I had the idea to compare the top 3 times by looking at certain 'spots' from Roys replay
and comparing the 2nd and 3rd's place time.
The results are somewhat interesting because Roy wasn't the fastest on all parts of the track
and Bonzai lost 2nd place due to a horrible jump.
Roy Bonzai Arg
1: 19.05 19.00 (-0.05) 19.20 (+0.15) -Bonzai was the fastest here !
2: 29.25 29.45 (+0.20) 29.80 (+0.55) -Roy took over the lead but Boonzai is still close.Arg should have driven this part more often as his time is crap.
3: 41.60 42.20 (+0.60) 42.95 (+1.35!) -Bonzai losing ground,Arg is as bad as Otto on elevated roads!
4: 50.95 51.65 (+0.70) 52.35 (+1.40) -Kinda unimportant part of the track but Roy is still a bit faster than the opposition here.
5: 1.11.35 1.13.00 (+1.65) 1.13.05 (+1.70) -Bonzai has to work on his jump skills,he lost 0,70 to Arg so Arg comes very close to him.Winner is descided:Roy
6: 1.27.90 1.29.70 (+1.80) 1.29.55 (+1.65) -The part I have invested most time into earns me 2nd place ) At least I'm faster than Roy here.
And now we get to know who was the fastest on certain parts of the track
best time 2nd best 3rd best
1 part Bonzai Roy Arg
2 part Roy Bonzai Arg
3 part Roy Bonzai Arg
4 part Roy Arg Bonzai
5 part Roy Arg Bonzai
6 part Arg Roy bonzai
Roy has the best overall time,Bonzai has a strong beginning and Arg has a strong ending.
If anyone else wants to have his replays included send them to my e-mail. I am especially interested in 4th - 6th place!
Edited by: Argammon at: 4/1/02 10:18:04 am
Yeah the problem is you keep the speed you gain in that jump from about 1.04 to 1.18, which is quite some time.... interesting statistics.
I do this all the time at home, with my own races and those of you
You get my replay!!!
I printed your comments and I'm gonna look at them with the replays on my screen
COOOOOOOOOL Statistics, you get my replay too.
But all of you should never forget: Never trust a statistic you hav'nt counterfeit by yourself. Edited by: DukeBismarck at: 4/1/02 4:37:06 pm
Statistics! #2
I will only comment on Ben Snels and Bismarcks replays compared to the top 3 this time.
Roy Bonzai Arg Ben Bismarck
1: 19.05 19.00 (-0.05) 19.20 (+0.15) 19.00 (-0.05) 18.65 (-0.40!) While Ben is as fast as Bonzai Bismarck seems to have rocket acceleration
2: 29.25 29.45 (+0.20) 29.80 (+0.55) 29.45 (+0.20) 29.05 (-0.20) Ben and Bonzai are still racing head to head while Roy starts to come closer to Bismarck.
3: 41.60 42.20 (+0.60) 42.95 (+1.35!) 42.20 (+0.60) 41.55 (-0.05) Bismarck and Bonzai still head to head! Roy seems to be best driver on elevated roads as he comes very close to Bismarcks time.All times taken together make Arg look especially bad here!
4: 50.95 51.65 (+0.70) 52.35 (+1.40) 52.15 (+1.20) 50.90 (-0.05) Ben Snel loses 0.50 to all other drivers on this easy and straight part of the track!Why? I have no idea!
5: 1.11.35 1.13.00 (+1.65) 1.13.05 (+1.70) 1.13.65 (+2.30) Ben is doing the same jump as Bonzai but still loses some time to him.Bismarck did not find the shortcut.
6: 1.27.90 1.29.70 (+1.80) 1.29.55 (+1.65) 1.30.25 (+2.35) Ben has a strong ending,he actually wins time against Bonzai here and is nearly as fast as Roy. Bismarck is still driving the long way while the other drivers are having a good cool beer :P
Comments:If Bismarck had found the shortcut he might have been 1st this month it would have surely been an interesting head to head race!
