
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Mark L. Rivers

SWR and ISM / Re: SWR changes!
December 31, 2006, 12:07:24 AM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 30, 2006, 09:30:59 PM
With new system, I drop from 5th to 8th place. Good, I feared to be out of top ten.

If I won't improve a lot to stay ahead some top driver at least in some race, I fear to drop very low with new Stand Points....   ::)
SWR and ISM / Re: SWR changes!
December 30, 2006, 03:09:17 PM
SWR has been re-calculated with new criteria!  :)

A little changes has been apported furtherly as new SWR criteria.
Additional points (renamed Extra Points) won't be summed at standard scoring (as aforesaid declared) but they will be summed at Average race Points. To balance new system of calculation, Extra Points won't have a unitary value (1, 2, 3 etc. or -1, -2, -3 etc.) but they will have a decimale value (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc. or -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 etc.).

Follow me while I try to explain better the thing.

Before this further modify the calculation was as the following example:

Average Race Points = 14,5
Standard Score = 8 points
Stand Points   = 3 points
Race Points    = 8 + 3 = 11 points  (in this way Extra Points would have affected Average Race Points)
New Avg Race Points = 14,1

Coefficient = 0,75
Total Points = New Avg Race Points multiplying Coefficient

After new modify, the claculation is as the following example:

Average Race Points = 14,5
Standard Score = 8 points
Race Points    = 8 points
New Avg Race Points = 13,9

Stand Points   = 0,3 points

Base Points = New Avg Race Points + Stand Points = 14,2
Coefficient = 0,75
Total Points = Base Points multiplying Coefficient

Final result doesn't change very much than before this further modify, but in this way statistics about Avg Race Points remain "clean" and all calculations will result more "trasparent" seeing SWR scoreboard.  ;)

Anyway you can see immediately new SWR!:\stunts.SDR\ISM\SWR.htm
SWR and ISM / Re: ISM 2007 - Preview
December 27, 2006, 10:36:53 PM
Quote from: Mark L. Rivers on December 23, 2006, 02:11:49 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 22, 2006, 03:36:11 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFFWhy not making the 2 overall scoreboards like WRC Stunts : winner is sum of points, "yellow shirt award" (inspired by cyclist Tour de France) is for less additionnal time.
UP ! Any comment about this idea Mark ? Tracks A and B will have sharp scoreboards, but with track C there will probably be bigger time difference and then the score winner is not necessary the "yellow shirt award" winner (look at WRC Stunts : Gutix will win and Zak will have the "yellow shirt"). ;)

Well, about your idea I think that sum of times should be reward in some way...  and not only platonically...  ;)
So I'm thinking to introduce (we are still at beginning...) a new scoring rule: 2 additional points for less additional time. This should be an incentive to improve own time in every track even if this could mean no change of position or no additional point for leading time...

No comments about this possible new scoring rule?   ;)
SWR and ISM / Re: SWR changes!
December 26, 2006, 02:39:31 PM
Well, it's time to explain more detailedly how new SWR criteria will work beginning from 1st January 2007.

Recapitulating, there will be three important changes:

1) New calculation system
2) New Races Database
3) Results comparation with current ranking

1) New system of calculation

With actual criteria, Total Points are calculated summing Average Race Points and a Coefficient, that is Participation?s Rate to official races multiplied 10.
New criteria will be calculated multiplying Average Race Points with a new kind of coefficient. This is the formule of new coefficient: (Log12(Participation?s Rate) + 1,5)

How does new Coefficient work? Keeping on mind that Participation?s Rate is included between 0 and 1, see the graphic below:

As graphic shows, a Participation?s Rate lower than 1/3 (0,33) is very penalizing for a pipsqueak. So even if he reaches great results in 4 of 5 races in last period, he correctly wouldn?t reach an high position on SWR. But going on, the Coefficient?s curve decreases logarithmically his gradient, and this means that a very high Participation?s Rate doesn?t affect on Total Points too much respect a medium Participation?s Rate, as it happened with previous criteria.

Why Log12? And why add it 1,5? There?s no a complex and specific mathematic calculation behind new coefficient. Factors which have contribute to calculate it, have been choosen looking for a curve that could obtains the desired target, that is, as aforesaid, to avoid that a low or an high rate of participation affect abnormally the rank. After many trials I think to have individuate a curve which reaches this target with a right balance.

