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Messages - Marco

Team Zone / Re: Slowdrive
January 23, 2015, 08:29:31 PM
I don't know how much I play ... I have few time and don't like cuts and replay handling . Anyway , if you want, insert me . I like the name :)
Team Zone / Re: Slowdrive
January 23, 2015, 07:16:47 PM
I Like the name SlowDrive
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 23, 2015, 07:02:20 PM
What is SlowDrive ? :) I don't see Teams Forum. If you are asking me to join a team could be not a good business for you :).
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 23, 2015, 12:50:41 PM
Hello my great friends, sorry I was in Flu ... I raced yesterday evening and today on ct162 and found it very funny :) .

I finished only 2 races till now and this is the replay of the last one . No Replay Handling, no cut, no tires in the grass and all tricks made in the right way. I made some known mistakes, wrongly insert the first gear on the turn before the loop instead to leave the 2nd , etc.etc but . If there's a way to insert me in the competition, I saw that you added an Icon "A" for people using automatic gear. Can you add a "M" as Marco rules :). I'm joking :)
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 10, 2015, 03:56:41 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 10, 2015, 12:11:58 PM
I'm not disagreeing to protest - it's just for the sake of the argument :-)

Let me add :" Happiness real only when shared (Cristopher McCandless) :)".

CTG video used the outiside replay camera and also the pc speaker so I could not check the initial accelleration . The best accelleration is difficult to achieve playing alone infact I think that I have to learn from you for all the cars :) . As told you in the previous posts , I have never run so much with the fast cars so looking at the CTG video about the Speedcar , I thought that also for the fast Indy was good to do not reach the rpm limit . I changed gear at 10000 rpm and, compare to your 12000, I found that I  lost almost an half second in the first part. Another thing that I have never noticed was the super speedup at the last jump inserting the fifth gear before to jump ...
Basically I lowered my lap time at 1.05.75 (attached). Almost 1.5 seconds better than the previous  1.07.30 but only 1.5 seconds doesnìt satisfied me considering that I have also jump on the edge in the last one. Why "only" 1.5 ... well surely there are a lot of things to do better but I have also noticed that I'm not confident with the 4° gear turns. I'm better using the 3°. Surely I'm worse than you  but I'm better than me with the 4°. I will try again but probably I'm too old or maybe I'm no good as you to run 3 of 5 races at 1.05 in this life ... :°( :))))))
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 09, 2015, 11:14:39 PM
Ops, I noticed now that I'm no more a Newby but ... a Stunts Fan !!! That's great !!!
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 09, 2015, 11:08:34 PM
Brad Gour and Don Mattrick where the kings of the 2d driving simulators of the Accolade.When test drive 3 (3d) came out they were no more working for Accolade and that's probably the reason why TD3 is almost unplayable. But they made Stunts, a very great game and if TD3 had the gameplay of Stunts probably would be remembered as one of the greatest drving simulator instead to be remembered as a great graphics but impossible to drive simulator :).

As correctly said by Joe, The name is Stunts but when Brad and Don created the Loop element, i'm quite sure that they didn't think that the name Stunts was meaning to pass it through the grid as a stargate;). For my point of view, this is not take advantage of an element, this is take advantage of a bug, as to pass through the wall obstacle or jump on the wall edge .
Anyway if everyone decide to pass through the loop stargate is not a so big problem for a competition because it 's the same for everyone. The problem on Stunts, in my opinion, are the Jumps and speed up, because they could have a randomly behavior not always defined by your skills (if I'm wrong correct me). I have attached my record and replay of the ROK2 to show you what I mean, pay attention to the 2nd jump land .

Said that , If many stunts players are enjoying to play a championship with RH, cuts, etc. and I'm the only one "newby" that disagree... it's clear to me too that I'm the wrong one :). So, don't worry , I'm not here trying to disturb or try to change the rules but only share with you my experience and first of all enjoy your super skills .
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 09, 2015, 05:01:24 PM
Ok my friends,  this is almost an oval, the ROK2 track made by my challenger friend of the Hill track . With the Lancia delta, with noRH, without cuts and making correctly the loop ...
look the track ,when you are ready, 5 trials and Tell me your time.

Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 09, 2015, 03:55:02 PM
Hi CTG , I saw the post with your 5 trials noRH race on Default. :)))   Very Great !!!
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 09, 2015, 03:13:03 PM
Ohhh, Very please to know that Joe :) I have never run so much with the indy so I had no a clear old record on the default. I have always prefered cars slow like the Delta or the Audi. Anyway yesterday I have tried some laps without using the elements , so no spin into power gear and no jump the edge and I set a 1.07.35 thinking that I could lower to 1.06 because of some mistakes but, obviously never reach the a 1.01 .  Anyway I would like to see a replay where you manage the elements at your best so to understand what you have discovered playing Stunts at the max. Anyway for my point of view , if you play Stunts in noRH , has no much sense try to use the elements as power up... prohibit them in a competition it will be much more real life simulation and less fantasy crash on the wall of the last edge after a perfect lap :)))

Thanks CTG I will check soon
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 09, 2015, 11:56:20 AM
WOW !!! That's a super Record ... This probably means that you race comfortable in ? 1.03 or .04? Have you some replays of these NORh records or,if not, it's good also an actual replay to see how you drive on this circuit with the Indy? I saw that you approach the jumps or loop elements with a specify behaviour looking always for the best way because they could be used to increase the performance.  For example I saw that you hit the inside wall at the beginning of the double streets element to jump a bit increasing speed.   I have never played taking care of the elements, I have always been concentrated on turns etc. but i have also seen by your replays that sometimes the behaviour of some cars permits to turn faster with high gear then using a lower gear skiding ... I have always played alone and found some limits that now I'm discovering that are not limits.  About my Hill track, my second lap time was 1.24.95 , the .30 was really good it seems . I'm curious to know what can you do with the Indy on the hill ... I wil try too.
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 08, 2015, 05:51:29 PM
Hi CTG, thanks, but I was asking to BonzaiJoe if his 1.01.15 was noRH. Anyway Thanks to have specified about the Stig performance. 

Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 07, 2015, 12:46:20 AM
Also, there's Default. My record following the road is 1.01.15 (Indy).

Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 07, 2015, 11:55:48 PM
Yes, ZCT59's replays are great :-) But we also had a noRH contest on that track, in which the winning time was 1.16. But that was with cuts. The only noRH/no-cuts time I have is Default.

Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 08, 2015, 04:31:32 PM
But "1.01.15" is your NoRH, no Cuts "Default" lap time ?

I saw on youtube the 1.01.65 by masterCTG and I thought that was a Robot to drive the car :). To be honest i have still also to understand how he turned in fifth gear in one turn. I have always used the third for large turns thinking that skid was the limit.       
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 07, 2015, 09:21:23 PM
OMG ... I downloaded ZCT59 replays ... my friends, you are crazy :)))

Give me a track, give me a noRH, no cuts, no tricks record and I will try to do my best ... But Hurry up, I'm almost 40 and I'm losing reaction time every day:). Some months ago I have challenged the young myself Marco 1993 version with Test Drive 2 the Duel because I have found in a old floppy my 1993 records.I recorded the entire California scenery, I was behind till the last section. That young boy was faster than me but he has no one to challenge so was more conservative in the last sections :))) . Here if you are interested :).
Stunts Questions / Re: HELLO MY GREAT FRIENDS
January 06, 2015, 11:27:53 PM
Ohh, thanks i will check the replay , to easyer understand the track. Next days, now time to sleep in Italy.

Anyway, when you can,  race it without Replay so that we can compare .