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Messages - dukeofurl

Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts 1.1 freeze glitch
June 21, 2021, 05:35:18 PM
I don't know which version of DOS Stunts I have on disks (the version I currently have installed is off the internet), but growing up, my retail copy would always lock up when the timer flipped to 10 minutes.  It didn't bother me that much at the time because almost all tracks I designed and the stock tracks could be easily completed in under 10 minutes. I'd only ever reach 10 minutes if I was fooling around or had made a very convoluted track that wasn't much fun to play anyway.  I just figured that the game designers never thought anyone would race on one track for more than 10 minutes.

I'd actually never heard of the pop up screen asking if I wanted to continue racing until seeing this topic just now.
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts World Map
June 21, 2021, 05:29:04 PM
Too bad we can't stitch multiple stunts maps together for purposes of playing a gigantic track.
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 20, 2021, 09:59:56 PM
Quote from: Overdrijf on June 20, 2021, 05:59:44 PM
Needs just a little more Stunts art on the cabinet maybe. ;)

I'd consider re-skinning it if high resolution Stunts art existed!  Maybe you can make some for me :)
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 19, 2021, 02:47:00 AM
Back in the 90s I tried playing stunts with a typical flight style joystick, I also tried using the gravis gamepad, both experiences were very lackluster. The wheel is much better :)
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 18, 2021, 07:30:59 PM
Thanks!  I've just downloaded several of your tracks and will give them a shot!

I can't believe you have a wheel and have not tried it with stunts yet!  The steering adjusts gradually with the turning of the wheel, that's what I mean that it is analogue steering. Please give it a try and let me know what you think :)  The joystick configuration does not save when you exit stunts, so you would have to reconfigure it every time you start it up.  To get around this, I configured the joystick and got through the manual copy protection, and then took a save state in dosbox that I load on each startup so I'm configured and ready to go at the press of a button.
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 18, 2021, 03:06:09 PM
I think the tilting on Radmobile might just be mechanical rather than the machine receiving instructions from the software. In that case, it might be fairly simple to adapt stunts into such a machine and keeping the rotating element without needing to write any custom software. This video gives some clues about the mechanism:
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 18, 2021, 02:20:57 AM
Thanks, it was a dream I've had for a long time to do an arcade cabinet for racing games.  I put all the old arcade games on it like Outrun and Cruisin' USA and had fun with that for awhile, and then I decided to expand it to basically any old racing game that I have ever enjoyed so I added some PC and console stuff.  Stunts was kind of an afterthought, and one of the oldest games I have on the machine, but it is quite fun to play it with analogue steering via the wheel.  In fact, I would say having the ability to control the steering with the wheel makes it MUCH easier to take flat turns at a good speed without steering into a skid. 

The wheel is actually a Thrustmaster T2, which was one of the first PC analogue wheels mass produced in the 1990s. It was natively supported by a lot of Dos games.  These days I luckily don't need to worry about things like special drivers, as I can use adapters to get it recognized by windows as a generic analogue joystick, and from there, map it to basically any emulator, including dosbox.

Although the steering in Stunts is analogue, it seems that the throttle and brake are still read as a digital signal when using a joystick. The throttle and brake are just 100% ON or OFF when I press a pedal rather than giving me 25% or 50% of throttle the further I put the pedal down.

I tried to put Street Rod 2 on this as well for laughs, but unfortunately that game only provides digital steering, which makes it basically impossible to play with an analogue wheel as it is impossible to keep the car going in a straight line (the car will steer 100% left or right if the wheel is even just a few degrees off center).

The most recent game I have on the machine is probably Need for Speed Carbon, circa 2005, emulated with a gamecube emulator.  It's quite a difference to go from a post 2000, high polygon, texture mapped game with fancy particles and lighting to Stunts!
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 17, 2021, 03:39:13 PM
Here are some pictures of the arcade cab. 

Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 17, 2021, 04:37:13 AM
By the way folks, as a kid I discovered you could easily clip yourself onto the divided highway elevated grass and trees area just by driving at the point at a slow speed.  I searched the forum but didn't see anyone else talk about this, so I'm uploading a replay just in case this is groundbreaking new stuff for the community (I don't suppose it would help anyone trying to get a faster time). 
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 17, 2021, 04:13:37 AM
Thank you, I'll check those out.

I tried my hand at replicating the Hard Drivin Speed/Stunt track and I have attached it to this post.  I think some of it ought to be recognizable if you're familiar with that track :)  Actually, trying to recreate it in Stunts has reminded me that Default, the track that comes with stunts, seems to share an awful lot of similarities with that Hard Drivin track (drive up a mountain within first couple seconds, choose between two routes, one route has a lot of stunt obstacles on it while the other seems more geared toward speed, there is a bridge that crosses over the track by the starting line).  Driving casually on each branch, my finish time was about even.
Stunts Chat / Re: Stunts arcade cabinet
June 17, 2021, 03:20:52 AM
Thanks for the idea of the competition tracks. I downloaded the archive you linked and it seems to have thousands of tracks in it!  I guess I'll have to do some sifting through that.

I think I am going to take a stab at replicating one or more of the Race Drivin tracks, if it comes out OK I'll post it here.
Stunts Chat / Stunts arcade cabinet
June 16, 2021, 03:40:40 PM
Hi guys, new user here but I've been playing Stunts since my dad brought it home as a surprise gift one night around 1991.

Recently, I was able to put stunts into my customized pc based racing arcade cabinet and its pretty neat to play it with a wheel.  I'm gratified that stunts (via the joystick option) allows for analogue steering. That was definitely not a regular feature of other racing games circa 1990.

I've been trying to get a moderate collection of tracks going for the version I'm running in the cab and thought I'd pose a few questions:

-Has anyone tried to make Stunts versions of the tracks that are available in Atari's Hard Drivin/Race Drivin arcade game? I know they wouldn't be 1x1 matches because the Race Drivin tracks do some things that can't be done in Stunts, but it would be neat to have those on my cab.

-It's become apparent to me that many custom tracks I'm downloading from the internet are very tedious to play, for example, putting sharp curves immediately after jumps or right on top of hills where you can't see them or plan for them in advance, putting elevated curves immediately after the ramps to get up to the higher elevation, putting many spirals into the track which require going very slowly, putting 4+ loops in a row or lots of jumps in a row which will throw your car into hyper gear, etc.  I'm certainly guilty of doing all of this stuff when I was a kid, but these days, these sorts of elements do not make a track fun for me.

Does anyone have a few suggestions for tracks that are similar to the ones that originally come with the game (e.g., Bernie's, Joe's, Skid's, Default, etc.)?  I think most of those strike a good balance for tracks that are very playable, don't require you to furtively drive through the track expecting sharp curves or other obstacles to pop up before you can deal with them, and don't try to take up every last block in the track creator. These tracks are much more fun to play on the arcade cab with the wheel and pedals than tracks that were clearly designed to get you into hyper gear or surprise you with tedious track and obstacle placement.