Select your "Top2" favourite cars that you want to make possible to drive in Stunts
Option 1: Ferrari F40
votes: 3
Option 2: Ferrari Testarossa
votes: 2
Option 3: Lotus Esprit Turbo SE '89
votes: 3
Option 4: Toyota MR2 SuperCharged (mk1)
votes: 2
Option 5: KITT (TransAm Firebird'83)
votes: 3
Option 6: McLaren Honda MP4/4 (F1 car)
votes: 2
I will create soon 1 or 2 of the most voted cars here.
2 votes per user.
The Lotus Esprit is one of the best looking cars ever. However, I'm not sure if there'd be much of a difference wit say the countach modelwise, and have no idea which on would be most fun and most "different" to drive...
You could build Richard Hammond and we'dd mak stunts top gear.
O no, wait, there'd be no detail in such a small model.
They're all MR (Mid engine Rwd) except from KITT which is FR (Front engine Rwd).
Both MR2 and Esprit are both light weight and very 80's sharp angle style model which is good to create with less vertices and more details.
F40 is the successor of the 288GTO, so it is very similar in performance because of the power/weight ratio. But F40 is an such an icon...
Testarossa is a great looking 80's GT so it would be a ZR1 competitor.
Kitt is a great car for stunts, it is natural acrobatic car. Good for use with power bug for simulate its SPM mode.
That is my opinion, but mainly they are all cars that I could create with joy.
PS: other car that I forgot to include in this poll, a car to make pair with Porsche March Indy, the successful Marlboro McLaren Honda MP4/4. Sorry to all that already voted... I'd to reset votes.
As long as you don't do anything that has a weight of 8000 pounds, an 800 HP engine and powergear in 4th and 5th gear, the Vantasy is mine. (Or should I call it turbotruck?)
You know, if I had't just finished that kart I'dd think I had something to compensate. Ah wel...
this is super cool :D
For me it's Esprit and MR2... KITT would be cool as well - I think it used to be on CTG's wishlist, on the guise of providing "Knight Rider" an unique shape.
PS.: Great to see you returned, Overdrijf! I will give your kart a spin as soon as I wake from my slumber to make the Z110 listfiller :)
Quote from: zaqrack on August 25, 2010, 08:36:06 AM
this is super cool :D
It is, cars on demand. Can't wait to see how the winners turn out.
Quote from: Duplode on August 25, 2010, 06:15:21 PM
For me it's Esprit and MR2... KITT would be cool as well - I think it used to be on CTG's wishlist, on the guise of providing "Knight Rider" an unique shape.
PS.: Great to see you returned, Overdrijf! I will give your kart a spin as soon as I wake from my slumber to make the Z110 listfiller :)
Yeah, I have to do more Z110 too, try if I can stay off the bottom a little bit...
(Ah well, at least I can afford to loose against the names on that list.)
With this poll closed and 3 cars in first place, I will have to choose one to pick first, so I begin to create the Lotus Esprit.
Quote from: zapper on September 08, 2010, 05:03:40 PM
With this poll closed and 3 cars in first place, I will have to choose one to pick first, so I begin to create the Lotus Esprit.
At least the F40 should be relatively simple, as it is essentially an ultra-radical evolution of the GTO...
Nice results, anyway: the KITT just had to be done at one point or another, and the Esprit also was a must have (Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge, anyone? :))
Quote from: zapper on September 08, 2010, 05:03:40 PM
With this poll closed and 3 cars in first place, I will have to choose one to pick first, so I begin to create the Lotus Esprit.
Quote from: zaqrack on September 08, 2010, 06:31:08 PM
Quote from: CTG on September 08, 2010, 10:05:38 PM
Quote from: Duplode on September 08, 2010, 05:15:05 PM
Lotus III - The Ultimate Challenge
YES!!! ;D
Judging from the levels of excitement I guess it could be a good idea for us to go all the way and also model the Lotus Elan and the M200 (or whatever that green prototype was called) ;)
and modify Stunts to have 20 opponents, multiple laps and a pitstop? ;D
I guess the most challenging part would be the self-generating tracks...
I think I can make the three, Esprit is on the good way with 3d modelling, and the dash is based on test drive 2 for amiga (256color) that only needs a few work to get it on.
Kitt will be the last to be done and the more time consuming.
Soon I'll start a new thread to show my work.
Quote from: zapper on September 09, 2010, 04:41:20 PM
Kitt will be the last to be done and the more time consuming.
Quote from: Overdrijf on August 24, 2010, 10:38:05 PM
As long as you don't do anything that has a weight of 8000 pounds, an 800 HP engine and powergear in 4th and 5th gear, the Vantasy is mine. (Or should I call it turbotruck?)
