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Numbers about yourself

Started by CTG, January 18, 2009, 11:55:46 PM

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The BMI discussion in 'Useless messages...' inspired me to open this topic... Come on, tell the public numbers! ;)

Height: 176 cm
Weight: 88 kg (at the moment, summer plan is < 80 kg)
Fat ratio: ~31% (estimation from a fitness website, 10-20 is normal for a man)
Shoe size: 42 1/2 (US 8, EN 7 1/2)
Upper arm circuit: 37.5 cm
Head circuit: 59.5 cm
"Wing-spread": 181 cm

That's all I know in the current situation... Maybe other useless data is coming soon, not related to body but life activities, like travelling X kms or running Y meters in Z seconds. :D





Akoss will love this topic for sure.  :D


Quote from: CTG on January 18, 2009, 11:55:46 PM
The BMI discussion in 'Useless messages...' inspired me to open this topic... Come on, tell the public numbers! ;)

Height: 176 cm
Weight: 88 kg (at the moment, summer plan is < 80 kg)
Fat ratio: ~31% (estimation from a fitness website, 10-20 is normal for a man)
Shoe size: 42 1/2 (US 8, EN 7 1/2)
Upper arm circuit: 37.5 cm
Head circuit: 59.5 cm
"Wing-spread": 181 cm

That's all I know in the current situation... Maybe other useless data is coming soon, not related to body but life activities, like travelling X kms or running Y meters in Z seconds. :D

This is at least as useless as useless messages.

height: 183cm
weight: 61kg
fat ratio (measured 2 years ago): 9%
shoe size: 45 1/2
don't know the others.

But our baby was measured 6,5cm today. :)


Quote from: zaqrack on January 19, 2009, 11:31:00 AM
This is at least as useless as useless messages.

It's not a matter for me - most of messages in any forums are useless... ;D


I forgot that we also know the approximate weight!

Our baby is 6.5cm tall
Weight is 0.080 kg

that equals a BMI of
0.080/(0.065*0.065)= 18.934



Last year I spent about 90-100 days online on the Internet - probably more than sleeping (~80-90 days)...

Calculating with my average food intake, I've eaten about 120,000,000 kilojoule from my birth (energy of 30 tons TNT explosion); but drinking only ~30,000 liters of water.

Adding the growth of my every single piece hair from my birth, result is about 300 kms.

Breathing: well, my lungs "wasted" about 130,000 cubic meter air so far...


Quote from: CTGNumbers about yourself
I am not a number, I am a free man !

R.I.P. number 6... :'(


Height: 180 cm
Weight: 74 kg at the moment
Fat ratio: No idea (Maybe you can link me to that fitness website you talked about)
Shoe size: 42 No idea in other countries.
Upper arm circuit: Will measure it at home and edit this
Head circuit: Will measure it at home and edit this, too
"Wing-spread": I think it was about 190 but... Will measure it at home and edit this to make sure.

I bike around 10 Km/day (My girlfriend lives 6.5 Km away from my house + university is 4.5 Km away + friends - Stormy days  ;))
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)

CTG but it's in Hungarian. You have to measure the thickness of the fat layer (just pick it from two side with your fingers) at the three signed place (mm) and write them in the calculator. Use the left one ("férfiak", means males): életkor = age, testsúly = weight, mellkas: add fat layer on your chest, has: add fat layer on your stomach, comb: add fat layer on your upper leg; then press "Számol" (calculate).


Testzsír = fat content
Zsírtömeg = weight of fat
Zsírmentes testtömeg = lean body mass (theoretical value, impossible to reach)
Leadható zsírtömeg = weight of fat that you can lose with diet and training (quite a strict value but this is a website for body builders... :D)

There's a more precise method with 7 point measurements, I'll try that too.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Height 189 cms
Weight 94 kgs (I'm on a diet)
Dick 50 parsecs
Shoe size 45-46
Longest finger 12 cms
Head circuit 60 cms
Hair length 3 cms (max. 30 cms, February 2005)
Age 25
F*cked girls so far 1
Girlfriends so far 2
Kissed girls so far 12
Years of education in the 19th at the moment

hm, some more to come maybe
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Quote from: zaqrack on January 19, 2009, 03:06:47 PM
I forgot that we also know the approximate weight!

Our baby is 6.5cm tall
Weight is 0.080 kg

that equals a BMI of
0.080/(0.065*0.065)= 18.934

Sounds like it's your baby, indeed... :-)
Vintage Stunts Racing at


Fat content: 8%
Weight of fat: 5 kg
Lean body mass: 58 kg
Weight of fat that I can lose...: 0 kg

Height: 178 cm
Weight: 63 kg
BMI: 19.88

Hair length: 7.5 cm
Shoe size: 42

Our baby: height 65 cm, weight 7.1 kg --> BMI=16.80. Well, he seems to be everything but not thin.  :)
Colour of living being is determined by the gene.