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ZCT274 Mirage

Started by Argammon, April 10, 2024, 07:57:00 PM

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With all said and done, I'd say @Argammon 's experiment was a successful one! The track was enjoyable to race on and nicely rewarded exploration, with all those unusual angles to play with. Quarter corks do have a place in the menu for spicing up things!

For a favourite trick, I think I'll go with @alanrotoi using the tunnel roof!


This was a fantastic track!
I've never driven anything that exploits the illusions and quirks ofbthis game to such an extent. Having to trust that a jump was coming up, or having to aim at a feature you couldn't see made me much more aware of my surroundings and my car's speed/position. As usual, every metre of the lap counted!
As I said in the shoutbox, for me this was a track for the Stunts history books, that we will surely be referring back to for many years.


Certainly a great, memorable track!  Our minds had to split between the "apparent track" and the "real track" and find the way among all the possibilities :)
Earth is my country. Science is my religion.


My replay is in the attached file (zct274.tar.xz). As can be observed, I win and everyone else is disqualified.

You cannot view this attachment. You cannot view this attachment.

I think I might have already mentioned that your tricks have no effect on me and I appear to be the only one here who can:

1. Keep the car on the road (as long as there is a road)

2. Drive without breaking tha laws (of physics, among others)


Wow!! It's really disruptive. A new era begins after this track! And, @Argammon, how?!!! How did you get this? How did you manage to build and save this track?


Hey guys!  I've been away from this universe for many months, but I'm trying to at least get back in touch with the forums.  I noticed that we had a lot of new things in these months... it's incredible how you don't stop innovating! 
Thank you very much for sending me feedback on the suggestions I made and implementing improvements related to them. 
I wanna say that it's a pleasant surprise to see this constant evolution, but at the same time I'm feeling like a time traveler, the only one uninformed.  I searched the forums but didn't find anything.  I don't even know how to send a direct message to @Argammon anymore... I would be very grateful to know if the technique used to build the Mirage is a closely guarded secret or if everyone already knows, except me. 
Once again, congratulations to this community and thank you very much!

Olá pessoal! Eu estive afastado desse universo por muitos meses, mas estou tentando retomar pelo menos o contato com os fóruns. Percebi que tivemos muitas novidades nesses meses, é incrível como vocês não param de inovar!
Agradeço imensamente por terem me enviado feedbacks das sugestões que fiz e implementado melhorias relacionadas a elas.
Eu queria dizer que é uma grata surpresa ver essa evolução constante, mas ao mesmo tempo estou me sentindo um viajante do tempo, o único desinformado. Eu pesquisei nos fóruns mas não encontrei nada. Eu não sei mais nem como mandar uma mensagem direta pro @Argammon... Ficarei muito grato em saber se a técnica usada para construir a Mirage é um segredo guardado a sete chaves ou se todos já sabem, menos eu. Mais uma vez, meus parabéns a essa comunidade e muito obrigado!

Erik Barros

Quote from: ZdnBurns on June 11, 2024, 03:40:35 AMHey guys!  I've been away from this universe for many months, but I'm trying to at least get back in touch with the forums.  I noticed that we had a lot of new things in these months... it's incredible how you don't stop innovating! 
Thank you very much for sending me feedback on the suggestions I made and implementing improvements related to them. 
I wanna say that it's a pleasant surprise to see this constant evolution, but at the same time I'm feeling like a time traveler, the only one uninformed.  I searched the forums but didn't find anything.  I don't even know how to send a direct message to @Argammon anymore... I would be very grateful to know if the technique used to build the Mirage is a closely guarded secret or if everyone already knows, except me. 
Once again, congratulations to this community and thank you very much!

Hello @ZdnBurns, I'm relatively new here but I've been following updates on track design.
I recommend two pages from the stunts wiki where various composite elements of the track are explained.

composite track elements

Illusion track

and to keep up with the latest research, you can follow the excellent work that @mrdries has developed.


Quote from: Erik Barros on June 11, 2024, 03:57:23 AMHello @ZdnBurns, I'm relatively new here but I've been following updates on track design.
I recommend two pages from the stunts wiki where various composite elements of the track are explained.

composite track elements

Illusion track

and to keep up with the latest research, you can follow the excellent work that @mrdries has developed.

Hi Erik! Thank you very much! Glad to see more Brazilian guys here!
I will try to learn it as soon as possible

Shoegazing Leo

We see how brazilian @ZndBurns is when he uses very clever linguistical solutions in the portuguese version.

Nós vemos quão brasileiro o @ZndBurns é quando ele escreve a versão em português mais solto que pum em bombacha, usando elementos linguísticos de maneira mais fácil que jogar contra o Grêmio Maringá.


A Brazilian team for 2025? ::)

Erik Barros

Quote from: ZdnBurns on June 11, 2024, 12:26:37 PMHi Erik! Thank you very much! Glad to see more Brazilian guys here!
I will try to learn it as soon as possible

Hey @ZdnBurns, I forgot to mention the basics, I believe you have already used the Bliss track editor, in the settings you need to enable the "allow producing conflicts" option, with this it allows you to create illusion elements. I'm also happy to meet compatriots here!!

@Shoegazing Leo mais solto que porca de cama de motel ou mais solto que contrato de goleiro do Corinthians, que fase. hehehe


With Bliss, you can also enable/disable debug mode, which shows the main element tile separate from the fillers and the hex codes, very useful for tricks in tracks. If you're using illusion elements and you don't like the conflict warnings, they can be disabled as well. I like using those warnings to avoid accidentally creating grass that looks like water or vice-versa.
Earth is my country. Science is my religion.


I'm a really big fan of this game, but a terrible driver. And a great admirer of this community! It's been more than 30 years and you never stop surpassing yourselves!

@mrdries , what fantastic work! I don't know if I should ask, but I can't: Could you publish the files (.TRK) that you used to generate the images for your catalogue?

Once again, I thank everyone for the innovations and this fantastic atmosphere!
I'll send a little fun track I made, inspired by the Mirage and Avoid the Palm, as soon as I discover how to do it...


@ZdnBurns we have a telegram group about Stunts. There are current pipsqueaks and some ex-pipsqueaks too but who loves the community and the game as well like. Search me as @patriciosuna and I'll add you.  :)


Quote from: ZdnBurns on June 24, 2024, 04:56:46 AMCould you publish the files (.TRK) that you used to generate the images for your catalogue?

I think most of those tracks can be downloaded from the posts in mrdires' threads here, either the catalogue one or the other one.

On sharing tracks: you can start a topic on the Stunts Chat subforum, and also, if you want to open a scoreboard for it, upload it as a challenge at the DOS Game Club leaderboard.