You know, if I had't just finished that kart I'dd think I had something to compensate. Ah wel...
On second thought this one's going to take a while, other projects are using my time (plus I really should get some serious racing done). Ah well, who cares anyway now we're getting a Lotus?
Oh yes, the lotus is done. And next is the F40, that should be ready until chirstmas.
F40 is ready to do some stunts ;)
the making of Kitt for Stunts would be for late, but for sure it will not be forgotten.
McLaren MP4/4 is a very good idea. ;)
I like it too, the most dificult part about it is the dash, but I'll try to make it happen ;)
For German pipsqueak and a funny thing: Opel Manta B
It could be easy to build this car because the shape is not too round so it fits to the graphics.
And the time the car was build fits to Stunts.
Sorry for my bad English but in this case I did not know how to write the things I want to express ;)
*sigh* If ever my dream will come true (see this thread: http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=2219.msg38785#msg38785 (http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=2219.msg38785#msg38785))? 8)
I draw the Manta on Paint. Seems to be quite easy. For someone who knows how to build cars ;)
@ JTK: Dein Wunsch wäre auch mal was. Aber wenn er den Dachaufsatz auch hat müsste er das Extra "Kippen" bekommen, wenn man zu schnell in eine Kurve fährt ;)
Definitely with the high roof! And it will not fall aside!! 8)
Of course, it has to be realistic ;)
Quote from: RacerBG on July 18, 2011, 05:31:31 PM
McLaren MP4/4 is a very good idea. ;)
It's done and ready to roll on Stunts :D.
Check it out here:
McLaren Honda MP4/4 (http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=2683.msg47876#msg47876).
Kitt is not forgotten, it's just on hold, but it has to get in Stunts.
New cars for the wishlist :
- V8 Supercars' Holden Commodore (3rd generation one, either VY, vZ or VE), with the Jack Daniel's livery :
- Nascar Sprint Cup car, preferably the Chevrolet Impala 42 (with the red "target" livery) of JP Montoya or the Toyota Camry that Marcos Ambrose drove before switching to Ford with RPM team this year.
Both Montoya and Ambrose (old) cars are on this picture : (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/ambrosemontoyajpg-5f9ab7fac9f02753_large.jpg)
Whoa - I like the Holden Commodore! :-)
Quote from: Krys TOFF on October 30, 2011, 01:07:08 AM
Both Montoya and Ambrose (old) cars are on this picture : (http://media.al.com/sports_impact/photo/ambrosemontoyajpg-5f9ab7fac9f02753_large.jpg)
A nice one for Melange.
Can someone please make a '12 Porsche 911 (991)? I tried it myself, but it didn't turn out too well.
What parts do you need help with?
Making a car is quite a lot of work, it's easier and more fun for everybody if you show the parts of your work you're running into trouble with so we can help you fix it. Every part of car creation has its experts present on this forum, and especially Duplode has been a great help on my kart project a while back. Maybe I even learned one or two things I can now pass on.
Anyway, welcome in the stunts community.
Thanks for your quick response.
I need help with the modeling; i find it hard to place the polygons. I've been playing Stunts for a few years now, and i play it's 'modern interpretation' TrackMania since 2004.
I think it's a shame all the cars available here are too old - not mentioning all we're getting is a picture, not even a download!
Wouldn't it be cool if the guys here (along with me) set out to 'facelift' Stunts? Or even make a new game with the graphics from 1990 (which, i think, are really good!)
Again, thanks for your response. (Are you Dutch?)
Quote from: Overdrijf on August 24, 2010, 10:38:05 PM
As long as you don't do anything that has a weight of 8000 pounds, an 800 HP engine and powergear in 4th and 5th gear, the Vantasy is mine. (Or should I call it turbotruck?)
Could you please post a link to that truck? (BTW: i've made a car - really! Check my topic!)
Quote(Are you Dutch?)
Jup, ben ik.
QuoteI think it's a shame all the cars available here are too old - not mentioning all we're getting is a picture, not even a download!
Actually, most cars in these topics are downloadable. They'll have either a zipped folder attached, or several loose files. If you download the CAR(name).res, the ST(name).3sh, the STDA(name).vsh and the STDB(name).vsh of a car and put all these in your stunts folder the cars should work.
QuoteCould you please post a link to that truck?
Actually, that one is even now still in the works. It's not that it's that much work, but well, I'm pretty lazy and don't always (uhum) feel like working on it. At least it doesn't have as much delay as the Melange 3D shape yet...
The body of that project is pretty much finished, but not copied into a bigger model yet, the driving behaviour is pretty good already, though I'm not sure if I'm happy with it yet, but the dashboard is still in its early stages. Also, after going through the working titles "Turbo Truck" and "Vantasy" it now goes under the name "Van Go", which seems like a lame enough pun to keep.
