
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by Hex, December 03, 2003, 02:15:11 AM

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It's unbelievable how he can be that fast now.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I agree. My guess for the poster is Argammon.
Chürműű! :-)

2990.82 km


Yep, first rpl blaster is available under the name 'MingEditor'...  :P


Quote from: "Hex"It's unbelievable how he can be that fast now.
This post seems like compliment to me but I feel insulted by seeing authors name :(


Let me guess:  The poster is HEX and Mingva will drive over 40 hours per month because he is as much of a dedicated maniac as Alain now.

In the long run the question will be what will win? Dedication or SKILL?


Stop insulting please. Don't be jealous.

Why Mingva's 1:27,70 time would be more unbeleivable than Bonzai Joe's time ?
Mingva found back motivation, and he is as good as when he won Z+2. Where's the problem :?:

This track is dedicated to tricks, and I'm sure Alan Rotoi can do a time under 1:25,00 if he wants to. He is the track designer, and made it for all those Stunts tricks.
Mingva proved last month that he can be a good trickfinder when he wants to. :P

I didn't tested the track yet, but if I do a time under 1:30,00, will you all beleive that I'm cheating, using a so-called-possibled (but never proved) hex-editing ??? :evil:  :x


Actually I'm leading at the moment with 1.27.45. It's just not on the scoreboard yet.
And hex editing has indeed been proven, but as far as I can see, it's only useful for copying very difficult tricks and easing out corners.
But we can't be quite sure.


QuoteActually I'm leading at the moment with 1.27.45.
Don't be SO sure to be the leader... :lol:

Quotehex editing has indeed been proven
:shock:  :shock:  :shock: That's the death of Stunts racing then... :cry:  :cry:  :cry:



'Stop insulting please. Don't be jealous'

1)I did not insult him at all.I just said he is dedicated.
2)I would probably be jealous if he had driven 1.20.But until he does that I won't be jealous at all ;)

'Mingva found back motivation'

1)That's called being dedicated.

'Where's the problem'

Do you have one? I don't.

'but if I do a time under 1:30,00, will you all beleive that I'm cheating, using a so-called-possibled (but never proved) hex-editing ??? '

1)You could as well ask:If I do a time under 5 minutes,will you all........'

Sounds weird?At first glance yet,at 2nd glance 1.30 is not even a good time.


Quote from: "Hex"It's unbelievable how he can be that fast now.

Dear Mr. Hex: It is not THAT fast, maybe it IS compared with yours :D

Quoteand I'm sure Alan Rotoi can do a time under 1:25,00 if he wants to.

Dear Mr. Krys: I can ;)


Quote'but if I do a time under 1:30,00, will you all beleive that I'm cheating, using a so-called-possibled (but never proved) hex-editing ??? '

1)You could as well ask:If I do a time under 5 minutes,will you all........'
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:
5 minutes !
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Okay, 1:30 wasn't fast enough, let's say 1:20. :wink:


Then I would consider accusing you of cheating :roll:
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"Then I would consider accusing you of cheating :roll:
Why ?
This can be easily made... with the Indy ! :lol:


Does anyone know the current e-mail/MSN address of Mingay? I want to insult him heavily!!! ;D


Which competition track was this thread about?
But we can't be quite sure.