\main.obj main.cpp' as an internal or external command, or batch script.

I guess "calvin" forgot to pack his cl.exe in the tools.

Moreover: the line cl.exe stumbles on in your attempt is

void mat_mul_vector2(struct VECTOR* invec, struct MATRIX far* mat, struct VECTOR* outvec);
So almost certainly it does not like the "far" keyword. Now, in the code there are some constructions such as

#define far

but either RESTUNTS_SDL is not defined (problem in the makefile) or someone forgot to add this snippet to math.h.
Works fine for me. I think you must build restunts first to create `src\restunts\c\build\dos\fileio.obj`, then (without cleaning the workspace) you can build repldump-orginal. Possibly a missing dependency in the makefile.
Stunts & SuperSight will make an appearance on real hardware at the retrogaming corner of the "Maker Faire" event in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic). There is even a tournament with a retro mouse pad and a memory game as prize, courtesy of "Sledge" of the site. Hope they take some videos!
Thanks for the comments! Writing these articles takes time, so it's refreshing to hear that they are read by someone. But I also partly write for myself, forcing myself to translate my hasty notes into normal language so that I can reuse my discoveries in future.
Competition 2025 / Re: ZCT283 - Shadowplay
February 24, 2025, 03:19:51 PM
Do people usually also go sightseeing in the maps, like in this case visiting the city districts far from the racing line? With SuperSight the experience would be even more pleasant, but also detract time that could instead be invested in optimizing out another 0.05 seconds...

In my TODO list there is a free-flight mode that would decouple the camera from the car, but whether I'll find time to work on it, is very unclear.
Quote from: Duplode on February 20, 2025, 03:33:04 PMP.S.: I also enjoyed finding out about the other "DSI". Gotta try it out, too!

I am not above cheap marketing tactics, and my inclusion of multiple links to my other magnum opus might have been not totally innocent ;)

Jokes apart, Stunt Island has a lot in common with Stunts. The big difference is the lack of a present-day active community. I guess that Stunts' much easier editor and its competitive nature helped to keep a sufficient number of people interested for 35 years.
The first part of the writeup is online!
Competition 2025 / Re: Guest tracks 2025
February 19, 2025, 09:56:50 PM
Quote from: Cas on February 19, 2025, 06:56:57 PM@HerrNove - You can post here: and we'll see to un-reserve a slot that you can use

Thanks thanks! I think, if enough veterans want to contribute a track for this year I'd prefer not to take places away from them with a track that will probably contain some beginner's mistakes (especially since everyone will have to race for many weeks on it). I first want to experiment with the track editing tools, and check if I'm satisfied with what will come out of my plan. But it might not happen soon, too many open projects already. Anyway thanks for the offer, I'll sure send a track, maybe for the next year.
Competition 2025 / Re: Guest tracks 2025
February 19, 2025, 12:34:18 AM
This year I'll be happy to just race :)

I have a nice track concept in mind but it might be more appropriate for R4K. The basic sketch has no loops/ramps/hills because they do not fit the theme (also no splits but this could change), so it seems suitable for clean and precise driving but not for the usual jump shenanigans and tricks that the pros seem to like.

The theme, by the way, has curiously nothing to do with Herr Partz' preferences! But I'll leave it as a surprise for now...
Competition and Website / Re: Position Time Bonus
February 18, 2025, 10:09:50 PM
Duplode got what I meant. To better clarify, repeating my example where

* Driver A gets 263 leading hours on race 1 and 400 hours on race 2
* Driver B gets 265 leading hours on race 1 and 400 hours on race 2

The results would be

* Driver A gets 0.5 points on race 1, carries over 131 hours and gets 2 points on race 2 (total 2.5)
* Driver B gets 1 point on race 1, carries over no hours and gets 1 point on race 2 (total 2)

So, driver B would be punished for doing too well on race 1. To avoid this situation, top drivers who are having a bad month might be tempted to artificially stay under the 1-point threshold, giving up half a point but gaining useful carryover that can be used in the next race to hopefully reach the 2-point threshold. Is this a too artificial situation? Maybe, my analysis is just based on abstract game theory while you have decades of concrete experience in this tournament.
Competition and Website / Re: Position Time Bonus
February 17, 2025, 09:52:56 PM
I have a doubt about the carry-over mechanism. Imagine there are two drivers A and B, starting at 0 accumulated Stunts hours:

* Driver A gets 263 leading hours on race 1 and 400 hours on race 2
* Driver B gets 265 leading hours on race 1 and 400 hours on race 2

With the current scoring system, Driver A will get more points (2.5 vs 2), despite doing worse.

Some possible alternatives to solve the problem:
* remove the carryover mechanism completely
* allow carryover even if the player gets 1 point
* introduce a 1.5 threshold at 396 hours

A teaser about my upcoming writeup about the making of SuperSight. I will produce a long essay for my blog and publish the useful information here in the wiki too.

Thanks to KyLiE for the ongoing testing, I am always available to fix issues as they appear.

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For those overwhelmed by the thread in the "reverse engineering" section, here is my latest update and also the final one ( for a while ;) )

Supersight v1.5

New features:
* uses the original Stunts memory manager. This allows using more demanding car models for you and your opponent. Successfully tested with two Hexas and other combinations
* max number of graphical primitives increased to 600
* solved game freezes when rendering complex scenes, e.g. the eastern part of ZCT037
* F5 displays some status indicators of the 3D engine
* F6 displays illusion tiles

(note: when using F5/F6 in replay mode, they will only come in effect when the scene is re-rendered, either by advancing the time or by changing the camera angle)