My one finished car project is that one (http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=2578.0), which is downloadable from that page and a legal contender in the zakstunts competition.
Quote(BTW: i've made a car - really! Check my topic!)
I see, cool, I'll check it out.
QuoteI need help with the modeling; i find it hard to place the polygons.
That's the part of the editing I probably get the best, I'll take a look at your topic to see if I can give some tips.
QuoteI've been playing Stunts for a few years now, and i play it's 'modern interpretation' TrackMania since 2004.
Wouldn't it be cool if the guys here (along with me) set out to 'facelift' Stunts? Or even make a new game with the graphics from 1990 (which, i think, are really good!)
There are quite a few Stunts sequel projects to be found arround the web, most don't really get completed. The problem with facelifting Stunts is going to be that the coding was done quite messy and the sourcecode has since been lost. We can change any 3D model or sprite in the game, but we can't make the game accept higher quality models and sprites. If you're interested in this stuff there is a thread called "disecting the stunts files", and wiki.stunts.hu has some good information on that kind of things.
Anyway, nice to hear we have a new modder in the group. Looking forward to driving your car.
To Overdrijf's excellent summary I will only add that...
Quote from: Grijze Pilion on June 03, 2012, 03:09:17 PM
I think it's a shame all the cars available here are too old - not mentioning all we're getting is a picture, not even a download!
... if you don't want to hop around scattered forum threads you can go to http://scr.stunts.hu/mods.php , where all of the "modern" custom cars are available for download. As for your custom car and its issues, I replied in that thread.
Quote from: Duplode on June 03, 2012, 11:38:04 PM
To Overdrijf's excellent summary I will only add that...
Quote from: Grijze Pilion on June 03, 2012, 03:09:17 PM
I think it's a shame all the cars available here are too old - not mentioning all we're getting is a picture, not even a download!
... if you don't want to hop around scattered forum threads you can go to http://scr.stunts.hu/mods.php , where all of the "modern" custom cars are available for download. As for your custom car and its issues, I replied in that thread.
O hé, I didn't even know that page. I learn something every day.
Quote from: Overdrijf on June 03, 2012, 05:59:08 PM
That's the part of the editing I probably get the best, I'll take a look at your topic to see if I can give some tips.
Well, hard? It's quite a job, but i discovered that it isn't really hard. Thanks, by the way!
I'm surprised about the fact that nobody mentioned Subaru Impreza WRC so far. It's an iconic car in several racing games.
The raw version of the 3D model is more or less ready.
May not be the most creative proposal, but what about a '13 SRT Viper?
I'd love to see an actual brand-new model in Stunts.
If we would have a realistic Viper in Stunta, nobody would ever complain again on the Countach steering :)
Quote from: zaqrack on December 04, 2012, 03:52:50 AM
If we would have a realistic Viper in Stunta, nobody would ever complain again on the Countach steering :)
Have you ever tried a real Viper? :o
Some of the old Corvette's are also known for their crappy cornering.
no personal experience, but the real Viper is famous for its temper. (so is the Countach :))
Quote from: zaqrack on December 04, 2012, 01:02:20 PM
no personal experience, but the real Viper is famous for its temper. (so is the Countach :))
Too bad, I don't like that car. Else I would build it...
I have no time at the moment, but it would be cool to build Peugeot 406 from Luc Besson's Taxi.
physics in that film were at least as realistic as in Stunts :)
Smart Fortwo? It would be a little magic carpet monster!
Hello everyone!
Just a sneak peek of a new (never forgotten) work in progress.
Nice! :) What tools are you using to create the 3D model?
Wow! It looks like a new car creation spree is coming! I'm developing a very simple tool to aid in car 3D modelling with Blender.
Quote from: KyLiE on December 08, 2020, 05:00:27 AM
Nice! :) What tools are you using to create the 3D model?
I'm using Anim8or.
Quote from: zapper on December 08, 2020, 03:49:48 AM
Just a sneak peek of a new (never forgotten) work in progress.
Nice 8)
would be cool if the boost would work to. although that would be a chalenge to create.