Bonzai is only 0.55 faster than Ben.If Ben hadn't mysteriously lost 0.50 on the straightway it would have been a head to race between him and Bonzai fighting for the 3rd place!
And now we get to know who was the fastest on certain parts of the track
best time 2nd best 3rd best 4th best 5th best
1 part Bismarck Bonzai/Ben Roy Arg
2 part Roy Bismarck Bonzai/Ben Arg
3 part Roy Bismarck Bonzai/Ben Arg
4 part Roy/Bismarck Arg Bonzai Ben
5 part Roy Arg Bonzai Ben Bismarck
6 part Arg Roy Ben Bonzai Bismarck
If anyone else wants to have his replays included send them to my e-mail. I am especially interested in 4th - 6th place!
I want to be me 1:30,95 replay analyzed. Where can i find your e-mail address to send that 6th place replay to yoz???
Take a look at the "pipsqueaks and Teams" section. Put your mouse where it says "Argammon" and look in the bottom left part of your screen
that is: all the fastest pieces of everybody put together, would give a time of about 1:26,90.
I had my own chequepoints, different from that of argammon, those of Roy being: 875,1280,2090,2655,3050,3985,4910,5585,0180,0830, 1135,1770,2125,2790
If somebody was here from the beginning, then he can remember, that I made suchstatistics with a graph in the first 2 months. Now I don`t have enough time for this, but it would look great on a graph made in excel.
Argammon: what about doing these statistics every month, I would send you the first 6 replays (or even 10 if you want )?
I remember, and I really miss it.
@Ben Snel: Were those the times when you saved your replay?
no, just the points were I had to be faster than the calculated time. Often these points are at the beginning of jumps, or curves.
Thank ya Bonzai Joe. I'll send my replay to him.
ZakStunts Championships:
By country
9 Brazil
5 Argentina
2 Hungary
1 Netherlands
1 Denmark
1 France
1 Finland
1 Italy
This gives me an idea.... Could it be that ZakStunts had a "virtual host country" for each season/year? We should think more of what that would mean, though, ha, ha, because I have no idea :-p
It would be kind of cool to do some event with national/regional/continental teams sometime. Changing things up. Like maybe a world championship ones every two years. ;)
So now all South American champions have multiple titles (welcome to the club,
@alanrotoi ! :D), while all of the European ones have a single title so far (there are more of them, though).
(I made a mistake so I updated all ZakStunts stats!
@Duplode now it's corrected, sorry!)
South America 15 vs Europa 7Championships by country:(https://i.postimg.cc/mr5hCm90/country.png)
Championships by pipsqueak:(https://i.postimg.cc/G2TtQvJ9/ppl.png)
Championship's win rate sorted by races won:(https://i.postimg.cc/2yp6X32G/rate.png)
Continental podiums:
South America 15, 9, 5
Europe 7,14,12
Oceania 0, 0, 1
The century pipsqueaks statistics! From zct 1 to zct100 the most race winner was Ayrton with 23 races. Then, from zct 101 to zct 200 was Duplode with 30 races. Now, the current century from zct 201 to zct 300 is reign by Duplode again:
- Duplode 22 races
- Alan Rotoi 15 races
- CTG 10 races
- FinRok 7 races
- Argammon 5 races
- Marco 3 races
- dreadnaut 2 races
- seeker1982 1 race
Only 8 races won the 65 single races of this century.
Quote from: alanrotoi on September 20, 2023, 01:46:18 AMThe century pipsqueaks statistics! From zct 1 to zct100 the most race winner was Ayrton with 23 races. Then, from zct 101 to zct 200 was Duplode with 30 races. Now, the current century from zct 201 to zct 300 is reign by Duplode again:
- Duplode 22 races
- Alan Rotoi 15 races
- CTG 10 races
- FinRok 7 races
- Argammon 5 races
- Marco 3 races
- dreadnaut 2 races
- seeker1982 1 race
Only 8 races won the 65 single races of this century.
