
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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ZCT59 - Fake Gods

Started by zaqrack, December 30, 2005, 02:43:07 AM

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Quote from: "al il professore"you can't watch our replays to copy them here. as you do at your competition. you are a liar as argammon. at least, argammon fought manly on the tracks.

ayrton is real, so real that you couldn't beat him once.

your head has blown up since you won two zakstunts BY ACCIDENT and now you won't stop being a liar :)

renato is so real that you delete his replays that he sends at your competition. you also refuse to publish my replays just because I am someone that you don't like.

you are a fascist :)

you even don't know how to speak english, perhaps you should write in hungarian and i should translate from google, because i will understand more things in your posts.

English is the only thing on Earth you are better in, you piece of motherfucker shit.

al il professore

I admire the way  you lie better than me or anyone in english ;)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "al il professore"you your head has blown up since you won two zakstunts BY ACCIDENT and now you won't stop being a liar :)

he won 3, and not by accident

1 CTG Cork`s Crew  1:23.75  (-1.25)  manual 02-28   21:00 12
2 Bonzai Joe Cork`s Crew  1:24.70  (-3.40) +00.95 manual 02-28   21:00 11
3 alain Orion  1:25.00  (-0.40) +01.25 manual 02-28   18:33 10
4 Argammon Cork`s Crew  1:25.50  (-10.30) +01.75 manual 02-28   21:00 9
5 ayrton MeganiuM Aces High  1:27.70  (-0.60) +03.95 manual 02-28   04:42 8

Look at this scoreboard! He beat everybody here who counts!
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


A bit off topic,but:

Would you please stop calling everyone a liar (me ctg),basically anyone who disagrees with you?

And would you please stop trying to start flamewars by continuesly provoking until someone loses his nerves?

We can disagree on some matters,but with a bit more style.

Thank you in advance

al il professore

1. so he won by serendipity. (and i worked real hard to use a word that noone will understand :) )

2. I'll define as liars everyone that is a liar, (you, CTG)

3. I didn't start this discussion... and remember ctg will not stop what he's done about ayrton, renato... because he was the first and onely one that invented the principle to race under a fake name at stunts competitions... he just thinks that everybody will forget it just because he accuses the others  of doing the same, which, until now has fortunately never happened...

just, CTG, forget about me :) and I'll discrepantly leave you ALONE ;)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


Serendipity= ability to find good things at a place where it's impossible

or something like that. :)


I actually like this track now.... I can't work it out at all, but it's fun enough to race, especially without replay handling.
But we can't be quite sure.


I am surprised that you actually made a clear post and didn't talk around the issue.

Just one thing:
The point is,that you [alain] have definatly lied before and more often than me in my opinion.Anyways that is not the point.I bet everyone on this forum has at least 'lied' once in his life even though there are different types of liars.
So why don't you call everyone a liar?Because noone would take you seriously,ok.

So maybe your definition is that I or CTG are continuesly lieing,which is -imo - bull****

I rarely 'lie',but sometimes I am joking,which is not my definition of lieing.

I know you are holding a grudge because of the end of our orion time,which explains your 'not so nice' behaviour towards me.But I don't come back to get into any more flamewars with you.I will seriously point out opinion without trying to diss/flame etc in the future.And if the whole thing gets to heated up I can quickly leave after racing 1-3 tracks as I did in the future.No problem for me.

I am relativly sure you will disagree with me on this one and continue to call me a liar,maybe just trying to make me mad,but you won't succeed.

This will be my last post about this topic and I hope the whole thing is clear now for the future.
Let's race against each other and forget about the rest.

Ok that really was off topic

Happy racing

Renato Biker

Hi to all pipsqueaks,
I see much discussions about me  :lol:
It is good, i am principal metter of this forum  :P

Sorry for my bad english  :wink:


Ctg is a bad loser, wich is a nice flaw.
Nobody should be happy to lose.

The other problem that he has is that he isnt realistic.
I dont get so mad with stunts, because I known I dont have a champion?s talent, like Ayrton, Alain, Gutix, Renato and few others.
n?o me sinto inspirado para escrever nada de impacto, para que todos digam: "Puxa! Que demais!  :)

al il professore

Quote from: "Argammon"ONE I rarely 'lie',but sometimes I am joking,which is not my definition of lieing.

TWO I know you are holding a grudge because of the end of our orion time,which explains your 'not so nice' behaviour towards me.But I don't come back to get into any more flamewars with you.I will seriously point out opinion without trying to diss/flame etc in the future.And if the whole thing gets to heated up I can quickly leave after racing 1-3 tracks as I did in the future.No problem for me.

THREE I am relativly sure you will disagree with me on this one and continue to call me a liar,maybe just trying to make me mad,but you won't succeed.

reply to ONE: you are a living lie. your thoughts are not your acts and your acts are not going according to your thoughts. you are a medical schizo case in real life. You are mad, hence your incapacity in joking or understanding someone elses' jokes.

reply to TWO: yeah, just about the same thing: lying: I'll heat you up until you quit because it's in my nature... this is a lie, you quit because you are a quitter, not because of me. you'll quit. can you do something on the audi quattro track? with ayrton, renato and I progressing continuously to the hopeless diamond replay, there is not much room for you. you will do nothing with the audi quattro which is pathetically supposed to be YOUR car.

about the orion dismissal. you decided to quit us, and you are used to quit. you are a quitter. but in that case you quit us because you were a lower talented pipsqueak than I am and that you can't stand it AT ALL. you copied all my best tricks, played for the podiums and felt frustrated by your results (continuously second) I am a winner. you are living in the lie that you are the best pipsqueak on earth. it's a lie.

reply to THREE: I am sure you will agree with me: you are a continuous liar. you lie, lie lie and lie, wake up you lie dress up you lie skid up you lie and YOU ARE A LIAR! you'll never change.

I will endlessly reply to your posts against me, I don't like your post ending "This will be my last post about this topic and I hope the whole thing is clear now for the future.
Let's race against each other and forget about the rest." because there has been way too much attempts from me to clear the slates since you said that for the first time.

Things only seems better to you because you are on my ignore list EVERYWHERE! ignored, argammon, yuk what a crap name for a crap pipsqueak.

looking forward to your next insulting post orionians' lucifer :)
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


Oh my how low can you get...

No comment :-D

And now don't say that I lied as I didn't answer any of your pathetic points...


Nope, you can't get much lower than that  :-) Alain might as well have printed "WELL I'M RUBBER AND YOU'RE GLUE" in very large letters and saved a lot of time...
But we can't be quite sure.


:shock:  :lol:  :lol:


This discussion reminds me the WWF ^_^