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International SMS

Started by Chulk, October 25, 2007, 01:04:22 AM

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Can you send an internacional SMS? If this is the case, how far can you send it? How much is it? I'd like to know so if you could tell me I'll be thankful.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

You can send it, of course. Earlier, the fee depended on the destination country, and it was quite expensive to send an sms to an other continent. Now I checked my fees and it says:

cost of sending an sms abroad 54 HUF (around 0,2 EUR or 0,3 USD) - no words about different fees to different countries, no words about distance limit, I guess it costs 54 HUF to send an sms from me to Argentina
or if I change the fee counting to a different (a more favourable) one, it's only 38 HUF
in comparison: sending an sms inside Hungary is 18-29 HUF for me (depending on district number - mobile company)

These are the Hungarian fees, maybe the Argentinian fees can't differ too much from this.

Some years ago I sent some sms' to Mingva's sister, to Lithuania, it cost 54 HUF/sms, too (unfortunately, I deleted her number :S - dunno why).
Chürműű! :-)

2964.61 km


Thanks Akoss. I wanted to know because a friend of mine is on holidays in USA and I wanted to send him some sms.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


I've just found how much it costs to send an sms abroad. It's $0.6 (about 0.2 USD). National sms costs $0.18 (around 0.06 USD). Comparing National-International fee, it's more expensive for me from Argentina to send an sms abroad than for you.
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)


I don't use MSN, I don't have a mobile phone (I used to have one but gave it to my wife as I almost never used it) so I don't send SMS nor MMS.
I'm an old-timer and old-fashionned guy it seems. ;D :D


Quote from: Krys TOFF on October 25, 2007, 09:28:26 AM
I'm an old-timer and old-fashionned guy it seems. ;D :D

With rusty Stunts skills... :P