
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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I'm tired

Started by alanrotoi, September 15, 2003, 03:22:40 AM

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Damn, my life is still changing. Every day is different. It's turning to another reality (the way to be an adult?).

Anyway everyday I have less and less time to do what I really like to do (or I liked to do). Race stunts at home, in competitions, build tracks, the chat, the forum, search for more stunts pages, search for pipsqueaks, etc.

Stunts was my hobby for 1 year and 5 months and now I can't stay in the same track for more than two trys, it gets bored.

It's not only about my personal life (new house, I live alone, my job, the university, friends, girls). It takes the major time but I still have free time that is inverted in my competition (updates, comments, screenshots, tracks, managing, responsing emails).

If you still see me in the chat is because I join there from my work office. I feel like a kid when he doesn't want to leave the square where is playing with his friends to go back home.

I don't wanna leave and you can see my times in ALL the competitions, just 1 try sometimes but I want to be there.

About my site I should learn php to do easier and faster my work on the site, I spend a lot of time updating with the present method.

I guess my pipsqueak "career" is ended until my competition is over. Then maybe I'll have more motivation. This desition will cost me my 2nd ISA title (because I'm sure if I race I could win) it was my best bet.

I hope I'll change my mind at least about IRC.

Ah, and let me a try on WRC, it's a cool idea, but as you can see it's not a strong performance I'm doing there or at least not a winner one. How many time was Bonzai to beat my time? 20 mins? The other day I was chatting with Akoss about 2003 zak's tracks and I couldn't remember which number is every car/track, being the most important competition.

Oh well, the idea is I'm not a pipsqueak anymore just a manager and a test driver.


Well I get what you are saying, but you can't be sure you won't suddenly have the motivation back... if someone makes a really good track and you race on it, and suddenly you drive really well and feel the Rotoi Power within you... it is only a matter of time. As it seems to me, 1 try for every track should be enough for you to clearly win the IRC season. It would be a huge loss for Stunts if you stopped racing, so please don't let little amoebas like Alain bother you (I have a feeling that was somewhere in the back of your mind when you wrote that post)
But we can't be quite sure.


Hey Alan, I can feel with you. Job, marriage, traveling etc. took me away from the Stunts community for so long. Now I really enjoy to be back. I want to do some little competitions in future (like the three-track contest now) and I want to race ONE contest as seriously as possible next year, that's Zak's one.

Maybe it's good to take a time off sometimes so one can realize, what a community like this really means and to decide, how much time should be spent playing a computer game all the time. I still love Stunts (I wouldn't write here if not) but I decided to let it be one of my hobbies, not the center of my free time. There are other, very important things beside :)

al il professore

It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


Yes JTK, it was my main hobby in my free time for a lot of months and I'm not motivated but it's a cool community and I don't want to be out. I don't wanna miss the meeting if it will exist, I don't wanna miss the chats, messages on forum, the personal contact with some pipsqueaks, etc. Well this last is different, I don't need race to send a letter.

BJ: You are right, he bothers me much and I don't know why. It was a hard strike against the social part, because I felt him as one of the closer persons here, but I was wrong, he couldn't be farer.


I noticed I can't leave it. Past month I raced in every track I found but this month I raced only in 1 comp.

The last place I'll leave is the chat because I join from my work ;) Anyway these days in the chat are great. We were a lot and have very good personal chats.


You can forget me as Stunts pipsqueak. Today I got disk with Heroes3 new campaign. Also things with CM going very well. So, you won't see me racing until... I hope... autumn  :oops: Or maybe I'll leave Stunts forever  :shock: Anyway, I think life here will be more interesting without me.

Good luck to everyone who still racing/playing  :wink:


Don't say that Mingva. stay with us.
I had some new racing games recently (TrackMania, need for Speed Undeground, ...) and even if I race less time than before, I still play good old Stunts. :wink:

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Mingva we love you
Chürműű! :-)

3202.14 km


oops I understand you mings, I hope see you in scoreboards but also by email, letter, chat or everything.


Naah, Stunts isn't my game but I'll stay in community... probably... until first insult  :? It's time to say goodbye and delete the game :oops: I hope another new insane will appear and replace me, because it's pitty to see 10-15 pipsqueaks in scoreboard.

Happy racing to everyone  :wink: