
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Dead chatroom

Started by Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister, September 14, 2005, 09:18:21 PM

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Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a channel on irc #stunts, where the stuntsers talked at evenings and at nights. There was Alan Rotoi, Bonzai Joe, Zak, Argammon, CTG, and some other drivers, too. When I didn't have a net, I went to the computer room in the evenings just to talk with these drivers between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. When I got my net, I spent there long long nights. The best was September 2003.
But then came msn, changes in private life of the drivers, some arguments... and drivers went away from there. I miss the good old stunts chats. Now we only meet once in a year, and visit the forum, where the most active drivers post 1-1,5 post per a day. That's not much. There's the message board, when sometimes a message appears. On msn, now I only talk a lot with CTG. Is there really no need of Stunts chat?
I read the logs of the previous days. Some drivers enter the chatroom, see that there's nobody, and leave. But according to their lines, they would like to talk with the others. Is it true or just Akoss Poo thinks that? Should we resurrect Stunts chat? Should I spend there hours in the evenings waiting for somebody?

I read such messages in the logs:

[19:03] Jacky- ( joined #stunts.
[19:03] <Jacky-> HELLO EVERYONE!
[19:07] Jacky- ( left irc:

[21:00] akosspoo ( joined #stunts.
[21:00] <akosspoo> !seen CTG
[21:01] <akosspoo> mondom !seen CTG
[21:00] akosspoo ( joined #stunts.
[21:00] <akosspoo> !seen CTG
[21:01] <akosspoo> mondom !seen CTG
[21:01] <akosspoo> kurva any?d goagil
[21:04] <akosspoo> B?FF
[21:05] akosspoo ( left irc: Client Quit

[16:50] DieselJoe ( joined #stunts.
[16:51] <DieselJoe> B?ff?
[16:51] <DieselJoe> OK, working now
[16:53] <DieselJoe> B
[16:53] <DieselJoe> ?
[16:53] <DieselJoe> F
[17:15] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[17:15] Action: DieselJoe is ill
[17:47] Action: DieselJoe is away
[17:48] DieselJoe ( left irc: Quit:  

[22:36] CTG ( joined #stunts.
[22:36] <CTG> r?ph
[22:36] <CTG> b?ph
[22:36] <CTG> muph
[22:37] <CTG> stb.
[22:37] <CTG> what's more...
[22:37] <CTG> B?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[22:38] <CTG> R?PA EGY R?PA
[22:38] <CTG> na cs?
[22:38] <CTG> bl?tty-r?tyi-potty
[22:38] CTG ( left #stunts.

[19:40] Jacky- ( joined #stunts.
[19:40] <Jacky-> -seen zaqrack
[19:40] <Jacky-> -seen ctg
[19:40] <Jacky-> hey, that bot with the funny name is missing
[19:40] <Jacky-> I don't even remember its name
[19:41] <Jacky-> and after all, it's been here for years
[19:41] <Jacky-> something with G...
[19:42] <Jacky-> GoaGil!
[19:56] Jacky- ( left irc:
Chürműű! :-)

1854.55 km


REAL pipsqueaks visit the chat sometimes, loosers and fictions stay away...


When I joined the Stunts community back in 2002, it was the beginning for me to play web racing competitions.
And there was only Stunts competitions for me.
Therefore, I spent many time talking of chat, mostly with Alain and Mingva (that's also why I joined Orion) but also Alan, Zak, Jacky, CTG, ...
This stayed up to the end of 2003.

Then, I got TrackMania (TM) and started non-Stunts offline racing competitions, and also online racing. So I raced more and talked less.
I still came to chat but found it empty more and more often, so I also came less there.

2004 passed, many Stunts competitions, many TM racing, less and less chat for me.

2005 arrived and I joined some others offline competitions (based on NFSU 2, ToCA/DTM Race Driver 2, Nascar 2003, ...) and came just a very few to chatroom. I have less and less "free" time for talk and I come to Stunts forum almost only from my job (as I do just right now).
I had to give up some competitions as I didn't even had time to do correct racing (I stopped Nascar because of that and because other pipsqueaks had a racing whell which a big advantage for Nascar racing and so I was always far away behind them).

Also, chat was almost on friday and saturday evening, but children are using more and more the computer, especially on saturday evening (because they don't have school on sunday), so it's even less time for me to talk to chat.

I don't know how to handle this. I don't want to stop competitions I play, I don't want to spend all my time on the chatroom expecting anyone, I don't want to let my wife alone in our bed just because I chat, I don't want to kill my children :-D to get back my computer just for me...

I must say that I don't use MSN also, I just use forum and e-mails to talk.

And as many of the new pipsqueaks that joined in 2004/2005 NEVER come to chat, it does not help the chat to stay alive... :?

I think everyone have many things to do and Stunts chatroom talking is now a rare thing. Sad but true.


Quote from: "the Chat"
[16:53] <DieselJoe> B
[16:53] <DieselJoe> ?
[16:53] <DieselJoe> F
[17:15] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
This one's my favorite! :-D

@Topic: Yes, sometimes I would really like to chat. But I'm afraid I could not say a certain time where I would be able to come regularly. I was ill some of the last days and stayed at home all the time -> I had plenty of time. But usually I prefer going away meeting some friends instead of staying at home, especially in the evening at weekends. Next week my holidays are over so time will become even rarer. :?
"Why can't we not be sober?"


Since some of us are missing it, I think the best thing we can do is to arrange "chat dates"....simple just agree on a day/time where we know we are able to join the chat. Isn't that possible?  :drinkers:



I think the new generation is more passive and less agressive.


Quote from: "alanrotoi"I think the new generation is more passive and less agressive.

and less realistic... :-S


I can't tonight...but tomorrow evening/night I'll be sitting here all night :)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

General information: Akoss Poo will be there on Stunts chat tomorrow evening. Not 100%, but 85.
Chürműű! :-)

1854.55 km


me: strictly only after 11 pm, 70%  :?



Quote from: "alanrotoi"kb



I will be there too, it's 1% sure :D
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"General information: Akoss Poo will be there on Stunts chat tomorrow evening. Not 100%, but 85.
Well, you were not there, but CTG, Jacky, Zak and I were there.
Nice chat and nice live races (3 races).
Too bad you missed it. :P