
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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ZCT42 - The Meaning of Life

Started by zaqrack, August 15, 2004, 09:09:19 PM

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A track made on the last day of the Stunts Meeting.
I guess it'll be kinda hard, but try to enjoy ;)


Hard track, but much enjoyable in my opinion. :D


Very hard ;) But thanks for my first hour of leading time this season ;)

Dark Chaser

About Satanziege words... Hehehehe... Don't worry, Satan... Our time will come!!! Hehehehe  8)


Yes, that was also the first 3 hours of leading time for me. :D
But the new time made by alan (1:24,xx) seems incredible for me ! :shock:
I know where to earn enough seconds to finish with around 1:30, but 6 seconds less... :?


Quote from: "Dark Chaser"About Satanziege words... Hehehehe... Don't worry, Satan... Our time will come!!! Hehehehe  8)
But as long as mad pipsqueaks as gutix come from nowhere i fear it will take some time  :?

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

A lot of time can be won by doing the pipe jump, but it is very hard, because you need lot of speed. I think Alan did it. 1:24 is possible, I will reach it next week, after my very hard exam on Monday.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "satanziege"
Quote from: "Dark Chaser"About Satanziege words... Hehehehe... Don't worry, Satan... Our time will come!!! Hehehehe  8)
But as long as mad pipsqueaks as gutix come from nowhere i fear it will take some time  :?

CTG also came up slowly. Step by step. And after almost 2 years of hard fight, he is on the top at the moment.

I think satanziege, Dark Chaser and Diesel Joe shouldn't give up. Try harder and try even more harder. You will reach the top. :)
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

I think we shouldn't let Rotoi call himself Stunts Oracle when he drives so fastly (not kidding).
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"I think we shouldn't let Rotoi call himself Stunts Oracle when he drives so fastly (not kidding).

I just put the same idea in ZakStunts news, before reading forum. :D

The REAL Alan Rotoi is back, and Gutix will be the only able to follow his steps because of teamwork (and his talent too, no offense Gutix :wink: )...

Dark Chaser

OK, OK... I'm sorry, guys... Congratulations, 'STUNTS ORACLE'!!!

"Visit Stunts Pop ( No tricks, no shortcuts... and the best brazilian drivers of Stunts!!!"


thanks! ^_^

I visit the site sometime to see how goes the comp... Brazil needs to rise again with megatop drivers as in the Bronze era of the stunts :)

And Brasil can! pipsqueaks motivated as you Dark Chaser may be top drivers very soon. I hope! My best wishes!!


Quote from: "alanrotoi"pipsqueaks motivated as you Dark Chaser may be top drivers very soon.
I think the "may" can be replaced by "will", and until the end of the year, the "will" will be replaced by "is" ! :shock:  :wink:
At this moment, Dark Chaser is 2nd in scoreboard, before Akoss Poo, Usrin, Zak, ... Of course, it's not the end of the month and many pipsqueaks will improve or send their 1st replay, but I'm sure DC will improve again too. :wink:

Quote from: "Dark Chaser"Visit Stunts Pop ( No tricks, no shortcuts... and the best brazilian drivers of Stunts
Well, in a blind people population, one-eyed guys are kings. :P
I mean that there's no real opposition for you in this competition, as it was for me in 2003 at HOTU Stunts competition. :roll: With Gutix regularly racing HOTU this year, I'm no more the HOTU champion : Gutix beat me by only 1 point overall :!:  :shock:  :x  :evil:

Dark Chaser

Hoho... Thanks, Akoss, Alan and Krys... I really need to thank your praises... Motivated again, I will improve, step by step, until the end of this year...   :wink: