
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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end of my career in stunts

Started by Anonymous, July 16, 2002, 11:00:00 AM

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hi guys,

i'm not racing in the net since a long time, but today i will resign from my active (and long) stunts career. before i was racing in the net i won the ISA-Championship for four times. we did also start a fifth season (where i won the first four races) but we didn't finish it. i must say that we never used replay handling and all drivers had to use automatic transmission!!! when i started racing in the net i had quite good results. finally i was third in the ISA-Worldranklist (update today or tomorrow). but now in the times of extreme replay-handling i don't have a chance anymore. it's very depressing for a ex-champion like me to be out of the point-places. i didn't make a point in ISA-Championship since 4 races and i also didn't make a point in ZCT15. also one of my teammates at Zaks didn't helped me. I'm not good at finding shortcuts and so usually he send me the shortcuts and so I was able to race, but this time he didn't. a third reason why i'll stop racing is because Judge Greg was faster than me in London. i promised once that if he will be able to beat me one time i will stop racing. now the day has come. i hope that he will be a great pipsqueak once.

summary: reasons why i stop racing:

I. fvcking bad results in the last months

II. teammate pissed on me

III. Judge Greg was faster than me

!!! IV. there is no competition in the net, when everybody sends in his replay on the last day. !!!

BUT i will race in lestunts, because it's a dream of mine.

C U there and thanks to all for the great time while racing in the net. Sorry Bonzai and Juank, but you will have to find a new teammate for Zaks. Bonzai, thanks for the times you helped me in racing, but now you do also need a new teammate for ISA's if you are still racing there.

Of course I'll stay in the ISA-Committee and of course I will update the ISA-site as often as I can, just like it was. Thanks again to all of you and happy racing.


Pershing II  

al il professore


PERSHING II MUSN'T stop now... you were within the ones who did encourage me the more to enlist in stunts competitions... I admire you, I don"t want u to quit!!! Is it CLEAR?

Your team mates pissed on u? They are mother fuckers so, but u must do something to bounce back. You must fight, u are the best driver, pershing, u can fight back!!!

WE WANT PERSHING TO COMPETE AGAIN!!! Come on pat. don't make me cry :-(
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


I think it's over.

But maybe not completely. As I said I will start in Le Stunts and give me some days to think about starting in Francestunts, because I like driving with the Jaguar and the Porsche 962. But don't expect a wonder, I won't use replay handling and I won't (or can't without RH) fight for the victory. About my teammates, Juank23 and Bonzai aren't motherfvckers, they have been great teammates for a long time, but Bonzai stopped to be it. Maybe it was my mistake, because I didn't talked to him too the last time, but ok, it's over. Thank you for your nice words and I wish you more luck than I had.

Pershing II


juank 23

hi per, i really think you have  a lot of reasons to do what you are doing know, but dont forget that i was the last always, and let me tell you that ive never used RH, so why dont we conform a team that fight against replay handlers, why dont we just be what we are, i mean good pilots, and dont see the points and results, just to show that RH is killing the game and the fun. and show the others what the honesty is think about it, you and me fighting without RH, i really admire you, and i really thing its possible, see ya tomorrow in the great le stunts comp.      


this is a stupid thing...

if I had closed the site every time I had something against it, or had enough of it, I`d have then -10 sites approximately.

if you have a wrong period in your racing career, then simply ignore it, smile, and play. You don`t have to be sad, because you haven`t found a shortcut on zct15, or because Judge Greg has beaten you, you can always show that you`re still better.

And about replay handling: Sure it`s the son of the devil.

But as long until there`s no way to eliminate it in a normal competition (lestunts rules, but it`s a very hard job to synchronize with all the pipsqueaks), it`s WAY better if everyone knows the trick, than if some know it, and the others not, like back in the 1998-1999`s.

I never used it as a steroid to achieve better times, but a nice thingie, that spares me a lot of time, and I hated it always. But I also hate politics, and I went to vote this spring.

And just try to imagine a bit: how many times is replay handling better, than if somebody solves the mystery of the coding byte in the rpl file, and writes replays with a  hexaeditor. And I fear this`ll happen once, as the community gets bigger and bigger, so the only solution is to think about this whole thing as a good game, and fun.

I hope you change your mind and race just for fun, lestunts achieves it`s goal, and my dream too, the IRL stunts-meeting and competition in 2003.  



No Zak, I won't close the site, I've never planned to do this and if I would plan it I would even can't do it, because Ruepel is the official owner of the site.

I'll just stop racing.

BUT! Juank, good idea with the new team. We will talk about it when we will met at Le Stunts.


I suppose that you will be forgetting that idea to leave your stunts pipsqueak carreer. Now you know that nobody want it. We like to see you in the scoreboards. Look at zaks and alains effort to find a solution. It's incredible! They're very good people!

Think about it. Think about lestunts (is the solution for me, I mean you can use Rh only if you crash or break any rule) If you use RH all the time you loose time.

I hope you'll stay in this community like a pipsqueak.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

A short message:

Don't give up, Pershing!!!!!!!!!!!
Chürműű! :-)

58.36 km

Bonzai Joe

I'm sad to hear about you quitting. Oddly enough, I remember sending you both the shortcut (1.43 time), but you must not have gotten the mail, or I have typed a wrong address, or my memory is bad. Anyway I'm sorry.

But as you know, my internet is broken down, which means I had to borrow a friend's computer in order to send my own replay to Zak. I still haven't fixed it, and now I'm on holiday. I think that instead of quitting you could do one of these:

1. Keep racing for fun, but not take the competition too seriously.

2. Start a competition like the old ISA one you mentioned

3. Train replay-handling-stunts and become a true replay-handler with manual transmission.

I hope that you were wrong, drunk, had a bad day (remember some of my posts?) and will return to Stunts, it is after all the best game on earth.

Kind regards