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ten reasons why Pro league is a mistake

Started by al il professore, November 09, 2002, 07:32:24 PM

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Do u think the sum system was more unfair than the pro league concept?

3 (42.9%)
1 (14.3%)
Attack irack
3 (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closed: November 09, 2002, 07:32:24 PM

al il professore

This is the biggest mistake I lived in Stunts world: refer also to original article here

1. Stunts community isn't big enough to allow this to work properly. We need twenty pipsqueaks minimum, to split the race in two leagues of ten
2. Points system will be a mess, noone understands it
3. Some weird things will happen, and not the best driver will be in the best places
4. Teams were four members, they will be two members
5. It seems to split between serious pipsqueaks and non pipsqueaks. its awful
6. I dont feel like i never will drop in amateur league. Always the same will be in pro
7. No chance for those who cant play one or two month by accident to be efficient with great talent. no chance for someone who enters in may to fight for the world title in the end of the year, because it took him one month to enter the pro league.
8. Not enough simple to remember something. If there is one race, everyone remember it, two races, u cant take part and interest in obth of them
9. develop a team management game around stunts races would be a good idea. then, we would have a pro organization without pro pipsqueaks
10. transfers would be allowed, and teams can draft other scuderias pipsqueaks according to the ranking they earn in the past season.

But If nothing is done against it, we will suffer it one entire year. So lets think seriously about it before.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


1. Stunts community isn't big enough to allow this to work properly. We need twenty pipsqueaks minimum, to split the race in two leagues of ten

we'll have twenty pipsqueaks at least next year, it's not a problem.

2. Points system will be a mess, noone understands it

why? you simply have to check the driver's division, and add together his points. Couldn't be simpler.

3. Some weird things will happen, and not the best driver will be in the best places

Again why? Pro is clean, in amateur it's the same mess as until now, I'm working on it.

4. Teams were four members, they will be two members

well, you asked for this one, I had nothing against 4 member teams, sy said it's more fair to have only 2 player teams, I said OK, why not. But if you'd like, then 1-2-3-4-5-6 member teams arer allowed, it's ok for me, but the conditions stay.
*1.6,*1,*0.7,*0.55,*0.48,*0.45   6 is the maximum members allowed.

5. It seems to split between serious pipsqueaks and non pipsqueaks. its awful

OK it splits A BIT, but there's no separation. What would be if F1, F3000, and F3 would race at the same time? Total chaos. And just please try to think about it as a newbie. Is it really so much fun to battle for 1 point, meanwhile the veterans take 6-10 easily?
Forum is common, B tracks are common, chat is common, stunts is common, results are partly separated. Where's the split? This is one community.

6. I dont feel like i never will drop in amateur league. Always the same will be in pro

that's ok.

7. No chance for those who cant play one or two month by accident to be efficient with great talent. no chance for someone who enters in may to fight for the world title in the end of the year, because it took him one month to enter the pro league.

yes, you have a point here, but we're planning for a long time. It was in mind to make competitions in 6 month periods, but I dropped the idea, because then winning a season wouldn't be such a big thing.
And I'm plannig in years. Until I don't forget the university (which I'll enter next year), you can count on my competition, so 6 more years is for sure.
Plenty of time to win a season, even if you join in 2003 may. :)

8. Not enough simple to remember something. If there is one race, everyone remember it, two races, u cant take part and interest in obth of them

I don't really got what you wanted to say with this. :-S

9. develop a team management game around stunts races would be a good idea. then, we would have a pro organization without pro pipsqueaks
10. transfers would be allowed, and teams can draft other scuderias pipsqueaks according to the ranking they earn in the past season.

well, I

But If nothing is done against it, we will suffer it one entire year. So lets think seriously about it before.

haha, do you really think that if it's really THAT bad, then it'll go for a year? I have/had some fears also about the pro/amateur league, but I got positive reactions from the 90% of the active pipsqueaks, and also the latest poll has also proved that dual-league will be a success. 4 pipsqueaks said that they'll join the amateur, altough they have never raced, and that's quite a lot!!!

Just imagine you're someone who's not so deeply into stunts, but found somehow my page, and want to try your skills. So you download the track, drive for some minutes, save your time, and what do you see? Your time is 30 secs worse than the leader's time. Will you send your time? I guess most of those who had the same experience, didn't send. And those are the people we would like to make stay. And they need a goal WITHIN REACH.
For example imagine F1Time (the racing manager game Mingva plays) with all the divisions together. Would it be more fun to battel for the 176th position, than to battle for the win in a lower league? And there's a league change possible only at the end of the season. Here every month.

I know you'll have fears, and I can't convince you, but I hope a half year later you can say that I had right. :)



I think that league changes each month is the only reason i agreed with the 2 leagues idea at the beginning.

But the more i think, the more it seems worth trying. If it's bad, system will change again in 2k4.

But i agree with Alain :
   - always the same drivers will stay pro,
   - always the same will stay amateur,
   - and always the same will make yoyo between the 2 leagues.
Practice is the only way for the last 2 categories of driver to make things change and kick pro out (and THAT is a challenge).


Quote from: "zaqrack"Just imagine you're someone who's not so deeply into stunts, but found somehow my page, and want to try your skills. So you download the track, drive for some minutes, save your time, and what do you see? Your time is 30 secs worse than the leader's time. Will you send your time? I guess most of those who had the same experience, didn't send. And those are the people we would like to make stay. And they need a goal WITHIN REACH.

This is the most important "mission" of the dual league. And as I see, the amateur league is the most important because from there will born a lot of new regular pipsqueaks.

Let's imagine a story about a new pipsqueak who join in amateur league. He'll race and race to win a month in amateur. And when he will win, when he beat everybody, what happens? It's not the end. He goes to another league and "fight" for a place there, against worst enemies according to his actual skill. Think as your own experience.

The best of it is that when you "touch the sky" in the amateur, you know thare are more after that. New fights, new people..... I want to be a newie in january. And I'm talking seriously. The most exciting is when you are advancing and improving to arrive at your objective. And when you reach it you'll have a new challenge: the pro league.

I think who race in amateur will have more fun than who race on pro.

Alan Rotoi

al il professore

almost a half year later, i am more disappointed than ever by pro league. I dont understand why it exists. We are not twenty pipsqueaks, lets open eyes and erase the pro/amateur system. its easy, and everything will be more fun to play and to understand, to everyone.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


While I agree that pro/amateur league isn't much fun right now with only 16 pipsqueaks, it definitely was in January and February, and it will be again. pipsqueak number is the ONLY problem that the pro league system has at the moment.
But we can't be quite sure.

al il professore

second reason applying his law on the newbies.

They play once, they are not pro, they quit forever. bye bye sweet people.

1. we are not so numerous to divide in two
2. we are not making people stay
3. we are to get back to the old system, everybody will be amateur (yes yes not pro but amateur :D), with team, nation and bonzaist... sorry egoist rankings ;)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I can't vote! Somebody voted in my name! Somebody knows my password!
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km



Sure it was Cork...

BTW you password is easy to guess. Is it ALVYDA?  :lol:

al il professore

i think u already voted.. its the only solution

btw did u see the result? the question was absolute nonsense, and six person answered the poll...

People of the stunts are just good for stunts things... :D
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


al il professore

next poll i will create will be about which comp is the hardest for u
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

No, it's not Alvyda, but it's a female name with a number. Don't try to guess it. I'm sure CTG will try...
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km