
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Im back in action!

Started by MiDiaN, June 19, 2004, 07:06:59 PM

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Hello stunts fans and old friends. Someone remember Tom Israels from Kalpens Stunts Competition? Well thats me  :D ...and yes, Im back for some more stunts =) It was a long time ago (dunno how many years) but thats not going to be a problem =) For now Im in the army (but only 20days left) and after that im gonna fix my comp and things, so expect me in a month in zaks competition...  :D

Thats all for now, dunno what more I can say...  :wink:

al il professore

oh my god! a stunts hero! good luck with the nowadays races!!!
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.


Quote from: "MiDiaN"Thats all for now, dunno what more I can say...  :wink:
Don't say anything more, just act by sending a good replay. :wink:
Welcome aboard, welcome back, welcome in the "Maximalists age of Stunts racing" as Zak said in his history (see "articles+stats" section of ZakStunts). :D

Stunts Oracle

Tom, if you have any doubt about tricks or shortcuts please feel free to visit me in my temple ;)
Humans will bow down!! and I will rule this world!!!
Visit me:

Stunts Oracle Priests

Quote from: "Stunts Oracle"Tom, if you have any doubt about tricks or shortcuts please feel free to visit me in my temple ;)

Hail to the Oracle ! Everyone should pray the Oracle !
The smallest signature of the Stunts community

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Welcome back Tom Israels! Well... I was just thinking about retiring, but you would be a good motivation to stay.

We know your name well, we know KHR and JTK, last year we raced the 3 month long Kalpen Championship... and I am the present Kalpen Champion!!!!!! :)

Good luck at ZakStunts.
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Hi Tom!

Welcome in the community again! I have an offer for you: if you want to have cool teammates and want to see good and powerful replays with real teamwork, join Damage Inc. team! (members are Krys Toff, Diesel Joe and me).


Quote from: "Stunts Oracle Priests"Hail to the Oracle ! Everyone should pray the Oracle !
Damn, Priests are back ! :lol:

Quote from: "CTG"I have an offer for you: if you want to have cool teammates and want to see good and powerful replays with real teamwork, join Damage Inc. team! (members are Krys Toff, Diesel Joe and me).
After such a post, you can't say anymore that you are not the "recruit manager" of the team. :wink:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I only invited a legendary good pipsqueak to our team. Does it mean I'm a manager? :)


Thanx al il professore, I think I have to practise ALOT until I reach nowadays pro stunts-pipsqueaks...  :lol:

And yes Krys TOFF, I will send a replay as soon I get some stuff to work @ my comp. This month and in July Im going to be pretty busy with things (moving out from parents, making a community homepage etc) so the stunts gaming have to wait a bit  :?  :wink:

Yeah I remember when I played the Kalpen Championship (imo best stunts competition @ that time), and tried to get to no.1 everytime  :D The best map I played there was the default track, the ultimate stunts track =)

For now I dont have time for some team joining, maybe later CTG  :) but thanx for offering.


Hello! It's good to see you back!

This will be an interesting way to see how strong we are these days...

By the way you had a great time on CTRACK19, but I did 1.14 ;)

(and I'm Bonzai Joe - I had to make a new account because the BonzaiJoe account got messed up somehow.)
But we can't be quite sure.


Zak please when you have time write the Stunts History 2003/2004 :)


AndreGEO is back!! He sent a replay to 4dsL.   :)


Woho, uploaded first replay today =) Wish me gl in the future guys (and girls?) =)


Good. You need some help I guess. Stunts races changed a lot.