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Politics around the world

Started by CTG, November 17, 2006, 11:30:32 AM

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Somehow I think Obama won't be a president for a long time. What do you think?

He'll be the president for 8 years.
7 (31.8%)
He'll be the president for 4 years.
7 (31.8%)
He'll fail earlier because of the economical crisis.
1 (4.5%)
He'll be murdered earlier by terrorists/Ku Klux Klan/McCain/Hillary Clinton :D
7 (31.8%)

Total Members Voted: 21


Everything about politics! Do you hate Bush? Don't you agree with killing Saddam? What do you think about military goverments in Africa? You can tell here!

French guys: Segolene Royal - what's your opinion about her? Do we need another powerful female leader like Angela Merkel?


CTG, is this a politics sub-forum or new opportunites to spam ?  :P
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)


I don't think anyone disagrees enough here to get a real flamewar going...
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: CTG
Everything about politics! Do you hate Bush? Don't you agree with killing Saddam? What do you think about military goverments in Africa? You can tell here!

French guys: Segolene Royal - what's your opinion about her? Do we need another powerful female leader like Angela Merkel?
1/ I hate G.W. Bush. And I'm proud of it. I don't hate all Americans, just those who still support this crazy man.
2/ Saddam killed numerous people, he deserves to die. Saddam should have been judged after the 1st war in Iraq, this second war was just a stupid desire of G.W. Bush to follow the steps of his father. G.W. Bush you're a stupid asshole, you are the only weapon of mass destruction really dangerous.
3/ Military governments in Africa ? Well, there's no oil there, so USA's slave called United Nations won't react and let the people die and suffer... A shame.
4/ Segolene Royal is the puppet of Lionel Jospin and Fran?ois Hollande. She's no "powerful female leader". Mich?le Alliot-Marie could be the French Angela Merkel, she has "guts". I don't like women with "guts" anyway, I don't want to see a French Margaret Tatcher. Nicolas Sarkozy is the French G.W. Bush, if he is elected I fear for France and Europe. For me Fran?ois Bayrou is the best choice for future president but he probably won't be elected (I hope I'm wrong)... ::)



I do not hate anybody.
In my opinion noone has the right to kill or may be killed by anyone.
I will not answer any more in this thread, I guess...  :-\ :-X
Vintage Stunts Racing at


1) I also hate Bush. It's disgusting when such a stupid man thinks that only he can solve all problems of the world, and there are so many people who support him without any critics. And if it's not enough, the most disgusting is when this person treat us as little children. ("I'm a good guy who'll defeat the enemies of democracy"... etc.)

2) I agree with JTK, nobody has the right to kill another person, even if this person is a mass murderer like Saddam. Btw, I think death is not heavier punishment than a long-long suffer in prison, whilst the criminal can consider a thousand times what he has done...

3) Well, there is no oil in most African countries (except a few ones like Nigeria). But they have other important mineral resources like copper, gold or diamond, and I think most of these African leaders are financially supported by companies interested in this business. Independent governments (whether millitary or democratic) would immediately impose higher taxes and stronger restrictions on these companies. And why don't copper (gold, silver, uranium, etc.) producing countries develop an organization like OPEC, for controlling the prices of world market and becoming rich like Saudi Arabia or Qatar? The most probable solution is that African (and some South American) governments are puppets of multinational firms... My opinion is not too popular, but I think that it was a serious fault of European countries when they suddenly gave independence to their African colonies in the second half of 20th century. They could know that borders of these countries are totally different from the boundaries between nations, they could know that possible talented leaders were very rare in Africa (because of the poor education), so permanent wars were coded into the new system. It was good for nobody except some Western firms who got extremely cheap human power and extremely advantageous tax systems from the "independent" governments...

4) Sorry, I'm not French. :)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.


Quote from: CTG on December 30, 2006, 04:39:14 AM
They killed Saddam!
..which turns everything to a better world, I suppose...  :(
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Too bad Saddam was killed by American's decision and not Iraq's people decision.

Too bad Pinochet died naturally instead of beeing judged and killed by Chilean people, like Caucescu was some years ago in Romania.

Dictators are not equal...


Hahaha, do you still think like that in Hungary? Welcome to the 21st century, you can skip the 20th...

Anyway, I'm not too excited about Hillary Clinton. Although she was never/is not a feminist, I think she has become a political void, and maybe a bit too populistic. My choice for president of USA is John Edwards - here's someone who will really do something about poverty (or at least he says he will, which is more than the rest of the candidates). Barack Obama? Nah, he's just in fashion, I haven't heard him say anything politically interesting.

But of course any democrat is better than someone from the war & stupidity party.
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: CTG on January 21, 2007, 05:36:42 PM
Hillary Clinton has lust for power - stupid feminist whore!

First man of policy mustn't be a woman.
LOL - to me that sounds like an opinion from Akoss...  :)
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 21, 2007, 07:18:04 PM
Hahaha, do you still think like that in Hungary? Welcome to the 21st century, you can skip the 20th...

eh, some people do...

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Of course Hillary Clinton must die, just like all maleish bitches, I also do insist on my opinion. We shouldn't let all the assets of our gender perish! Let's fight!!! B?FF!
Chürműű! :-)

2024: 3753.65 km
2025: 0.00 km


Does Monica Lewinski has a brother in order to be the trainee of President Hillary Clinton ? :D

Anyway, she would be way much better president than G.W. Bushit !


Quote from: zaqrack on January 21, 2007, 10:15:36 PM
Quote from: BonzaiJoe on January 21, 2007, 07:18:04 PM
Hahaha, do you still think like that in Hungary? Welcome to the 21st century, you can skip the 20th...

eh, some people do...
The exception proves the rule. ;D
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Why would be want a man to be president of the united states? The job sucks, let women get the blame for everything going wrong in the world. I want to "love" myself up the social ladder too. I want power to women. One condition: leave stunts alone.