To explicate this concept, see the following examples:

Races in last 8 months = 30

Driver ?A? has raced 20 races with Avg Race Pts pair to 13,3 points.
His Participation? Rate is 0,667 and so his coefficient is 1,337
Multiplying his Avg Race Points with his coefficient he reaches 17,780 Total Points

Driver ?B? has race 8 races with Avg Race Points pair to 17,5 points
His Participation?s Rate is 0,267 and so his coefficient is 0,968
Multiplying his Avg Race Points with his coefficient he reaches 16,942 Total Points

Comments: Very high Avg Race Points doesn?t permit to stay ahead Driver ?A? because a low Participation?s Rate, which determines that Total Points are a bit lower than Avg Race Points.

Driver ?C? has raced 3 races with Avg Race Pts pair to 20 points (three victories).
His Participation? Rate is 0,100 and so his coefficient is 0,573
Multiplying his Avg Race Points with his coefficient he reaches 11,467 Total Points

Comments: A very, very low Participation?s Rate penalizes correctly results of Drivers ?C?. His Total Points are consistently lower than Avg Race Points.

Driver ?D? has race 30 races with Avg Race Points pair to 11 points
His Participation?s Rate is 1,000 and so his coefficient is 1,500
Multiplying his Avg Race Points with his coefficient he reaches 16,500 Total Points

Comments: Highest Participation?s Rate (all races competed) is not enough to stay ahead Driver ?A? (only 2/3 of races competed) even if respective Avg Race Points are quite near.

2) New Races Database

Races Database to calculate SWR will be reducted and it will include only final results of official races finished in last 8 months. SWR will be normally update the 5th day of every month. For every update, a new range of dates will be calculated to individuate which races constitute the official Races Database. Start date of every range will be the 5th day of the 8th previous month. For example, when SWR will be update the 5th March 2007, Races Database will include only official races finished after 5th July 2006. The list of official races included will be published in SWR page with all SWR re-calculated score.

3) Results comparation with current rank

Re-calculated exponential score used until is integrated with additional points comparing:

a) result of every single driver with results of other drivers which have participated with him at the same race, and 

b) respective positions in current SWR.

One point will be assigned (+1 point) to a driver for every driver which will result behind him in race classification and ahead him in SWR.
One point will be leaved (-1 point) to a driver for every driver which will result ahead him in race classification and behind him in SWR.

An example to see how this concept works:

SWR                       FINAL RESULTS OF A NEW RACE

Driver                   Driver       Score      Additional Points                                             TOT
01) A                      01) D        20        +3 (ahead C-A-B)         0                                 23
02) B                      02) C        15        +2 (ahead A-B)           -1 (behind D)                  16
03) C                      03) A        12          0                            -2 (behind D-C)               10
04) D                      04) B          8          0                            -2 (behind D-C)                6
05) E                      05) L          8        +5 (ahead G-H-F-I-E)    0                                 13
06) F                      06) G          8        +2 (ahead F-E)           -1 (behind L)                    9
07) G                      07) H          4        +2 (ahead F-E)           -1 (behind L)                    5
08) H                      08) F          4        +1 (ahead E)              -3 (behind L-G-H)              2
09) I                       09) I          4        +1 (ahead E)               -1 (behind L)                    4
10) L                       10) E         4          0                             -5 (behind L-G-H-F-I)       -1

Well, that's all.  ;)
Current rank will be soon re-calculated with new criteria.
I hope new SWR could be really more balanced and a pleasing component of Stunts racing world!  :)

WRC Stunts / Re: U.K. "RAC" rally
December 24, 2006, 08:17:38 AM

Wow, your final comments would have deserved a page of the "Equipe"...  :)
Congratulations for them and for all your work on WRC to enjoy Stunts driver and to keep evergreen this wonderful game!  Thanks! :)
SWR and ISM / Re: ISM 2007 - Preview
December 23, 2006, 02:11:49 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 22, 2006, 03:36:11 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFFWhy not making the 2 overall scoreboards like WRC Stunts : winner is sum of points, "yellow shirt award" (inspired by cyclist Tour de France) is for less additionnal time.
UP ! Any comment about this idea Mark ? Tracks A and B will have sharp scoreboards, but with track C there will probably be bigger time difference and then the score winner is not necessary the "yellow shirt award" winner (look at WRC Stunts : Gutix will win and Zak will have the "yellow shirt"). ;)

