
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by Mislav, January 28, 2006, 07:01:26 PM

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I wonder if somebody already notized that part of ZakStunts development.

ZCT55 - 10 of 31 South American pipsqueaks = 32.3%
ZCT56 - 08 of 22 = 36.4%
ZCT57 - 08 of 21 = 38.1%
ZCT58 - 11 of 19 = 57.9%
ZCT59 - 13 of 20 = 65.0%
ZCT72 - ?

If you ask me, I like it:) As long as European and other world's drivers keep racing.

Your opinion why the southamerican percentage rises so quickly?

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "Mislav"Your opinion why the southamerican percentage rises so quickly?

I wonder why forum activity isn't rise along with the driving activity... Lot of unknown names - well, I don't know who are those who will be my opponents throughout the season. It's a bit disturbing, it's a bit like driving against some random given times. I like to race against drivers who show some of their personality (it motivates me more): I can associate something to him when I saw his name and time on the scoreboard. And these drivers (who are part of the community) are more acknowledged as well.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


I have to agree.

Ayrton has won and raced over a whole season and I can't remember seing a single post from him.Strange :)


his english is quite weak :(

guess i should open a spanish subforum and we should start learning spanish :)

al il professore

and orion is becoming a southern constellation with a majority of south american pipsqueaks?

the explanation is clear: the apes are our ancestors and we are the children of monkeys... our lords are our humans and we are their monkeys. just like the singularity is our human and we are her monkeys.

they simply don't get what our business is all about :)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "zaqrack"his english is quite weak :(

guess i should open a spanish subforum and we should start learning spanish :)

Well, there are lot of Brazilian drivers as well! Portuguese chat?  :roll:
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


I think they can speak spanish too. Or am I mistaken?


more than less... when i chat with dark chaser by msn i write in spanish and he in portuguese, and we understand each other quite well

Shoegazing Leo

Portuguese and spanish are two very near languages. Example.

Rom?rio tem 40 anos = Rom?rio tiene 40 a?os.


Yep, both are latin languages :)


Leo, dont forget some fatal errors that may occur, like:

Ela est? embara?ada

Deixa eu pegar o seu saco :-D

I dont write english very well, but I understand english much better than spanish.

And the fact is: The only decent argentinian man is Tevez :P
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


You seem to me to write english very well...
I'll try to learn some more spanish! But until then, there is always the faithful Google-translator.
But we can't be quite sure.


which is a source of unlimited fun if you translate a text in 3-5 languages and back into original. .)

al il professore

southamericanization it began long time ago: "All your competitions are belong to us" for example is spanglish...
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


I'm confident it's koreanglish. Nice to see you (again) Gutix, vamologocomisso, Alan Rotoi, Leo Ramone
But we can't be quite sure.