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guest track

Started by zaqrack, July 04, 2012, 02:36:39 PM

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132 ZakStunts tracks so far on the main path, 117 designed by me.
With no other active competitions available, I would like to have more guest tracks.

How about having every second track delivered by a guest designer?

You can apply for:
ZCT133 (August)
ZCT135 (October)
ZCT137 (December)

I would need the track at least one week before the end of month.
Applications welcome :)


I would like to see an Akoss Poo track.



Quote from: CTG on July 04, 2012, 04:14:44 PM
I would like to see an Akoss Poo track.
I would also like to see Akoss Poo ON the track.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Well, I'm not checking topics like this but I've just been informed that in this thread my name had been emerged. If the pipsqueaks agree, I design a track for competition racing soon, though my track design skills might have somewhat got rusty - since I'm not racing now (waiting for a regular monthly competition without any special rules).
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


OK great, looking forward to receive your track!

Just quietly noting, that 4 our of 6 tracks this year were raced by almost one car only :)


Quote from: zaqrack on July 06, 2012, 03:28:59 AM
4 our of 6 tracks this year were raced by almost one car only

But you don't know which one to use before the 20-25th day or even later... (I have no problem with it anyway)


Quote from: CTG on July 06, 2012, 08:50:27 AM
But you don't know which one to use before the 20-25th day or even later... (I have no problem with it anyway)

That's stretching it a bit, I reckon. Final week car changes mostly happen when Ayrton is involved, or in cases of extreme time hiding (which are rare given how chivalrous we are as pipsqueaks. I can even sense the halo above my head...  ::))


A secondary competition with classic rules would be a refreshment for some of us. My hands are tied in organizing a competition (although I have the motivation now), but I guess somebody else could manage a new one. Duplode? :D


Quote from: CTG on July 06, 2012, 03:30:32 PM
Duplode? :D

Unfortunately unlikely, at least in the immediate future - if all goes to plan, the next few months will be the busiest in years for me. You might want to remind me of this suggestion by the end of the year, though...  ;)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

If there are no other applicant for the August track, I am ready to design it. That would be my first track designed not for a certain car.

Otherwise, I would take the next possible occasion.
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km


I have not received any applications yet, so the chance is yours. Thanks for volunteering.


Finally! I really want to kick ass with Lancia / P962.


Btw if you start to build the track, think on the possible car bonuses. ZCT 132 can be a pure Carrera race - although I expect an IMSA / Lancia shot in the last week from a weaker pipsqueak, just the screw up the bonus of these cars. Or Biker / Ayrton finds a way to win ZCT 132 with one of these great cars... But let's calculate with 100% Carrera now.

ZCT 133 (for easier comparison, I give the time results based on a 1:00.00 long lap with a 0% bonus car)

42% / 1:43.45 - Lancia Delta Integrale (39% / 1:38.35, if the "sabotage" thing happens); it requires a fast track, long sections over 180 mph
36% / 1:38.35 - Nissan Skyline; needs a flat track to have a chance against Lancia (it has better acceleration, but slightly worse cornering and lower top speed)
30% / 1:25.70 - Lamborghini LM002; don't care about this one :D
25% / 1:20.00 - Acura NSX; I can't imagine a track where it's better than Lancia, P962 and Indy with these bonuses
24% / 1:18.95 - Porsche 962 IMSA (or 22% / 1:16.90); good for a track with many corners and without the possibility of powergear
17% / 1:12.30 - Audi Quattro; out of order
16% / 1:11.45 - Lamborghini Countach; no way
15% / 1:10.60 - Lotus Esprit Turbo; impossible
10% / 1:06.65 - Speedgate XSD; since this car is almost as fast as Indy (better acceleration and higher PG-free top speed), this is the "secret" choice for a flat track where you can't use Indy's powergear and Lancia is too slow because of the high number of slower corners
9% / 1:05.95 - Chevrolet Corvette; bah...
5% / 1:03.15 - Porsche Carrera; it's no use to use a used car
1% / 1:00.60 - Porsche March Indy; the only thing you need is to build a full powergear track, like Miskolc
1% / 1:00.60 - Ferrari F40; forget it
-2% / 58.80 - Ferrari GTO; see the comment at the other Ferrari
-6% / 56.60 - Jaguar XJR IMSA; unfortunately no
-13% / 53.10 - Superkart; luckily no

To sum it up, probably there will be 5 candidates: Lancia, Nissan, P962, Indy and maybe Speedgate.


Quote from: CTG on July 18, 2012, 09:27:51 AM
5% / 1:03.15 - Porsche Carrera; it's no use to use a used car
Tongue twister mode on!
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)