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WSM 2006 - Budapest - August

Started by zaqrack, December 11, 2005, 01:29:01 AM

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we have a bit more place now as my mother has moved. That doesnt mean it'll be comfortable as in a hotel, but we'll fit in, if you all take care a bit and dont mess up the whole place :)
we'll have to pack away things in the morning and in the enevings too, thats all :)


If we run out of place: I can provide a room in Martos hostel - but it's not sure. It depends on the success of my PhD application. If I can continue my studies then I'll get the room cheaper for the summer. It means 2 or 3 places.

al il professore

It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

It could be the best meeting by far!!! :D I'm really happy to see so many stuntsers confirmed their arrival! :D
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: "CTG"(poor JTK he couldn't go to pee that morning...  :-D )

Oh yes, I remember...  :?


you will get a potty for these situations... :D


Can someone please tell me what you saw the last time in Budapest. Since I haven't been there I like to see a lot of things, but I will try to avoid the things you have seen, so I won't have to go alone so many times :D  ...thanks!


I saw almost everything here but don't count me as a tourist. :)


Quote from: "lised"Can someone please tell me what you saw the last time in Budapest. Since I haven't been there I like to see a lot of things, but I will try to avoid the things you have seen, so I won't have to go alone so many times :D  ...thanks!

Jusat dont worry! When the main meeting will end I'll check out with you and Jacob everythng what was left out and is worth to see :)


I want to see everything again and even moooore.  :-)


Zak: What about the computer stuff? How many computers can you provide for Stunts racing and internet connection?


2 computers in my room connected to one 19" colour LCD with a monitor-switch, one has non-emulated dos the other has linux
1 computer in my brother's room with color screen and emulated dos (winXP)
1 computer with 14" colour screen and native dos, currently resting in the balcony waiting for the meeting
1 oldie laptop with responsive colour LCD, non-emulated dos, and a pretty loud speaker :)  
the server, not for racing, with linux and 1 b&w monitor :)

except the laptop they all have working home networking and internet shared. However I'd rather separate internet and stunts.

my plan, to keep things organized and to maintain some living space:

the main race will take place on my wooden stunts-box connected to the 19" LCD. This way the race can be easily watched from my bed (~5 spectators :)) If we are not seriously racing and JTK is not singing (Akoss will be allowed to sing only outside the building :) my primary linux box is gladly playing some great music for you, anytime :)

For training in the same room the laptop and the -currently in the balcony- computer+colour screen will be available on a separate desk. It's fun as this desk is located in front of a mirror so you can watch their face and hands while racing :) When the race gets serious (lol, never :)), we can bring the laptop into any other room, and so not interfere with the race. If someone would like to train while the others are sleeping I can suggest bringing the laptop to the kitchen or the toilet :)

A third desk in my room will be set up to hold the snacks and drinks. Preferably no food and definitely no drinks are welcome on the computer desks. Remember, some have to sleep in this room  (like me) every day, lets not ruin it on the frst day.

for 24h internet my brother's computer will be available in the other room, and we'll have a ritual in the third room, when we put in the disks from the original stunts box into the amiga (though I opened the box the disks were never used!), and suffer with stunts 1.2 :) The live-race may include a round on the amiga too :)

As my room already sounds overcrowded with 3 computers, snacks and racing I'll try to solve things so the meals could take place in the third (my former) room.  I fear it's not possible though. In this case we'll have to clean up my room and mainly the training desk, when we'll have chili beans and the other fabulous foods :)

i think this will be more than enough. Another thing. My network switch has one more open socket. If you bring a laptop AND an at least 5m long UTP cable it can also have internet anytime.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quotethe main race will take place on my wooden stunts-box connected to the 19" LCD. This way the race can be easily watched from my bed (~5 spectators ) If we are not seriously racing and JTK is not singing (Akoss will be allowed to sing only outside the building  my primary linux box is gladly playing some great music for you, anytime

I would insist on the sound of the car - so really, music only when racing is not serious, please. I would like to hear the car's sound, the lack of it makes me 2-3 seconds slower, and the risk of crashing and sliding off will increase. Maybe I'm not the only one.

When I'm not racing, i will commute between the drinking room and outside the building. I really have to drink and then sing. :)

I would like to say something about the trip to my hometown:
In Kazincbarcika, everybody will be allowed to sing and drink as much as he or she would like. :D In our garden, please don't throw away cigarette ends, and vomit/shit/pee in the toilet or in an abandoned garden at least 20 metres away from ours (there are some :)).
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Zak: fair enough. :)

About accomodation, I'll decrease the crowd a bit. I will hire a room for the whole summer in Martos hostel, so I can sleep here. One sleeping bag less. :)

Akoss: I'll vomit/shit/pee in your garden.  :P

Okay, I won't. But if you are so drunk you really don't care about such small details.  :lol: