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When and where?

Started by JTK, July 25, 2005, 10:32:32 PM

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Usrin mondja mindenkinek: B?FF!
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

?n is mindenkinek: LAURA EGY B?D?S KURVA!
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


If we go to Pap? please call Timike :D

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Timike is a stinky Helen, she doesn't attend to Pap?. But there are some good bitches in Pap?, too.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Once in the very far past (few years ago) I was in Poo's hometown with my friends. We were in Miskolc at a former classmate and after getting dirty drunk we travelled to Kazincbarcika by car (about 30 kms nightmare in falling rain, 130 kmh average speed and a driver drinking wine while driving - my worst adventure by far :D). I remember a place with good music, pool tables and quite cheap drinks. If I'm allowed to come to the meeing I suggest to visit this place, it was fun.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Good music, cheap drinks, pool tables - it is Sport Rock Club I guess.

It is interesting, although Kazincbarcika is a relatively small town (35 000) with nothing special here, everybody who has been to there tells me about very good experiences, memories about being here.

Just an addition: Miskolc-Kazincbarcika is 24 kms.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


I don't care if we go to Pap?, Zorro or Sport Rock Club. My only wish is to meet and f*ck Timike or an equally impressive fisse.  :lol:


Greetings and B?FF from Kazinczbarczika - hometown of Akoss Poo, cheap and good drinks, especially miraculous P?linka?, good pinas and a fantastic football team (KBSC)!

CTG: Akoss Poo says that you'll have the best chance to find (and skid) Timike in III. F?lid? S?r?z? (3rd Half Beer Pub)!
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

In the good old times, Timike was resident in Zorro, and then in Third Half Beer Pub, but now she is learning... erm... I can't remember where, but somewhere in the Big Plain of Hungary. If you are lucky, you can still find her here. The more you come to drink in Kazincbarcika, the bigger chance you see her there.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km



how could a guest post here?


Can't we organize the meeting to Barcika, which is next to Akoss' hometown? Akoss Poo, what do you know about this village? :) (This map was not anywhere, but in "Atlas of Hungary" by Cartographia?...)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

LOL there's no Barcikas in that position. The old small village called Barcika (now united with the other surrounding villages and the later built inner city as Kazincbarcika) is also far away from that.

And it's M?csony, and not Mucsony.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Yes, Mucsony was also strange... I'm sure that if Paloznak was put on this map, it would be written as "Pal?znak"! :D I think that this "Barcika" wanted to be Berente, but this atlas is shitty: it was quite expensive, but it's full of serious errors... (For example, on the same page M?trah?za is the name of the terminal of the narrow-gauge railway, at least 5 km SW of the real place of M?trah?za.)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

It is exactly at Berente's location, so you can be right.

Btw, your Atlas of Hungary is as shitty as your B?kk tourist map was. :D Now it's having a rest in peace midway between J?vork?t and Lillaf?red... :D
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km