
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by zaqrack, March 20, 2003, 08:31:25 PM

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Well, as you may heard it was so that winners of last year will get a Stunts T-Shirt.

I was looking after some prices and ways to do this, and there were two ways:

1. You can print the picture you want on a special paper, and that can be heat copied to the shirt. Its about 10$+shirt price, but coloured prints can be copied only on white T-Shirts. You can change the picture for each shirt. On black/coloured ones you can put only white stuff, and its not so reliable.

2. The company can create a special sieve, which costs about 20$/color, but can be used multiple times. Then making a shirt is only about 1$+shirt price. This is only worth if you make several shirts, because the sieve(s) must be made. It can be printed onto coloured shirts too, but only the same on all shirts.

So I thought that instead of making the shirt for winners only with the first method (with the second it costs a lot) I'd rather do a shirt accessible for everyone. I'd pay the cost of the sieve, and everyone could buy it for shirt price(varies from2$-10$ here) + copy cost (1$) + post&pack (around 2-3$). So i'd be somewhere between 5$ and 15$, depending on shirt quality you want Of course free for the winners of last year, and they deserve something with the shirt of course, like a small diploma in 2001 or anything.

Shirt could be any color preferably black, with 1 color print on the front side, preferably yellow, like:

So who would be intrested in this?
Write it here, with your desired size.
lets say if 5 people beside the top3 last year then lets go. :)



And I'm the first one :)


hmmm hmmm... let me see... I like this one.... no nono, the other is better.... hmmm nahh... and this? who design it?? forget it. I like much more the other but, I don't know... jajaja I like go shopping and buy Stunts t-shirts :D

I choose this design and the size MediuM please. :D Black T-shirt and yellow pic like its showed.
I'll show it to Eddie and say: :P


:lol: Yeah, I want to buy this Versace product too :wink:

Btw, I'm choosing 2nd way. Only I don't know the size :? On one of my shirts is written "L", maybe large size will be OK for me.


Sure looks good to me - XL size. This is great.
But we can't be quite sure.


XL in length, not in width (I know this is impossible)
But we can't be quite sure.

Shoegazing Leo

My birthday in on June 30th... Please send me a gift... heheeheheh... A stunts T-Shirt, XL... Oversized...


Ok Leo, I count on you. So, 3 ppl + winners by far. 2 more needed at least. Come on people, I'm counting on you!

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I think I want one. XL, if the sizing is normal. How much is it for a Hungarian?
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


Price of a shirt + 200HUF, if I give it to you by hand and not post. With post about shirt+300.



Hi, bonzai told me about the t-shirt.....
well and i was 3rd in 2002 so.... :)
I have size L.
Good luck to ya'll racing Stunts!
(Anyone heading to Blankenberge in the summer ?;))

greetings from Holland CU


Hmmm... sounds well. I need one! :) My size is L (as far as I know).


So, Zak, when we can purchase Stunts t-shirts from you? :D


never received :cry:  :cry:


And you cann't show it to Eddie and say: :P

:cry:  :cry: