
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Duplode

Live Races / Re: Stunts Online race (2024-06-15)
June 15, 2024, 06:35:34 PM
Rounds 4-6

(Note that the server went down during round 4 with thirty seconds remaining, and Erik about to complete a 58.30 lap.)
Live Races / Re: Stunts Online race (2024-06-15)
June 15, 2024, 06:35:01 PM
Rounds 1-3
Live Races / Re: Stunts Online race (2024-06-15)
June 15, 2024, 05:14:15 PM
How to join the race:

Don't forget to join us at the chatroom in a separate tab!

Track maps attached for reference! In order:


(Edit: maps replaced to match the order the tracks were raced.)
Live Races / Re: Stunts Online race (2024-06-15)
June 15, 2024, 06:16:14 AM
Here's one more! The track title is Level Five -- there indeed were four earlier tracks here when I started sketching  :) Tested with the Jaguar; it should be suitable for any of the faster cars on the IMSA/DTM/Indy tiers.
Live Races / Re: Stunts Online June race
June 13, 2024, 11:37:16 PM
Quote from: HunterBoy344 on June 13, 2024, 07:58:29 PMAt the end of each 10 minute round, the results of that round are displayed for 20 seconds before the leaderboard is cleared and the next track is loaded. As long as someone copies and pastes those results into a text file every round, we'll have a complete record of each pipsqueak's score. As a "just in case" measure, I personally think everyone should do that at the end of each round to make sure we have the scores even if someone forgets. All in all, not much of an issue, but definitely something to be aware of.

All right  :)  Something related: Stunts Online allows us to download files from the running game. right? (I remember having tried that in the client, at least.) It would be nice if we could save our race replays for posterity.

Quote from: HunterBoy344 on June 13, 2024, 08:05:08 PMOh, one more thing: When the time of the live race rolls around, we should all meet in the live chat. There are a few quirks to Stunts Online and the way I'm hosting the server that I gotta explain before the race starts.

Sure, we meet at the chat for coordination 👍
Live Races / Re: Stunts Online June race
June 11, 2024, 11:34:16 PM
Saturday 15th and 15:00 UTC are okay for me as well!
Live Races / Stunts Online race (2024-06-15)
June 10, 2024, 12:20:52 AM
@HunterBoy344 has generously offered to host a live race on his Stunts Online server, and I think we should definitely do it  :)

As usual, we just gotta arrange a date and time will make for a reasonably well-attended race. On the shoutbox, HunterBoy has suggested doing it this Thursday, June 13th. While, personally, I might be able to make it for a quick race in the South American evening, between 22:00 and midnight UTC or so, aligning schedules on a weekday could get tricky. What do y'all think about it?
The ratings have been updated for ZCT274! Four personal best ratings in this round: Mark Nailwood, Spoonboy, Zapper (that remains a very busy slice of the charts BTW!) and me. Below is the updated evolution chart:

Chat - Misc / Re: Association game
June 08, 2024, 07:59:15 PM
Chat - Misc / Re: Association game
June 08, 2024, 03:27:52 AM
Quote from: ZdnBurns on April 21, 2022, 03:59:29 AMI look at these hundreds of track files and I want to see everyone, but I have to load one by one at Bliss to see clearly the track path. It would be great a way to generate the PNG for every track or a program that show the image of each track just clicking the arrow key.

@ZdnBurns The gallery command added in Cartography 1.1, which generates maps for all tracks in a directory, should cover some of that.
The executable in my Stunts folder has now been updated, thanks @Zapper  :)
Season's Chat - CCC / CCC02R1 - Offroad Redux
June 05, 2024, 02:36:57 AM
A new race has started at CCC! You'll have until June 23rd to find your way around Krys TOFF's ZCT077. Like the usual CCC tracks, it features tunnel checkpoints that have to be crossed through the inside -- here, though, they are sprinkled across an off-road track, and can be driven in any order! As for cars, this being the Custom Car Championship, in addition to the Audi Quattro you'll be able to pick @alanrotoi 's Ford Sierra and, in its competition debut, @CTG and @Ryoma 's Subaru Impreza WRC!
Competition 2024 / Re: ZCT274 Mirage
June 02, 2024, 04:43:39 PM
With all said and done, I'd say @Argammon 's experiment was a successful one! The track was enjoyable to race on and nicely rewarded exploration, with all those unusual angles to play with. Quarter corks do have a place in the menu for spicing up things!

For a favourite trick, I think I'll go with @alanrotoi using the tunnel roof!
Live Races / Re: The Big Bang Race (2024-05-25)
May 25, 2024, 11:18:16 PM
Cas's splits:

1. 1:52.20
2. 3:35.60
3. 5:12.40
4. 6:47.25

8:00.00 on the first left corner after the dual-way split and the half-pipe.

(Laps measured at the end of the tunnel by the s/f line.)

Lap times:

1. 1:52.20
2. 1:43.40
3. 1:36.80
4. 1:34.85