I was curious about the cars that i remember from the 80's (i'm from '79 so i needed soms help from google)
but i found a lot of cars that are worth mentioning, either by Name, reputation or looks(the good, the bad and the ugly)
many are already listed, some are already made but i include my full list anyway because i put a lot of work in it 8)
FORD CAPRI MK III 1969 and 1986
PORSCHE 944 1982 to 1991
JAGUAR XJS 1975 to 1996
Ferrari Testarossa (1984–1991)
MERCEDES BENZ SL R129 (1989–2002)
Acura Integra (1986–1989)
AMG Hammer (1986–1988)
BMW M3 (1988–1991)
Buick Grand National GNX (1987)
Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z (1985–1990)
Datsun 280ZX 10th Anniversary Edition (1980)
DeLorean DMC-12 (1981–1983)
Ferrari F40 (1987–1992)
Ferrari 288 GTO
Ford Mustang GT 5.0 (1987–1993)
Lamborghini Countach (1974–1990)
Mitsubishi Starion (1983–1989)
Nissan Pulsar NX (1987–1990)
Porsche 944 Turbo (1986–1989)
Porsche 959 (1986–1989)
Subaru XT (1985–1991)
Saab 900 Turbo (1978–1993)
Toyota Celica Supra (1982–1986)
Toyota MR2 (1985–1989)
Volvo 740 Turbo Wagon (1984–1992)
Pontiac Firebird | second/Third generation (1982–1992)
Vector W2 1978
Volvo's formula for the 740 Turbo was simple: To its upper-end, rear-drive sedan and wagon, the Swedish automaker slapped on a turbocharger and some alloy wheels. It sounds dumb now, but the results were legitimate sleepers (particularly the boxy wagon) with 160(!) horsepower. Volvo pushed this idea—hard—in iconic print ads 8)
There are some legendary cars in that list! It's interesting that the original developers went with the Ferrari GTO rather than the Testarossa, which was a much more iconic car. Also, the FM Towns version of the game features what appears to be a Vector WX-3 on the main menu, however it's not drivable.
Quote from: KyLiE on December 09, 2020, 04:20:27 AM
the FM Towns version of the game features what appears to be a Vector WX-3 on the main menu, however it's not drivable.
I think you're right.
Although it is a 1992 car, so maybe there was not enough information available to include it in the game.
Quote from: Daniel3D on December 09, 2020, 07:38:15 AM
Although it is a 1992 car, so maybe there was not enough information available to include it in the game.
It's possible, but since the FM Towns version has the same car line-up as the PC version, it's more likely that they just used random artwork to re-design the front-end. It also clearly features a Ferrari 328 GTS during the introduction which isn't drivable either. This also happened with the PC version where the Ferrari F40 is shown on the replay panel, but doesn't appear anywhere else in the game. Thankfully though, this has since been rectified! :)
Could be just nice artwork.
Is there a overview of all custom cars that are available?
I know of the car pack on ZakStunts and the list on the Southern Cross website. But they have no pictures 8)
There is a list of cars (http://wiki.stunts.hu/index.php?title=Category:Cars) on the Stunts Wiki.
Quote from: KyLiE on December 09, 2020, 02:36:36 PM
There is a list of cars (http://wiki.stunts.hu/index.php?title=Category:Cars) on the Stunts Wiki.
i know, but it is not complete. It misses the MLaren MP4 and several others that are on http://scr.stunts.hu/mods.html (http://scr.stunts.hu/mods.html) the Southern Cross website
and i would like pictures.
ill see if i have time to make it myself 8)
I think we could create a nice Car Catalog in Race For Kicks, with pictures and all and links to the Wiki and for car download
I would love that 8)
Let me know if there is content needed.
Quote from: Cas on December 10, 2020, 02:49:25 AM
I think we could create a nice Car Catalog in Race For Kicks, with pictures and all and links to the Wiki and for car download
Additionally, creating a car needs several elements.
The car models, colouring, dashboard texture and the performance data file.
These do not have to be made by one individual.
And I see promising projects just stop.
Is an additional project page where you can post your WIP and request help where you want it a idea?
I could create a topic for my new tool. It really is very bare-bones currently, but at least I have not made the mistake I frequently made of making the interface first. That leads to abandon projects. I have made an ugly and simple interface, pretty uncomfortable, but it does some good tricks already. Yeah, I guess I can create a thread on that now.... Here it is: http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=3626.0
And to close the top 3 of this poll:
http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=3636.0 (http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=3636.0)
Oh yes, the Testarossa....and we will have all the cars of the first Testdrive.
Quote from: Ryoma on January 26, 2021, 06:01:39 PM
Oh yes, the Testarossa....and we will have all the cars of the first Testdrive.
Quote from: zapper on January 03, 2021, 01:01:34 AM
And to close the top 3 of this poll:
http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=3636.0 (http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=3636.0)
One more http://forum.stunts.hu/index.php?topic=3652.0
Quote from: KyLiE on December 09, 2020, 04:20:27 AM
It's interesting that the original developers went with the Ferrari GTO rather than the Testarossa, which was a much more iconic car.
It's easy to understand : the Testarossa was very difficult to modelize. If you look my model, there is no door.