Well, about your idea I think that sum of times should be reward in some way...  and not only platonically...  ;)
So I'm thinking to introduce (we are still at beginning...) a new scoring rule: 2 additional points for less additional time. This should be an incentive to improve own time in every track even if this could mean no change of position or no additional point for leading time...  :)
It's futile to say this will be additional job for event manager...  ;)

Anyway, sure I would decide about this within tomorrow, so... any comment about this possible news is welcome!
SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 21, 2006, 08:27:14 AM

Server problem don't permit me to update ISM site now. Anyway, AbuRaf70 has improved his time even if nothing changes in classification.
SWR and ISM / Re: ISM 2007 - Preview
December 19, 2006, 10:11:19 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 16, 2006, 11:46:39 PM
Track 3 will definitely be the key track, if the winner is determined by time-difference.

I?ve just realized to have made a mistake writing preview!   :o
As I written in ISM site since first advertisements, formule of the event is

three tracks and total sum of each SCORE of them to win,

and not

three tracks and total sum of each TIME of them to win.

Sorry for the mistake?   ::)
SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 19, 2006, 10:08:42 PM

OK, number 10 has been reached!  ;)

ISM 2007 will see engaged the following drivers:

AbuRaf70         (9th in SWR for ISM 2007)
Ayrton             (1st)
Bonzai Joe        (8th)
Chulk               (10th)
CTG                 (2nd)
Gutix                (4th)
Krys TOFF         (5th)
Mark L. Rivers    (6th)
SuperBrian         (18th)
Zak McKracken   (13th)

I?m really happy to see in list 7 fantastic drivers included in TOP 10, a rising dynamic outsider like Superbrian, and sure a Stunts Man which no need presentation: Zak McKracken! And I?m also really very happy to race with all them!  :)

Well, now it?s time to go!

Tracks are available on ISM site, so:

download tracks,
race fastest as possible,
don?t forget additional points at stake in every track,
and above all?. enjoy with ISM 2007!  :)
SWR and ISM / SWR changes!
December 18, 2006, 09:43:56 PM
SWR changes![/b]

Beginning from 1st January 2007 actual rank will be re-calculated after the introduction of 3 important changes:

1) New calculation system will be introduct to avoid that low or high rates of participation affect abnormally the rank.

2) SWR will be calculated considering only final results of races (listed in SWR page) finished in last 8 months. Update becomes monthly.

3) For every driver, score got will be integrated with additional points comparing 1) his result with results of other drivers which have participated with him at the same race, and 2) respective positions in current SWR.

A full description of new SWR criteria will be published next week in this topic and contextually in SWR News page.

SWR and ISM / Re: Stunts World Ranking updates
December 18, 2006, 09:40:45 PM
SWR changes!

Beginning from 1st January 2007 actual rank will be re-calculated after the introduction of 3 important changes. Check correspondent topic to know more.


SWR update after final result of Szombathely (USC). Some highlights:

- Chulk overtakes again AbuRaf70 re-taking 9th position;
- Total Points increase for Bonzai Joe, Chulk, Dottore, Krys TOFF and Mark L. Rivers;
- Total Points decrease for AbuRaf70, Ayrton, CTG, Gutix and Renato Biker;
- TOP10 - New entry: no one - Egressed: no one.
- TOP30 - New entry: no one - Egressed: no one.

SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 17, 2006, 01:41:56 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on December 16, 2006, 11:42:58 PM
Quote from: Krys TOFF on December 12, 2006, 09:54:59 AM
No Dottore, no Renato, no BJ and no Chulk... Can't understand why they didn't confirmed.

Anyway, don't worry Mark : Argammon will probably not accept your invite...

I haven't confirmed this because I have never received an invitation. I have not been checking this subforum after the thread has been started, because my forum-reading has been rather sporadical lately. I would like to join, but it seems like the deadline has passed long ago. I don't know why I never got the mail. You've got my email address wrong? The mail was junked? I don't know.
In any case, you should really try to reach out to Renato Biker. There can be no "elite" competition without him. It's like Oscar Pereiro Sio winning this year's Tour de France because Basso, Ullrich and Vinokourov were excluded and Landis was doped.

