
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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ZCT38 - Evil Twins

Started by zaqrack, April 24, 2004, 09:44:46 PM

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Short track = hard and forr? race. Let's have fun!

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Akoss car. Tomorrow I'll check the track. Let's race!
Chürműű! :-)

1854.55 km


The only part I don't like is the loop to boulevard section as I didn't like it on z35 either!
Other than that it's a very good track.And it does not hurt to mention that I decided to send a relativly good first lap to make up for z37 misery :)

Have fun racing


Hey Argammon, your first lap is not so strong, I almost beat it without sound, and with auto trm... ;)

Anyway it's nice to see you racing hard again - you can be the man who beats the argentin magic... :)


That's exactly the kind of track I like most with "slow" (no power gear) car. Just like good old Z21. :D
Short, powerful tricky parts, fun.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "Akoss Poo"Akoss car. Tomorrow I'll check the track. Let's race!

Addition: Akoss track. :D
Chürműű! :-)

1854.55 km


Ambivalent race for me: I like Lancia, but I don't have too good results with this car. I like short tracks, but this one is simply disgusting (which depends only on two tricks). My performance is better then ever, but my opponents are also on their top. I can't really say any objektive things about the race, let's hope the best - it means one of the first five places at the moment...


Quote from: "CTG"let's hope the best - it means one of the first five places at the moment...

Hey, CTG, we both were in top 5 last month. Let's do it again this month. :wink:  :D


Shall I tell you 5 reasons, why I'm not sure to be in top5? The reasons are: Argammon, Akoss Poo, Gutix, you... hmmm, this is only four... well fifth is an unknown opponent (maybe Usrin, BJ, the Oracle or Mimas pipsqueaks), but this opponent can be my low interest in this track too.

To some pipsqueaks who never believe what I say: if I say I have only a few chance to finish in the first five it's not an underestimation. Opponents are getting better (like Krys or Usrin), and this is really not my track.  :?  BUT! It doesn't mean I won't fight for the podium. I promise my best - my final ranking depends on you...


CTG this month you will write 100 messages about your result. Now you say it will be slow. In 15 days you will say maybe you can win. And few days before the end you will say you can't do it better. AS ALWAYS!!



Kidding... like Rotoi... ALWAYS KIDDING...  :P

Btw I'll be slow at the beginning of the month, I'll feel a bit self-confidence in two weeks, the I'll feel tired from Stunts in the last few days, and I won't be able to imagine the way of improving. And yes, I'll make at least 0.50 seconds better replay after my last post about final replay. AS ALWAYS! :D


jeje Cool! That's... err. that's.... I don't know what is that but it is something :)

Is it motivation to beat akoss and win a zct track or just you love zak's tracks 2004?


Quote from: "alanrotoi"Is it motivation to beat akoss and win a zct track or just you love zak's tracks 2004?

Akoss meant motivation on Z34, 35 and 36. On Z37 I wasn't allowed to overtake him - that's why I lost something in my feelings about Stunts. Now I'm racing against the clock, and I don't care about others result. I have a goal (a certain lap time), and 1 point for LTB - nothing more. I'll be satisfied with top5 if I can reach it, but my time result is more important at the moment. That means I would rather be 7th with 40.50 then to be 3rd with a weak 41.40...

ZCT victory? Hmmm, sounds well, it's one of my dreams. But I don't feel I'm ready for my first win in ZakStunts. I must improve a lot on some areas - without them I wouldn't deserve the first place.

You asked tracks - my answer is short and a bit hard: I hate most of the ZCT tracks. Zak is a good competition manager, moderator, etc. but he's terrible in track designing...  :)