
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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how do you feel one day before

Started by al il professore, July 30, 2003, 12:11:24 AM

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Did Bertrand Cantat kill Marie Trintignant?

yes, he is a mad man
4 (100%)
no she fell in the stairs
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2

Voting closed: July 30, 2003, 12:11:24 AM

al il professore

To the short question: how will be the competition on kalpen, what would you answer?

I think it will be hot, long and wet as a tropical summer.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


I am very excited. The track is ready, all things should be done, tomorrow in the evening the emails will go out... and then we await your races. :) Still trying to get Mark Nailwood to enter the contest. Let's see...


al il professore

oh my god :)

well i am searching anywhere, but i cant find it back. do you remember zak? the tsr program to prevent replay handling...

well i found a visual basic dropuva lines that allows to position the cursor on the screen. its like this:

you are supposed to create a button in a form then to name it "position" and paste the lines:

Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long

Private Sub positionner_Click()
???Dim Retour As Long
???Retour = SetCursorPos(10, 10)
End Sub
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

call back all the great pipsqueaks including mark

let the world know that the new generation is BETTER!
Chürműű! :-)

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