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Date of meeting

Started by JTK, August 31, 2004, 04:13:08 PM

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When do you wish the World Stunts Meeting 2005 to happen?

01.-03. July
0 (0%)
15.-16. July
3 (23.1%)
22.-24. July
0 (0%)
29.-31. July
4 (30.8%)
05.-07. August
0 (0%)
12.-14. August
4 (30.8%)
19.-21. August
2 (15.4%)
26.-28. August
0 (0%)
02.-04. September
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: August 31, 2004, 04:13:08 PM


So when will be the meeting. I think from mid july to mid august is fine for me.


well I gues sthe host must decide. I'd highly prefer a date in july.


O.K., I'll meet KHR in a few days and tell him to bloody take a look here and say something about the date :)

CU then, JTK (still searching for a new job - ah ooh...) :(


All dates are great (guess I'm speaking most for...ehm...bonzaijoe) except 5/8-7/8. We are going to a festival in these days so we prefer that the meeting isn't taking place in these days (I am i driver but not on the same level as you though....I think we agreed that I could be the one serving beers or something :)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I will have a stallin busy summer. I will have exams until the beginning of July, and maybe exams again in the end of August. Between these two, I will have a summer practice, which will be about 3-4 weeks long I guess. But I don't know yet when it will be. I would like to be there in the world meeting very much, but I'm not sure if I can go. I will try to do everything to be there.
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km

al il professore


i think i will be motivated to be served ehm something by the woman of my second worst stunts ennemy :)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


The festival has been moved so it's the next weekend we can't come (12/8-14/8 )...sorry  :oops:


I need to know the date of the meeting as soon as possible. I should buy the ticket in the following weeks if I want to pay the cheapest way.

I think 15/7 to 15/8 is fine for me.


Who has obligations against 29th to 31st of July?
And where is KHR? I think he should be deciding this...
But we can't be quite sure.


Around 29 and 31th July is the worst date possible for me :(

I would very much prefer mid-end august or much earlier than July.....
I definatly can't come on that weekend,and that's a pity as it is so close this year :/


anything in july is fine.


As I guess there'll be no vacations for me this summer (:?), anything will be fine! :D

OK, I don't exactly know when exams of next summer semester will be... probably at the beginning of July!?
"Why can't we not be sober?"


I don't expect an answer but have you found a date yet? We are about to order the hotel we are going to stay at this summer and it would be so nice if we could order it soon to be sure that we can get a room there. Please let us know if you have heard anything :!:  :D

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

End of July. Seems to be okay for most of the ppl.
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km