Quote from: Ryoma on February 17, 2021, 08:14:10 PM
Quote from: KyLiE on December 09, 2020, 04:20:27 AM
It's interesting that the original developers went with the Ferrari GTO rather than the Testarossa, which was a much more iconic car.
It's easy to understand : the Testarossa was very difficult to modelize. If you look my model, there is no door.
The door is not really important. But I do think you have a point. I believe there was a time issue so not all cars have the same level of difficulty in the model. I think time ran out and quicker/easier alternatives were chosen.
The dashboard of the 962
For remind on stunts
Ryoma, does this mean, that you'll remake the Porsche 962 IMSA like you did with the GTO?
I work on the jaguar xjr9.
The real had a v12 of 7l for wsc and 6l for IMSA (760hp and 670hp). Not a v6-3.5l supercharged.
The max RPM is 8000 not 10000.
As the dashboard of the Delta and thanks Cas, Duplode and dstien, I can fix these mistakes...and increase the performance for the xjr9LM.
Wow! The Jaguar! :D
Great work, Ryoma! I am really impressed by your enthusiasm!
Quote from: KyLiE on December 09, 2020, 04:20:27 AM
There are some legendary cars in that list! It's interesting that the original developers went with the Ferrari GTO rather than the Testarossa, which was a much more iconic car. Also, the FM Towns version of the game features what appears to be a Vector WX-3 on the main menu, however it's not drivable.
We asked to Kevin Pickell and he answered:
"Why these cars are in the game, who choose them?
I remember us having trouble finding stats for cars and finding good front and side pictures that we could use to make the 3d models. I think that was one of the deciding factors on the final list of cars."
the rest of the article: http://zak.stunts.hu/articles/interview-with-kevin-pickell-lead-programmer-of-stunts
https://drivetribe.com/p/the-greatest-alfa-romeo-ever-built-Z2mxNtWvSyW_1CLPuB_-RQ?iid=ExWNdIEBTyKNzxkDoSCT6Q (https://drivetribe.com/p/the-greatest-alfa-romeo-ever-built-Z2mxNtWvSyW_1CLPuB_-RQ?iid=ExWNdIEBTyKNzxkDoSCT6Q)
The Alfa Romeo 164 is a gorgeous saloon car and the V6 engine was a true classic. However, in 1988, Alfa Romeo did something magical and produced the Alfa Romeo 164 Procar.
In 1988, Alfa Romeo produced the 164 Pro-Car featuring a mid-engine layout and powered by the Alfa V1035 3.5 litre V10 engine. This unusual powerplant was originally planned to be used by the Ligier F1 team and was rated at 620 hp (462 kW; 629 PS) at 13,300 rpm and 340 N?m (250 lb?ft) of torque at 9,500 rpm.[15] Weighing only 750 kg (1,653 lb), the 164 Pro-Car achieved a top speed of 340 km/h (211 mph) and had a quarter mile time of 9.7 seconds.[16] It was planned to race in a special racing series, as a support event to Formula One Grand Prix. With Alfa Romeo being the only manufacturer to produce a car for this series, the project was ultimately cancelled.
Country of origin: Italy
Produced in: 1988
Numbers built: 1
Configuration Alfa Corse 72º V10
Location Mid, longitudinally mounted
Construction aluminium block and head
Displacement 3,495 cc / 213.3 cu in
Bore / Stroke 57.5 mm (2.3 in) / 88.0 mm (3.5 in)
Valvetrain 4 valves / cylinder, DOHC
Fuel feed Bosch Fuel Injection
Aspiration Naturally Aspirated
Power 605 bhp / 451 kW @ 12,100 rpm
Torque 373 Nm / 275 ft lbs
BHP/Liter 173 bhp / liter
Chassis carbon fibre monocoque
Suspension (fr/r) double wishbones, coil springs, anti-roll bar
Steering rack-and-pinion
Brakes ventilated discs, all-round
Gearbox Hewland 6 speed Manual
Drive Rear wheel drive
Weight 750 kilo / 1,654 lbs
Length / Width / Height 4,555 mm (179.3 in) / N/A / N/A
Wheelbase / Track (fr/r) 2,660 mm (104.7 in) / 1,515 mm (59.6 in) / 1,488 mm (58.6 in)
Performance figures
Power to weight 0.81 bhp / kg
Top Speed 340 km/h (211 mph)
Quote from: alanrotoi on March 23, 2021, 06:24:23 AM
Quote from: KyLiE on December 09, 2020, 04:20:27 AM
There are some legendary cars in that list! It's interesting that the original developers went with the Ferrari GTO rather than the Testarossa, which was a much more iconic car. Also, the FM Towns version of the game features what appears to be a Vector WX-3 on the main menu, however it's not drivable.
