
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Topics - alanrotoi

Prediction Games / ZCT282 - Prediction Game!
January 27, 2025, 12:08:50 AM
I think this time the scoreboard will be like this:

1. @Argammon
2. @Duplode
3. @alanrotoi
4. @Frieshansen
5. @Chulk
6. @Spoonboy 
7. @Zapper
8. @Mortimer Macmire
9. @Mark Nailwood
10. @Cas
11. @dreadnaut
12. @Shoegazing Leo
13. @afullo
14. @Overdrijf
15. @Usrin
16. @Stingray
Custom Cars with Stressed / Williams FW12
December 22, 2024, 12:27:52 AM
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A new F1 car has born for Stunts! I hope you'll enjoy it. :) You can download it here (attached zip file below)
Prediction Games / Zct 281 - Eternal wait - Prediction!
November 18, 2024, 11:00:30 PM
I bet this track will be another victory for @Duplode . Not so relaxed. There will be some ltb battles here and there.

Also it will mark the comeback of the Hungarian Looping Warriors: @Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister , @CTG and @Usrin .

So the scoreboard would be like:

1. Duplode
2. Alan Rotoi
3. CTG
4. @Frieshansen
5. @Zapper
6. @Spoonboy
7. @dreadnaut
8. Akoss
9. Usrin
10. @Overdrijf
11. @Erik Barros
12. @Shoegazing Leo
Competition and Website / Track design for ZakStunts
October 21, 2024, 01:35:28 AM
Do we need some kind of manual? There are some demands this competition has on this topic. For example there lenght of the track should be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Should we list some tips and/or must?

This is a fragment of a conversation we had @Duplode and me about it.

Quote(19:44:55) alanrotoi: This year wasn't a good one for tracks in my opinion. We failed trying to restrict the power gear and we restricted also the fun
(19:45:47) Duplode: I get what you mean. There were some very good tracks, but several of them felt quite similar to each other
(19:47:48) alanrotoi: Maybe to write a kind of manual for zakstunts tracks. Let's forget this year for a while, there are some unwritten rules for the tracks in zakstunts that this year we seem to forgot.
(19:48:06) alanrotoi: Maybe because some of the classic builders left, like CTG or Akoss
(19:48:34) alanrotoi: and of course Zak. The Hungarian track building school
(19:48:58) Duplode: Oh, great point! I do miss their tracks
(19:49:55) Duplode: Akoss' uncompromising tracks were always among my favourites
(19:50:38) Duplode: And there's a decent case for CTG's 233 as the best track of the decade so far
Live Races / Midnight Desert Rally (2024-10-13)
October 08, 2024, 12:35:49 AM
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Here is a reminder of what the 20:00 UTC start time will look like in some time zones:

    Brisbane 06:00
    Los Angeles 13:00
    Buenos Aires 17:00
    London 21:00
    Amsterdam 22:00
    Bucarest 23:00


The race will last 15 minutes. You have to finish your lap as fast as you can. Since the event will be broadcasted we can check fast if the rules are fulfilled and also if your game stops at the 10th minute we can see the point you stoppped (it shouldn't happen because the track isn't that long and it's shared a week before the race to have time to all the test laps you want).
You have to share your replay by uploading it to the forum as usual. If you couldn't end the lap at *time the last frame of your lap will be taken from the broadcast as your official location.

*it could be because you lost much time using RH or if you couldn't finish the track before 10 minutes.

The winner is who did the fastest lap and/or who was closer to the finish line. (everybody will finish but just in case :) )


EASY: It's almost impossible to crash so almost the only reason to go back and re-drive would be if you got out of the road or turn a corner faster, that kind of things. The track has some elements but it won't have slaloms, loops or corkscrew up/down to avoid crashes. Furthermore, you won't find "sudden" corners, in order to make a fluent drive and focus on the main objetive to drive "at night". Luckily you'll need to use RH only few times.

LONG: The tests reveals the lap times should be around 7 - 10 minutes.
These are the lap times from the opponents:
Skid: 7:39.40
Helen: 9:28.10
Cherry 11:51.60
Joe: 9:00.60
Otto: 8:55.65
Bernie: 10:51.75

DIFFICULTY: The night dashboard makes the ride a bit more difficult because of the vision is limited to car lights. The rest of the screen you can watch the track and the desert but in dark colors. Also signs like the "piano" can't be seen without the car lights. You won't find obscure elements that you can't see them comming.

- use Replay Handling
- choose any car between Hummer H1, Lada Niva and Land Rover, only Night Race versions provided here.

- change the camera (forbidden to press F2, F3, F4, D, C, etc.)

You can download a Stunts version with all the night race cars and the track or download them separated:

The Night race dashboard is a modification of the car dashboard to simulate a night enviroment and the only ilumination are the car lights. We can race at night!

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The Stunts version attached below contains:
- midnight.trk
- Hummer H1 night race version
- Lada Niva night race version
- Land Rover night race version
Custom Cars with Stressed / Land Rover Defender 90
September 16, 2024, 01:32:02 AM
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Here is the Land Rover Defender 90! Tuned for the Off-Road pack! Now the circle is complete for another car pack! It has a similar performance to LM002, Hummer H1 and Lada Niva!

