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Cars in common competition

Started by CTG, December 06, 2002, 02:25:58 PM

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I know that we'll have to drive with another car every month in pro/amateur. But what about common competition? Same rules in 2003?


I have 4 solutions in mind:

1. if there's a slow car at primary comp., then here a fast one, if there's a fast one, then here a slow one.

2. track designer decides for each track.

3. indy always

4. vote every month about the next month's car.



I vote for a fast car for common when there is a slow one in the league, but common car selected by track designer... AND the Indy very often


Zak ideas :
1/ Great idea :wink:
2/ Logical idea, a track well designed is designed especially for a car :wink:
3/ Bad idea : ISA is an "Indy always comp" already, and ALWAYS Indy will be boring before the end of the year.  :x Indy is not the only fast car.
4/ Bad idea : it means Indy will always be the "next month car" :!:

So i think Zak will have to say to the "Common comp track designer of the month" which car will be used for the next ZCT track, and the designer :
1/ HAVE TO choose another car, according to the 1st idea,
2/ HAVE TO adapt his track length to the car (around 2 minutes with the chosen car),
3/ MUST NOT let some weird elements outside the track like on Bordeaux track. :evil:

According to me, Indy is a great car, but other 6th gear cars too.
Personnaly, i like IMSA cars much more than any other car, even if they don't have a 6th gear. :P  8)  :D


Quote from: "Krys TOFF"Zak ideas :
1/ Great idea :wink:
2/ Logical idea, a track well designed is designed especially for a car :wink:
3/ Bad idea : ISA is an "Indy always comp" already, and ALWAYS Indy will be boring before the end of the year.  :x Indy is not the only fast car.
No no no! An Indy competition is the only thing the Stunts community doesn't have! We have Zakstunts: All cars competition. We have ISA: No shortcuts competition: We have FSC: No shortcuts and all sorts of weird cars/rules. We don't have a single real competition where you can drive any car you want, and drive anywhere you want. Just like the Kalpen competition, Charles' competition and Roy's competition were. I miss them.
Quote from: "Krys TOFF"
4/ Bad idea : it means Indy will always be the "next month car" :!:

So i think Zak will have to say to the "Common comp track designer of the month" which car will be used for the next ZCT track, and the designer :
1/ HAVE TO choose another car, according to the 1st idea,
2/ HAVE TO adapt his track length to the car (around 2 minutes with the chosen car),
Madness! Who would drive a full 2 minute track every month? In that case, the competition will only be won by those who want to waste most of their valuable time driving each corner to perfection in a track that goes on forever...
Quote from: "Krys TOFF"
3/ MUST NOT let some weird elements outside the track like on Bordeaux track. :evil:
Who cares if there are other track parts on a track? You can't even see them :D

Sorry Krys, I disagree with you a lot today  :lol:
But we can't be quite sure.

Shoegazing Leo

Stunts LOL 2003 will be a competition with shortcuts and any original car...


Great :-D But I still disagree with Krys :)
But we can't be quite sure.


Bonzai: No no no! An Indy competition is the only thing the Stunts community doesn't have! We have Zakstunts: All cars competition. We have ISA: No shortcuts competition: We have FSC: No shortcuts and all sorts of weird cars/rules

So really? Do we have an LM002 competition? No
Do we have a Corvette competition? No
Do we have an IMSA Car competition? No....
you could continue this list :) Use the word only more carefull next time ;)

And I don't care if shortcuts are allowed or not ISA is an INDY competion!
+it's not only shortcuts but also a dubious set of rules like corksrews can be skipped and loops can't and 1 wheel on track but my fancy loop jump is not allowed.

Just a competition w/o logic at all :P

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

All of the 4 choices that Zak offered would be good for me. But I vote for not too long tracks with Kalpen rules, because there's no good competition on the Net with Kalpen rules.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


What do you mean with "Kalpen rules"?

1. zak's rules
2. tracks for INDY
3. zak's rules + tracks for INDY

I guess the third

PS: Long life to Hammerfall!

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "alanrotoi"What do you mean with "Kalpen rules"?

1. zak's rules
2. tracks for INDY
3. zak's rules + tracks for INDY

I guess the third

Third one. ZCT 20 rules. Zak's rules but only the Indy car BB 1.1. Kalpen rules. There are lot of possibilities to call it.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km



I agree, third possibility is best.

To Argammon: What I'm talking about is a competition where you can use any car you want too. Of course in reality, you would always use the Indy in such a competition, but it's not a parallel to a Corvette competition, Jeep competition etc. - all of which would not draw more than 3 or 4 pipsqueaks.
But we can't be quite sure.


Zct 20 does not seem to attract to much pipsqueaks either! Compare the numbers with ZCT 19 for example....


1/ When i said 2 minutes, i forgot to say "MAXIMUM".
I think 1 minute is too short. Between 1 and 2 minutes is the good length for a track. B-one or not. Except Plus comp.

2/ Alps' designer will win the TDC, so everything will depend of his choice.
If it has been designed by Akoss or alan, Indy will be present quite often on B-tracks next year. :wink:

3/ I'm sure Akoss did Alps and not Alan, so we will have Indy around 10 months of 12 on B-tracks next year i suppose... Others 2 will be for IMSA cars i hope.

4/ I joined Stunts community in august, and since then i saw 2 tracks with Indy and Zak's rules : Z+3 and ZCT20. 2 tracks in 5 months, isn't it a good average for u Indy lovers ??

5/ Rules in FSC are not weird, they are French  :D  :lol:  :D  :lol:  :!:
And i really LOVE the checkpoints idea Alain had 2 months ago. I want more tracks with it on FSC in the future.