We asked to Kevin Pickell and he answered:
"Why these cars are in the game, who choose them?
I remember us having trouble finding stats for cars and finding good front and side pictures that we could use to make the 3d models. I think that was one of the deciding factors on the final list of cars."
the rest of the article: http://zak.stunts.hu/articles/interview-with-kevin-pickell-lead-programmer-of-stunts
Thanks for sharing this.
I understood that :
-Every teenagers had a poster of the Testarossa in its room except Kevin. I'm sure the difficulty are the sidepod and grids.
-Even we are passionated by this videogame, for the programmer, it's only a job. Who remember what he did 20 years ago? We found the sames issues in japanimation, dubbing, etc... When we ask somes peoples, they don't remember
-there is a question of lack of time. During the 90s, it took about 3-5 weeks to make a videogame. Ok I made several cars during the same period but my computer is faster than 1990 and de have internet for the blueprint. It's not the same Era. And I did only cars, the guys had to made all the software.
The shape of the 164 procar is the same as the Thema. It's because the basis is the Tipo Quattro which made Croma, Saab 9000, Thema and 164 (Tipo Uno made Fiat Uno and Tipo Due made Fiat Tipo).
So I think the shape is not difficult.
Concerning the grip : no big front wing, a little rear wing and no diffusor.... The demo in Monza in 198X was very slow because of the tires and the fact there are no air grip. I think a grip like the Modulo.
That is along the same line as I was thinking.
It is a bizarre combination. Not easy to drive, but very fast in a straight line.
And looks like a brick on steroids 🤣
I try something but the line (ribs?) on the side is very hard to do. Particulary with the shape of the Thema.
I tought the best way is to start from zero. Personnaly, I was not interessed by this car. I prefered the se048 which made me dream.
Quote from: Ryoma on March 29, 2021, 08:56:03 PM
I try something but the line (ribs?) on the side is very hard to do. Particulary with the shape of the Thema.
i had not noticed them, but they are shallow, so using alternating tints of black/dark gray should be more than acceptable.
Are you happy ?
Still in progress
Quote from: Grijze Pilion on December 03, 2012, 05:58:33 PM
May not be the most creative proposal, but what about a '13 SRT Viper?
I'd love to see an actual brand-new model in Stunts.
I prefer the Viper from The Need For Speed.
Something like this....
Or like this ???
Quote from: Ryoma on April 25, 2021, 10:26:39 AM
I prefer the Viper from The Need For Speed.
The first Viper is my favourite as well.
Quote from: Ryoma on April 25, 2021, 08:33:41 PM
Or like this ???
That looks good! I hope you include red as one of the body colours and not just the driver's hair! :P
Red blue and yellow... The dashboard is difficult. I want to take the one from NFS but I lost a lot of quality...si I prefer to start from zero
Quote from: Ryoma on March 30, 2021, 08:48:34 PM
Are you happy ?
It makes me happy too ;D nice work!
Ferrari 456GT and F355GTB.
I copy the dashboard from GT racing 97.
I'm lazy now...wait some times.
Using wheels as tail lights looks perfect! Are they functional?
It's strangly functionnal. If you try the Ferrari 412 and Mondial, it's look very strange.
I am guessing that probably the reason of the strangeness can be that Stunts' graphics engine may only be able to draw ellipses that are vertically/horizontally aligned to the screen. I mean, the foci have to share either the same X or the same Y. So, if you're looking at the car driving on the road, it looks OK even if the camera rotates around it, but when it jumps or shoots up into the sky, the wheels look less accurate. The actual wheels of the car, at least, are often hidden by the rest of the car so from many angles, you can't see this weirdness, but when you place them at another position, it becomes more apparent.
CarWorks currently can't handle wheels in the 3D representation of the car and does not properly represent non-aligned wheels in the 2D windows. Drawing arbitrary ellipses is harder, but also complicates the development of the engine and makes it slower, so it'd make sense if DSI decided to just used aligned ellipses.
Is there an updated list of all completed cars?
Is dups site or there are more cars around there?
I ask because I would like to keep building cars and not repeating existing cars 😆
Maybe this topic :
Hmm there are some misses. But it's a start :D
Maybe an external link to google drive spreadsheet with the organization Daniel proposed?
Quote from: alanrotoi on July 10, 2021, 03:30:55 PM
Hmm there are some misses. But it's a start :D
Maybe an external link to google drive spreadsheet with the organization Daniel proposed?
Duplode had plans to improve the site with more information and categories.but a spreadsheet to start with is a good option.
At this moment there are 100 custom cars.
(a few are variations on the same car, I didn't filter those out)
Not included.
