A sample replay has been added. I manage to complete 4 times in over 200 times of trial. The replay and highscore are uploaded in the first post of this thread. 1:49:00 isn't very hard to beat as I wasted 1 sec in the air near zone 1 and another 2 sec near the end of the track. The new zone 3 setup also makes penalty avoidance less easy.
Here are a couple of funny easter eggs occurred in this track during different trials:
OPPSCREW.RPL Comp opponent saw the danger of zone 1, tried to retreat from the loop but there was no escape for him.
HIGHEST.RPL Crossed zone 1 - but well over the clouds and then hard-landing
STRUCK.RPL A safe landing on an unsafe bridge in zone 2.
STRUCK2.RPL This is even more painful as the slice of the bridge lacks maintenance and sometimes cannot hold you car even after your normal jump.
Here are a couple of funny easter eggs occurred in this track during different trials:
OPPSCREW.RPL Comp opponent saw the danger of zone 1, tried to retreat from the loop but there was no escape for him.
HIGHEST.RPL Crossed zone 1 - but well over the clouds and then hard-landing
STRUCK.RPL A safe landing on an unsafe bridge in zone 2.
STRUCK2.RPL This is even more painful as the slice of the bridge lacks maintenance and sometimes cannot hold you car even after your normal jump.