Happy to know your desire to join, BJ!  :)
Well, I have sent mail to everyone which have title to participate at ISM 2007 recovering their own mail address by ZakStunts site. So I sent you my invitation at   
If it's correct, maybe your mail server didn't like the subject of my mail ("ISM 2007 - Personal Invitation"). Anyway, I had thinked that publishing the advertisement on Forum 15 days before the event could be sufficient, aboveall for top drivers...
But I think that there's no problem anyway for your participation. Driver which have confirmed are only 8 at the moment... and even if they will be 10 at invitation deadline... contest manager could do an exception...  ;) :)

About Renato Biker (mail sent to, I don't know if he simply didn't receive my invitation and he has not seen yet reiterated advertisements on the forum, or if he has choosen not to participate. What I can do it's only to reach him by a private message. If you (or others) know how to reach him in other ways, sure contact him. If he wants to participate, he could inform me by mail or through the forum.
I'll publish definitive list of participants the 19th december, in the evening...  ;)

SWR and ISM / ISM 2007 - Preview
December 16, 2006, 07:23:00 AM

What kind of contest will be ISM 2007?
Well, the event is born thinking to see in action the most expert and fast Stunts drivers in a contest quite difficult to permit them to express all their mastery but not so hard to erase from the race the real essence of the Game, that is fun. Anyway, the formule of the event (three tracks and total sum of each time of them to win), and the kind of tracks choosen (very different each other),
should elect the most complete Stunts driver, at least between participant, sure.

And now, a very short description of what drivers will find when they?ll start their engines:

Track A
Drive your Porsche 962 fastest as possible without stay on conventional track: this is the mission to accept if you want to put your wheels ahead your opponents. Pure tecnique at work?

Track B
Simple race = Easy win? OK. No shortcuts, no tricks. Only pure ability to drive your Jaguar XJR9 like a rocket through fast curves, chicanes and 2 jumps of a simple and short track. Fingers in action for a millisecond race...

Track C
Weird, strange, crazy: choose an adjective to describe the track where you'll drive your NSX Acura through all kinds of obstacles. Obviously, with a long, long Powergear not so easy to keep....

OK, it remains only to wait only few days to see a real passion in action?  :)

SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 16, 2006, 07:10:46 AM
Ok, after 2nd turn of invitations, drivers which have confirmed their presence are the following:

Ayrton (1st in SWR for ISM 2007)
CTG (2nd)
Gutix (4th)
Krys TOFF (5th)
Mark L. Rivers (6th)
AbuRaf70 (9th)
Chulk (10th)
Zak McKracken (13th)

Between others, Mislav has kindly answered me that he would like to participate but actually his engages don't permit him to race. I hope to see him "on board" in the future!  ;)

Now, about 2 places free, a last invitation is now extended towards all drivers between 16th and 20th place in SWR for ISM 2007, that is:

Alain (16th)
Dark Chaser (17th)
Superbrian (18th)
Hek (19th)
Paleke (20th)

A personal invite to participate at ISM 2007 has just been sent to everyone of them. They have to confirm their own participation within midnight (GMT+1) of 18th december 2006 sending a mail to and they can send it even if they have not received own personal invite.

Two drivers with higher rank which will confirm their presence will be admitted to ISM 2007.

There won't be further invitations. ISM 2007 will begin 20th of december at 00:00:01 anyway with 10, 9 or 8 drivers. Let's see!  :)
SWR and ISM / Re: International Stunts Master 2007
December 15, 2006, 08:00:41 AM
Quote from: Chulk on December 14, 2006, 11:33:36 PM
I was very busy and couldn't even sleep for the last two weeks so that's why I'm out. Anyway I think 5 days is not a lot of time to confirm. Good Luck to everyone taking part on this and specially to MeganiuM guys!

You're right Chulk, 5 days is not a lot of time, even if... I published the modality to participate until 26th november 2006, and (as you can see at the beginning of this topic and in ISM site) this included:

"Everyone of them will be invited to confirm his own partecipation at ISM 2007 within midnight (GMT+1) of 10th December 2006. Anyway, a driver included in final top10 can confirm his presence even if he has not received the personal invite. He can send a mail to within midnight (GMT+1) of 10th December 2006."   

So there were about 14 days to confirm...   ;)

Anyway, don't worry!  :) As I just tell you by mail, at the moment only 7 drivers have confirmed (Zak included  :) ) their presence, and so there are still 3 places free and sure one it's for you...  ;) :)