Known cheat cars, as listed on southern cross.
Tuned by zapper... (I don't know how to deal with those.)
Included in the list are all cars of Ryoma and all cars of southern cross and cars listed on the forum but not in the other two sources.
Let me know if I missed one.
I can see some misses like Ford Ranger. What criteria do you follow to collect the cars? I didn't know Dodge Challenger was complete.
It's the longest list I saw. You may need a status field to know where in the building process it is.
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 16, 2021, 10:34:44 PM
I can see some misses like Ford Ranger. What criteria do you follow to collect the cars? I didn't know Dodge Challenger was complete.
It's the longest list I saw. You may need a status field to know where in the building process it is.
the ford ranger is there, its just called ranger.
I didn't know the dodge was complete either.
I didn't follow any criteria. I downloaded Ryoma's mega car collection a while back but I didn't check its contents.
I downloaded all from southern cross and dropped them in the same folder. Just to have some cars to move around in different car swapper programs.
Today i downloaded the CERV3 and the Fiat (the one for stan) and added them to.
I only checked the last two. 8)
I forgot the Caterham Super Seven
It is time to have a car suffix list along with the car list. Also we could add it in the wiki.
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 21, 2021, 12:26:30 PM
It is time to have a car suffix list along with the car list. Also we could add it in the wiki.
Working on it.
To be more accurate (and honest) I asked CAS [again] to make something.
As byproduct I will have the above mentioned information of all current cars.
One issue I know of.
For the Ferrari edition I renamed the F1 classics so that they appear chronological in stunts.
Those cars exists double and accidentally share some abriviations.
I (off course) favour my naming. Ryoma's are the original names...
It won't be a problem until you mix the cars of both versions.
Oh! I wrote it thinking to work on it but I'm glad to know somebody else will :D.
Quote from: Daniel3D on October 21, 2021, 01:40:43 PM
For the Ferrari edition I renamed the F1 classics so that they appear chronological in stunts.
Those cars exists double and accidentally share some abriviations.
I (off course) favour my naming. Ryoma's are the original names...
It won't be a problem until you mix the cars of both versions.
Or until you try to upload replays to a competition website that now needs to make double effort to track which cars is which.
Sigh, standards ::)
Quote from: dreadnaut on October 21, 2021, 07:23:24 PM
Or until you try to upload replays to a competition website that now needs to make double effort to track which cars is which.
Sigh, standards ::)
I will rectify it in my personal database and I'll post the details in the Ferrari edition topic.
I don't know how many people have the classic Ferrari's downloaded outside the Ferrari edition.
I posted a clarification in the Ferrari edition topic.
Quote from: Daniel3D on October 21, 2021, 11:50:39 PM
After some question about the growing number of cars and the used abbreviations i need to clarify something.
Also for those not wanting to look for the cars. I'll add my collection here.
It also has a backup of the original cars in a separate file.
I made it for the earlier posted cars list and for the task I asked CAS...
O, and ZAK upgraded us a bit so we have a little bit more Upload space. 8) 8) 8)
On the two sets of abbreviations, I think the ideal solution might have been to use the modified abbreviations only in the Ferrari edition, keeping Ryoma's original ones in all other downloads/archives/cloud directories/etc. That's for a practical reason: as dreadnaut notes, automatic car detection in competitions is the main scenario in which we'd want to accept just one of the abbreviations, and I presume people are more likely to drive competition laps on a plain Stunts install rather than on a Ferrari edition one. (It might be a little late for enforcing that to be worth the trouble, though.)
(By the way, this discussion reminds me I still haven't tried the Ferrari edition! :o I plan to rectify that over the weekend ;))
I didn't think about it at the time.
But I I realized that it may be a problem in the future when new players come dat don't know this.
Our existing user base can change the cars.
But it's also mostly intended as advice to keep one line. To know the difference and possible trouble.
I realize I push my naming down everybody's throat.
Sorry about that.
Quote from: Daniel3D on October 22, 2021, 08:03:18 AM
I realize I push my naming down everybody's throat.
Sorry about that.
Don't worry -- you had a good reason to do the changes for the Ferrari edition, and ultimately it just isn't a big problem. The main practical consequence is that competitions will have to choose and point out and/or make available one of the versions of those cars for pipsqueaks to use. That would have been an issue for some of the Ryoma cars in any case, given there were now superseded beta versions circulating for a while, and that the alternate dashboard versions of the Bugatti EB110 use different abbreviations. For most other purposes (say, the Wiki, or RPLInfo tools) we can just keep track of both possibilities.
My understanding is that the Ferrari edition is intended for single player use. Both Race For Kicks and ZakStunts specify version 1.1 of the game released by Broderbund Software. Both competitions also offer the supported custom cars as separate downloads.
