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When and where?

Started by JTK, July 25, 2005, 10:32:32 PM

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Don't worry, Argammon and Alain will host the meeting together for us
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "BonzaiJoe"Don't worry, Argammon and Alain will host the meeting together for us

Hey Jacob, it's no use to start drinking so early (or it was a little sarcastic joke from you? :) ).

Budapest would be ideal but I'm afraid Zak is fed up with hosting drunk people. But still the best solution...

Btw who wants to come? Depending on the place I'll try to be there (I don't care about the date). Others?


Quote from: "JTK"
O.K. What about Budapest again?  :!:

No problem.



As I haven't been to the first Stunts Meeting, it would be no problem for me if it would take place in Budapest again. I would really like to get to know that town once! And Akoss wanted to show me Hungarian Fisse... errr... Pina! :-D
But I would of course understand if some of the visitors of the 1st meeting would prefer a new location.
"Why can't we not be sober?"


Well, I would prefer a different location because: 1. variation, 2. it shouldn't always be Zak who takes care of everything for us.

But I absolutely love Budapest, and would only be happy to go there again.
But we can't be quite sure.


It would be great if the meeting is in Argentina. It will be sure that Gutix, Paleke, Chulk, Ayrton, Aburaf and me will be there! And maybe Dark Chaser and Vamo come too.  :D

It is more expensive for one of us to travel there that if you come here because the international prices. I missed the last meeting wich I was almost sure I'll be there.  :?

come come come :)


Surely neither KHR nor me could afford to go to Argentina for a meeting at all...

By the way KHR and me could sleep anywhere as I just bought my new racing car (offtopic: see it at It is the second one from the left, 15 years old  :) )

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "alanrotoi"It would be great if the meeting is in Argentina. It will be sure that Gutix, Paleke, Chulk, Ayrton, Aburaf and me will be there! And maybe Dark Chaser and Vamo come too.  :D

It is more expensive for one of us to travel there that if you come here because the international prices. I missed the last meeting wich I was almost sure I'll be there.  :?

come come come :)

This world is so big it would be the best to meet all somewhere at acceptable costs... :?
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


Let's meet on the Azores
But we can't be quite sure.


Budapest - I like best.
Budapest - I like best.
Budapest - I like best.
(to be repeated several times)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "DieselJoe"And Akoss wanted to show me Hungarian Fisse... errr... Pina! :-D

Before coming here, visit: !!! :!:
Chürműű! :-)

84.30 km


No ideas? No more comments? Or don't we want to meet again at all?  :shock:  :cry:  :x


Budapest, next August (July?)

JTK, you will reach 500th post soon :)


Oh yes, maybe now?  :-D