Great statistics!! ZCT215 was won by
Time to update the statistics:
South America 15 vs Europe 8
Championships by country:
*Denmark's position is between France and Finland
Championships by pipsqueak:
season podiums.png
Championship's win rate sorted by races won:
season success.png
Champion's age
To beat Roy's record, the 2025 champion would have had to be born after my first title :o
Statistics about frieshansen, spoonboy, zapper and mark nailwood, ZCT279 included:
- Overall points: Frieshansen 73, Spoonboy 69, Nailwood 65, Zapper 63
- Leading hours: Frieshansen 549, Zapper 386, Nailwood 76, Spoonboy 8
- LTB points: Frieshansen: 2, Zapper 1, Nailwood 0, Spooboy 0
- Time traveled: Frieshansen 12:25.74, Spoonboy 12:33.01, Nailwood 12:44.12, Zapper 12:49.31
Akoss joining ZCT281 has extended Hungary's streak of having a pipsqueak in every ZakStunts season! In 2023, it was GTAMan who kept the flag flying. Only two other countries have the same distinction: Brazil and Germany
Quote from: Duplode on November 20, 2024, 10:04:13 PMAkoss joining ZCT281 has extended Hungary's streak of having a pipsqueak in every ZakStunts season!
And in my books, it also counts as Looping Warriors participating in the 2024 season.
Races and Podiums by Average podiums
*More than 98% of the podiums registered. Some old pipsqueaks are out of this list.
Quote from: alanrotoi on November 24, 2024, 03:50:52 PMRaces and Podiums by Average podiums
Nice stat! It's interesting to think about the similarities and the differences between this list and the historical Folyami ranking.
Head to Head fights! Up to ZCT280:
- @Duplode 101 - 29 @alanrotoi
- @Cas 79 - 28 @Shoegazing Leo
- @Frieshansen 25 - 13 @Zapper
- @Mark Nailwood 10 - 9 @Spoonboy
- Frieshansen 15 - 4 Spoonboy
- Frieshansen 18 - 5 Mark Nailwood
- Zapper 10 - 9 Spoonboy
- Zapper 17 - 6 Mark Nailwood
- @dreadnaut 35 - 34 @Overdrijf
- Renato Biker 37 - 15 Duplode
- Ayrton 14 - 0 Duplode
- Ayrton 7 - 3 Renato Biker
- Ayrton 5 - 2 Gutix
- Gutix 17 - 15 Duplode
- Gutix 11 - 8 Renato Biker
- Ayrton 14 - 0 Duplode
- Ayrton 7 - 3 Renato Biker
- Ayrton 5 - 2 Gutix
- Gutix 17 - 15 Duplode
- Gutix 11 - 8 Renato Biker
- Gutix 16 - 6 Alain
- Gutix 22 - 5 Alan Rotoi
- Ayrton 12 - 0 Alan Rotoi
- Renato Biker 34 - 1 Alan Rotoi
- Alan Rotoi 19 - 15 Alain
- Bonzai Joe 38 - 19 Alan Rotoi
- CTG 58 - 30 Alan Rotoi
- Akoss Poo 45 - 24 Alan Rotoi
There are
849 podiums by
43 pipsqueaks in ZakStunts (alias added and ghosts fixed).
- 779 of them belongs to the 24 race winners
- 664 podiums from the 13 season champions
- 68 podiums from the 19 pipsqueaks who never got the gold
Wow, it's true I'm always just above or below Leo in the scoreboard. We have a very similar level
Quote from: Cas on December 04, 2024, 02:06:35 AMWow, it's true I'm always just above or below Leo in the scoreboard. We have a very similar level
Still, the most intense duel I found is
@dreadnaut vs
@Overdrijf that every month is in a draw or in a +1 difference. :o
Season podiums by pipsqueaks
Championships by races won
Season podiums by country
Season podiums by continent
Quote from: alanrotoi on December 04, 2024, 12:53:24 PMStill, the most intense duel I found is @dreadnaut vs @Overdrijf that every month is in a draw or in a +1 difference. :o
We actually coordinate before each race: not too fast, not too slow 🚗🚗
Number of race winners per season:
race winners.png