I hope you'll enjoy it. I'll organize a live race with these cars soon. ;)
Chat - Misc / Olympic Games Paris 2024
August 02, 2024, 06:19:26 PM
Aren't they more hated and popular at the same time than the last editions?
Was Tokyo 2020 like this?

BTW, congrats Hungary for today's gold medal!
Custom Cars with Stressed / Baronetti HEXA
July 11, 2024, 05:05:38 PM
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Baronetti automobile is pleased to announce the release of the new car: HEXA.
This car has innovative features such as sphere wheels (it helps on the air drag), 80's futuristic design but without losing the identity of the brand, a new dashboard concept, new gearbox concept, new tachometer concept, new time lap concept.

This car is also a tribute to a very important member of the Stunts Community and one of the best pipsqueaks ever: Duplode. The name of the car, HEXA, demonstrates the number of titles in ZakStunts so far (six), being the most important competition in the community. The main colors correspond to Southern Cross site and favourite color of our honoree.

This is a way to thank Duplode for its constant willingness to help and participate in any project that comes his way. His importance and influence in the community leads to the need to make this tribute. Enjoy the car and thank you!
Live Races / Time Warp - (2024-07-14)
July 10, 2024, 10:12:50 PM
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Next Live race this Sunday 14th of July!!

09:00 Buenos Aires
09:00 São Paulo
13:00 London
14:00 Amsterdam
14:00 Rome
14:00 Budapest
22:00 Brisbane

The futuristic past sorrounds us like space-time. The futuristic and innovative designs of the past invade us and are present at this event. We can see how a time warp opens and a new car emerges: Baronetti HEXA.

We are destined to travel the time warp track in an infinite loop until be free at the 8th minute. The space-time is different here because we'll need 12 minutes to race those 8 minutes.

This is the map of a version of Timewarp track. The idea is to have a basic known of the track to have a fair  and tight race without surprises. This is an explanation about the wave we have to travel to be free from the time warp. Follow the next dance steps: 1st hill, put your hands in your hips. 2nd bridge, a jump to the right. 3rd bridge, jump to the left. Follow the red arrows 8)
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Baronetti HEXA is attached below or you can download here:
1st look, well placed those rivers avoiding PG. Will they be enough? ::)
Competition 2024 / ZCT272 - Spiral Architect
March 14, 2024, 09:42:14 PM
What secrets brings this Copper UID shaped track? Will be the track for Thunderbird? Maybe it is the time for a fertile power gear run to finish the track first... What?
Is this the debut of Stratos or it will keep its virginity again?

The season started with two IMSA races! Will F40 and GT3 fill this fast and nonPG space this race?
Live Races / Generations - (2024-03-17)
March 11, 2024, 01:00:30 AM
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The first live event of the year is coming the 17th of March! (Next Sunday) in the Chatroom. The time is the following:

09:00 Buenos Aires
09:00 São Paulo
12:00 London
13:00 Amsterdam
13:00 Rome
13:00 Budapest
22:00 Brisbane

The car for this race will be Melange XGT-88... ALL OF THEM! Yes, we'll race with all versions of Melange. Why? I saw there was a confusion here and there of wich is the official version of the car so I finally decided to build the official version: Melange XGT-88 1.0 . As always the 1.0 version only had a small 3d shape enhancement.
The idea is to have all the versions racing in the same race. The version 1.0 will inherit the ID "CDOR" while the other versions will be assigned with similar IDs only revealed the day of the race. All the versions has the same performance and physical characteristics, the only changes are aesthetic in the dashboard and the 3d shape.
The versions are:
  • Melange XGT-88 (2003) - Stressed didn't exist so I used the 3d shape of Acura and the LM-002 dashboard's. It has digital speedometer of course.
  • Melange XGT-88 (2012) - CTG's version. He caught very well the spirit and the meaning of the car and made an excellent version.
  • Melange XGT-88 19th Anniversary - commemorative version meant to be the final version but still had some details.
  • Melange XGT-88 v1.0 - Official and definitive version of Melange. It's a stylized version of 19th Anniversary and fixed those details. Shared below in a zip file.

Please feel free to choose any of these versions for the race but please let's try to have one of each at least.

The track is GENERATIONS a fast and easy track that will be shared in the following days but you can check the flyer below. The cars will be shared the same day of the race because of the change of the car ID but meanwhile you can test drive any version while all of them has the same performance.

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Race summary:
Winner: Duplode
Man of the Race: Kylie and Duplode 107 jumps each.
Fastest lap: Overdrijf and Duplode: 0:49.35

1st Duplode (107 jumps)
2nd Alan Rotoi (105 jumps)
3rd Overdrijf (103 jumps)
4th dreadnaut (100 jumps)
5th KyLiE (107 jumps)
6th Erik Barros (101 jumps)
7th Cas (72 jumps)

It was the big race for Duplode. He was in every possible prize, shared or not :D
Congratulations guys and thank you for participating! It was a fun race!
General Chat - ZSC / Masters of cars
February 16, 2024, 10:17:52 PM
Masters of cars until ZCT270 included.

