
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Messages - Argammon

Ok please bet the top 5 drivers on zct 21 here!
The winner might receive a small prize (have to think about what,maybe zak will help)

I know it's a disadvantage but I will be the 1st to bet:


I know it's a provoking bet ;)
Competition 2002 / Congrats Bonzai
December 30, 2002, 09:28:21 PM
For your win on last month track and the championship.

Competition 2002 / My times
December 18, 2002, 06:13:29 PM
here they are

BB Indy 1.1 : 1.36.70
BB Indy 1.0 : 1.43.20
MS Indy 1.1(early version : 1.37.50
Contest car :-----
MS Indy 1.1(late version :----
Secondary 2003 / :)
December 11, 2002, 10:48:40 PM
Zct 20 does not seem to attract to much pipsqueaks either! Compare the numbers with ZCT 19 for example....
Secondary 2003 / UM HAHA
December 11, 2002, 06:42:19 PM
Bonzai: No no no! An Indy competition is the only thing the Stunts community doesn't have! We have Zakstunts: All cars competition. We have ISA: No shortcuts competition: We have FSC: No shortcuts and all sorts of weird cars/rules

So really? Do we have an LM002 competition? No
Do we have a Corvette competition? No
Do we have an IMSA Car competition? No....
you could continue this list :) Use the word only more carefull next time ;)

And I don't care if shortcuts are allowed or not ISA is an INDY competion!
+it's not only shortcuts but also a dubious set of rules like corksrews can be skipped and loops can't and 1 wheel on track but my fancy loop jump is not allowed.

Just a competition w/o logic at all :P
Indy Racing Cup / HAHA
December 11, 2002, 06:35:48 PM
Now which funny person tried to fake me? :)
Do I have so many hidden fans? *EG*

But he is basically right : I am the best muwahahhaa LOL
Track Design Contest 2002 / HAHA
December 11, 2002, 06:32:51 PM
CTG's votes should definatly not be counted because either he is a fake!!! or CTG does not allow him to use the internet anymore.
In any of those 2 cases he can't possible vote on all tracks so I would like to have his (or the fakes) votings removed!
Usrin and Bolo should just finish the votes.......
Track Design Contest 2002 / rating
December 08, 2002, 08:18:29 PM

The terrain is really nice : terrain rating 4 out of 4

track: OK the track is ok and I like sharp corners but:
1)It is not hard enough! Actually it looks like a compromise between the map makers liking and what he thinks others might like and that won't ever work!
It's to fluent and I would like to see more stunt parts......

track rating: 4 out of 6

final rating: 5

ahah my math is bad today =P
Track Design Contest 2002 / rating
December 08, 2002, 08:12:13 PM
terrain:somehow I like the terrain.although there should be a bit more terrain on the frame

terrain rating 3 out of 4

track :after driving bordeaux this track was refreshing! not so short!

track rating: 4 out of 6

final rating: 4
Track Design Contest 2002 / rating
December 08, 2002, 08:07:28 PM
Note:My browser just crashed so I have to vote again GRRRRR

terrain:only terrain around the track is not enough! and please not in rows but scattered! The decoy terrain would be a good idea if it's design wouldn't be the worst I have to see yet!

terrain: 1 out of 4


OK the design is OK (proly 3-4 points) but I have to be a counter for those who like to think 2-3 min tracks are to long.They ain't as you can easily do 12 min tracks!
Now this being said 1 min is way to short for me so I'll substract 3 points from the track score!
Why 3 points? because for me a 1 min track is like a 10 sec track for most of you? fun? no

track rating: 1 point

final rating: 1 point
Competition 2002 / OH and another thing...
December 05, 2002, 03:54:20 PM
I don't really feel like I(we) lost last month.
1st ,the result is ok because I did not play stunts for more than half a year and 2nd I have the strong feeling I(we) would have won if we had all taken the same way, haha :P
Competition 2002 / O_o
December 05, 2002, 03:52:00 PM
Ok about me:

1)I don't like the car
2)I don't like the design of the track
3)I don't like the scenery of the track
4)I don't those many parts of the track which depend on luck only (divided road on water is an example)You basically would need a bug jump to pass it... Alanrotois name would be 'magic carpet' (whyever!)
5)I am not sure if I will race at all this month :)
Competition 2002 / 1st
November 30, 2002, 11:08:11 PM
First impressions:

Kinda like the Kalpen tracks
To many shortcuts possible
Uses the indy

Well I must say that I really must say I am a very bad sc finder considering ZCT 19
+ I hate the Indy

--> I don't know if I will drive ....
well proly I will and get a very bad result :)
Competition 2002 / ZCT 19 evaluation
November 30, 2002, 10:59:40 PM
Ok this evaluation is based on Bonzais,Alans,mine,zacks,alains and mingvas replays I don'T have the others.

First le me congratulate Bonzai for winning the month and alan for his 2nd and Zak for his 'divided' 3rd place.

Shortcuts used:

Argammon:2 small one's (through cork wall and after left right corcsrew)
Hyperion : same
Mingva :same
Zak : 2 big short cuts and 2 small one's ( skipped 1st corner before elevated road,and jumped to the pipe on the water+orion SC)
Alanrotoi: same as zak but his jumps where slower
Bonzai: same as Zak +skipping the corkscrew with 160+mph!

A) Argammon is not a 1st class short cut finder anymore he is 3rd clast at best

B)I wonder why the gap between zak/alan and bonzai is so big even though bonzai only skipped the corcsrew faster....

C)It's not even only the shortcut which gains a lot time it's the time you get by driving the next part of the track at higher speed (example jump to pipe) but again everyone knows that one :)

D)I was the fastest driver 'on the road' .. which means if I only count those times of sections which are no shortcuts and whose speed was not influenced by shortcuts.

E)Our team did a bad job finding SC (obvious)

F)Cork Screw did a good job
Competition 2002 / Last tunnel on ZCT 19
November 29, 2002, 05:34:10 PM
The last tunnel of ZCT 19 should not be there.He makes the whole competion a gamble! (at least to those drivers who are relativly close to each other)

Let me explain:

The speed at which you can jump through the tunnel is completly random! I've tried everything ,shifting gears ,driving on one side or another it does not matter at all!

Basically every driver just has to drive dozens of times through the tunnel at high speed hoping he won't crash! I got lucky in the last replay I send in for example and I guess I will have the best checkpoint time after the tunnel with that replay and I can't even beat that old 1.39.40 time because I get unlucky in the tunnel crashing at low speed!

Ok you may think it's not so important if you drive with 30 mph more or less through the tunnel! But of course it is: It determines how fast you will drive the last banked corner.

I calculated that there is a difference of 1-2 seconds between 1 driver who got a lucky high speed through the tunnel and another driver who only got low speed.

And for you Zak: Compare at which speed I jumped through the tunnel in my 1.39.40 replay with some other replays and you will realize the great differences.

The conclusion must be not to use such tunnels after slopes again on any track as they make the contest a big gamble!