This issue reminds me of the Duke Nukem 3D community. There are literally thousands of levels and mods available, but only a handful are compatible for multiplayer use.
Just a note to not forget:
Quote from: KyLiE on October 22, 2021, 01:56:15 PM
This issue reminds me of the Duke Nukem 3D community. There are literally thousands of levels and mods available, but only a handful are compatible for multiplayer use.
We should collect all of these retro games communities and advertise ours there. Doom community, other old racing games, adventures, etc.
Quote from: alanrotoi on October 22, 2021, 03:17:25 PM
Just a note to not forget:
Quote from: KyLiE on October 22, 2021, 01:56:15 PM
This issue reminds me of the Duke Nukem 3D community. There are literally thousands of levels and mods available, but only a handful are compatible for multiplayer use.
We should collect all of these retro games communities and advertise ours there. Doom community, other old racing games, adventures, etc.
I thought about using the anniversary editions for promotion purposes.
They are competition compatible. (A repackaged and a reskinned) although that is besides the point.
I think that's a very good idea. We could build a retro-gaming community ring
Already launched the "Crown Vic" Police Interceptor, the next car projected are: (sort by current motivation)
- Chevrolet Silverado Monster Truck: 60% done
- IKA Torino: 85% done
- Dodge Monaco Highway Patrol: 70% done
2022 alanrotoi became a carmaker
Nice! Could you give me the link?
It's on my méga (the earth near my pseudo).
Direct :
Could you give me the address of the whole pack of cars please?
Thanks! Let's try to make a custom car list as complete as possible.
This list of custom is somehow centralized in Stunts Wiki. How can I contribute do fill the missing information?
Ask Duplode access to the wiki. In the last days I created some car profiles and changed the pictures of the previous. Feel free to add/change the info and pictures.
I wish... somebody else builds this two cars:
- Toyota Supra Turbo
- Mazda RX-7
They are the only left to complete "The Need For Speed" pack.
Porsche 928 from the game Chase HQ :)
Honda Jazz, 2011, please ;D
Quote from: Striker on May 19, 2023, 01:36:28 PMPorsche 928 from the game Chase HQ :)
Hey Ryoma built it a couple of weeks ago! Congrats!
Renault 12... Citroën 2cv furgonette 8)
Quote from: Cas on February 11, 2024, 04:15:43 PMRenault 12... Citroën 2cv furgonette 8)
Renault 12 and Citroen 2cv (not furgonette) are in my personal wishlist ;)
BTW Did you see the Renault 12 Alpine? It's the finest version of this car made in Argentina!
Wow! I didn't know about this Renault 12. It looks beautiful!
These two cars I mentioned, together with the Citroën Ami 8, were the ones we had in the family when I was a kid.
Honda Civic Type-R?
Quote from: alanrotoi on February 04, 2023, 03:29:12 PMI wish... somebody else builds this two cars:
- Toyota Supra Turbo
- Mazda RX-7
They are the only left to complete "The Need For Speed" pack.
Mazda RX-7 (https://mega.nz/folder/1mJEwDCC#4k1vV5V8T_xgxcNidXV31w/folder/oyYUEDjR) is available in Ryoma's repository. I played with this car a lot at NFSU.
It is also available Toyota Supra MK4 (https://mega.nz/folder/1mJEwDCC#4k1vV5V8T_xgxcNidXV31w/folder/lmwFwQYK)
I'll test it as soon as possible, thanks for the good work Ryoma
Yes I tested them. ;) Great work.
Quote from: alanrotoi on February 11, 2024, 01:29:30 AMQuote from: Striker on May 19, 2023, 01:36:28 PMPorsche 928 from the game Chase HQ :)
Hey Ryoma built it a couple of weeks ago! Congrats!
Hmmm sorry I am blind. I cant find the Chase HQ Porsche 928 or Porsche 944 or Porsche 968.
Can you please link it here?
Thank you! :)
Quote from: Striker on July 10, 2024, 08:13:27 AMQuote from: alanrotoi on February 11, 2024, 01:29:30 AMQuote from: Striker on May 19, 2023, 01:36:28 PMPorsche 928 from the game Chase HQ :)
Hey Ryoma built it a couple of weeks ago! Congrats!
Hmmm sorry I am blind. I cant find the Chase HQ Porsche 928 or Porsche 944 or Porsche 968.
Can you please link it here?
Thank you! :)
Hey, you can find Ryoma's cars in his mega.
Quote from: CTG on June 12, 2024, 10:19:28 PMHonda Civic Type-R?
Maybe I should build this one (these days I'm driving a 10th gen Honda Civic Sport - not a Type R, but still...).