Original Cars:

Indy 4 times: Ayrton, Duplode and Gutix
Porsche 962 4 times: Renato Biker
Jaguar 4 times: Duplode
Ferrari GTO 7 times: Duplode
Countach 5 times: Duplode
Corvertte 5 times: Duplode
Porsche Carrera 2 times: Duplode, Renato, Gutix, CTG, FinRok, Alan Rotoi and Bonzai Joe
Acura 6 times: Duplode
Audi Quattro 8 times: Duplode
Lancia Delta 3 times: Ayrton, Duplode Renato and Gutix
LM002 3 times: Renato Biker

Custom Cars:

Skoda Felicia 1 time: Mingva
Melange 3 times: CTG and Alain
Skyline 1 time: Ayrton, Duplode, Gutix, FinRok, Friker and Marco
Ranger: 1 time: Renato, FinRok and Marco
Speedgate 2 times: Bonzai Joe
Lotus Esprit 2 times: CTG
F40 2 times: Duplode and Renato Biker
McLaren 1 time: Duplode, Renato and Argammon
GT3 1 time: CTG
Porsche 911 1 time: Duplode and Renato
DTM BMW 1 time: Alan Rotoi
DTM Audi 1 time: Duplode and Overdrijf
Trueno 1 time: Duplode
Caterham 1 time: Alan Rotoi
CERV III 1 time: Duplode and Alan Rotoi
Pantera 1 time: Argammon
Challenger 1 time: Argammon
Competition 2024 / ZCT271 - Dopamine Pathways
February 12, 2024, 02:42:31 PM
Wich way is best?? :o Dualway switching? INDY PG? Tbird ride? What could we find in Overdrijf's brain?
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Custom Cars with Stressed / Baronetti A-70
January 29, 2024, 02:54:57 PM
The new bad guy on the block. Baronetti A-70 is a fast and agile car ready to hit the road (or track).
The top speed of this beast is 226 MPH and can accelerate from 0 to 60 MPH in just 3.20 seconds.
It has a set of 9 different paintjobs. The name is a tribute of our friend Anelio Baronetti AKA "AbuRaf70". "Baronetti" always sounded to me as an Italian car brand and the name of the model "A-70"... well Aburaf70. ;D
Please let me know if you find any error in the car in general or an easter egg in the dashboard. ;)  8) You have the files attached below. Enjoy!

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Custom Cars with Stressed / Lamborghini Countach
January 24, 2024, 05:09:15 AM
Lamborghini Countach released with some fixes:

1) 3d shape enhansed
2) new dashboard colors
3) fixed some dashboard glitches like rpm needle
4) fixed anti-PG effect
5) performance: now it has PG just like Corvette and Ferrari GTO
6) new paintjobs!

Download from Drive:
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Custom Cars with Stressed / Lada Niva 4x4
January 20, 2024, 11:23:00 PM
Lada Niva 4x4 released! A new car from the Lamborghini LM-002, Hummer H1 and Monster Truck tier!!
Please let me know if there is any error. Enjoy!
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Download from Google Drive:
Competition 2024 / ZCT270 - Swiftshire
January 16, 2024, 12:12:56 AM
New season, new cars, new challenges. ZCT270 is fast track I hope you'll enjoy. @Overdrijf already found a shortcut I didn't took in mind. Will this detroy my race plans? But wait... what plans? As you can see from the bonuses I proposed an IMSA race plus few other cars and tryied to avoid a successful PG ride.

Remember to check as many public replays as possible, not only the one who is in the lead at the moment because you could find ideas and open your mind with a different path you though. The perfect example is @Overdrijf's replay. He made a shortcut outside the tunnel that I, as the track builder, didn't expected. Does it worth? We don't know yet but it opens another path at least for me. You never have the complete control of a track even if you are the track builder.
Custom Cars with Stressed / Rolls-Royce Phantom III
January 13, 2024, 12:53:18 AM
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Finally released the Rolls-Royce Phantom III. I think we have a new category of car here. A very slow car (max spd 118mph) and a low grip modifiers. It's full potential would be in short corners circuits  and full of obstacles. 4-gears and a nice ride guaranteed. Enjoy!
Custom Cars with Stressed / Ruf CTR Yellowbird Twin Turbo
December 29, 2023, 01:39:33 AM
Please enjoy this new car! The Ruf Yellowbird, is a limited-production, high performance sports car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Ruf Automobile. Introduced for the 1987 model year and based on the Porsche 911, the CTR featured an enlarged and highly tuned version of Porsche's 3.2 litre flat-six cylinder engine, lightened body panels, an integrated roll cage (adding chassis stiffness in addition to occupant safety), upgraded suspension and braking systems, a custom-designed transmission, and several unique trim pieces such as polyurethane bumpers, and the use of the side-mounted oil filler (a Porsche feature for the 1972 model year only) necessitated by relocating the oil tank forward to clear the intercooler on that side.

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Link to download from my Drive:

...or just download from the attached files.