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Erm.. Hi! I am new here!

Started by shatterhand, January 20, 2003, 02:09:42 AM

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As you can tell by the thread subject, I am new here. I've been playing Stunts for like... ooohhh, many years, I just love this game.

I just signed-up for the 2003 competition... I beat EVERYONE here in the area where I live easily, so maybe now I am finally for a serious challenge :D

I am from Brazil, aged 19 (soon 20), and I hope I can make friends here and all.

Oh, I see there are some brazilian guys here too, and it looks like a few of them don't have a team. I haven't understood the points system completely yet, but maybe all brazilian guys without a brazilian team or something.. just like Copersucar ! :D


Welcome! Yes, our community is growing up! You come with power and it is good. Give us fight and enjoy this competition with us.


Welcome to the community :D We're glad to see new drivers, and we're sure you'll get your challenge ;) The points system is all in the "Rules" section, but I agree it's rather complicated...
But we can't be quite sure.


Thx for the welcoming!

I used to think I was good, beating all my friends in stunts and all..

But I just checked the 3 winning replays of ZCT20

Man, that thing is GODLY! I can't even dream about doing those stuff. I doubt I will ever be able to reach the PRO league.

But well.. at least I am sure I will have some fun :)

BonzaiJoe, you seem to be using some real good control device, as you make perfect turns... do you use a driving wheel?

I wish I had one, it would make stunts a lot easier :)


Quotedo you use a driving wheel?
LOL :lol: Is it possible to play Stunts with that?
I think BJ is playing with mouse or joystick :lol:


My girlfriend used to play with a driving wheel, I tried it also, in curves it's suprisingly precise, but when it comes to sharp direction changes (which is a must for great tricks) only keyboard is useful.
So racing device is keyboard for all of us, i guess :)


It's not godly, it's heavy replay handling :D

Yes, I use keyboard. I don't have a driving wheel. I would like to have one, but if I did, I don't think I would use it for Stunts.
But we can't be quite sure.


Man, and how the hell do you make those turns when the blue dot in the wheel doesn't move one inch? You need an analogue joystick to make turns with that precision, I've been playing stunts for like 8 years and I could never manage to do that with the keyboard.

With the mouse I can do, but like Zak said, it sux when you need to do sharp direction changes.

Oh, and by the way, I already understood the rules. It's a bit complicated, but they make sense.


You must to push the buton several times and quickly, and the blue dot won't move.
If you use replay handling maybe is better to use the mouse in the corners and in the other parts of the track the keyboard, but it would be boring.
When I joined the competition I read that if you race with the minimum graphic details your times will be a little bit faster. I tried but it bored me.

Sometimes it's better race like you want, without using tactics or strategies out of the driving skill.

About your stunts experience (8 years) it is usefull for you to know some basic (and not at all basic) things of the driving and some tricks. But when you take part in this kind of competition you learn a lot of things, seen replays, joining a team, reading articles, etc... at least I started like this.


I played Stunts for 6 years before I joined online competitions, and I daresay I've learned at least 5 times as much from those two years than from the other six :D
But we can't be quite sure.

al il professore

hey shatterhand? did u listen what alanrotoi and bonzai joe said? and believed them? oh nooooo

go to the ancient tracks sections, download all the replays, watch them and do the same

win time in the curves, its nothing but the curves, and u will beat alanrotoi and bonzai joe very soon...

find a good team to join, orion got room for u... i dont believe any other team is better than mine. here u can find argammon, the shortcut killer, and sixth gear expert, mingva 'the machine', krystoff 'frenchie lover' leo ramone 'huahuahua' and alain 'il professore'

fasten ur seatbelt, beat ur own times before beating the others' and have fun in friendly competition.

see you on the scoreboard

It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.



Alain, you made a mistake : last month, I was the "SC finder"... :lol:  :wink:

al il professore

it's about argie's reputation... in his heydays, he was the best at this.
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

There was only one real sc finder in Stunts history and his legend still exists!!!
Chürműű! :-)

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