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Started by CTG, April 22, 2006, 10:28:19 PM

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Krys: That is not wrong.Write on paper:

                       --------------- = 22.7833

Now   73/1.79*1.79 shall say the same thing  :twisted:  
Most calculators use the Krys way though ;D.But that's not the only correct interpretation.

Yes CTG,there are different phenotypes.Some gain weight far easier than others and have a heavier body built even without fat.But they usually gain muscle mass way faster also.


Quote from: "Argammon"
                       --------------- = 22.7833


------------- = 24.3911

:P  :lol:

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "zaqrack"
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"I asked for a girl in the university how heavy I look

nice pick-up line  :P

:D First she asked from me! :D

Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


Mixed up the numbers,don't be so picky....


Quote from: "Akoss Poo"
Quote from: "zaqrack"
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"I asked for a girl in the university how heavy I look

nice pick-up line  :P

:D First she asked from me! :D

I believe you told he looked great, right? :wink:
Yes, it is me. No, I'm not back at racing (for now...)

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Quote from: "Chulk"
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"
Quote from: "zaqrack"
Quote from: "Akoss Poo"I asked for a girl in the university how heavy I look

nice pick-up line  :P

:D First she asked from me! :D

I believe you told he looked great, right? :wink:

He? She is a girl, I'm not gay! :D Btw I didn't tell her, I'm a slow strategist - time is on my side.
Chürműű! :-)

2320.29 km


I don't know my weight, and I don't care :-)

I think Alain is also so thin that it's dangerous for his health.
But we can't be quite sure.


Quote from: "Argammon"Krys: That is not wrong.Write on paper:

                       --------------- = 22.7833

Now   73/1.79*1.79 shall say the same thing  :twisted:  
Most calculators use the Krys way though ;D.But that's not the only correct interpretation.
/Mathematics lesson ON

If you mean a result as, then you need to write 73/(1.79*1.79).
Without "(" and ")", operations must be done in the order they are written, therefore 73/1.79*1.79 means "written on paper" (as argammon says) :
  -------- * 1.79 = 73

Mathematically, * and / must be done before + and -.
But there is no order between + and -, and no order between / and *.
This is a mathematic rule, not an interpretation. :wink:

Let me give example : 2+3*5=17, and not 25.
* has priority compared to +, so first you must calculate 3*5=15, and then calculate 15+2=17.

But 73*1.79/1.79=73/1.79*1.79=73. No priority order, operations must be done in the order they are written.

Same thing for 2+3-1=2-1+3=4. No priority order.

You need to write 73/(1.79*1.79) to have 22.xxxx has a result.

Anyway, as Argammon says, some bad calculators do not recognize the operation priorities, so 2+3*5 would give 25 as a result.
This is wrong. To have 25 as a result, you have to write (2+3)*5.

Ask your mathematics teacher if you want confirmation. :-D

/Mathematics lesson OFF


Krys is right but Argie's theory is rational too. :)


No it's not, he's just trying to escape being corrected. But I know that Argammon is a very strong mathematician and that Krys' lesson goes way below his level, so it really doesn't matter anyway. He wrote it wrong, but he knows what he's talking about.
But we can't be quite sure.

Renato Biker

let a real mathematic answer it :):

Quote from: "Krys TOFF"
/Mathematics lesson ON

If you mean a result as, then you need to write 73/(1.79*1.79).
Without "(" and ")", operations must be done in the order they are written, therefore 73/1.79*1.79 means "written on paper" (as argammon says) :
  -------- * 1.79 = 73

Quote from: "Krys TOFF"Mathematically, * and / must be done before + and -.
But there is no order between + and -, and no order between / and *.
This is a mathematic rule, not an interpretation. :wink:
this isn't a rule, it's a definition! so different...

Quote from: "Krys TOFF"Let me give example : 2+3*5=17, and not 25.
* has priority compared to +, so first you must calculate 3*5=15, and then calculate 15+2=17.
thus defined

Quote from: "Krys TOFF"But 73*1.79/1.79=73/1.79*1.79=73. No priority order, operations must be done in the order they are written.
multiplication's associative property

Quote from: "Krys TOFF"Same thing for 2+3-1=2-1+3=4. No priority order.
addition associative property

Quote from: "Krys TOFF"You need to write 73/(1.79*1.79) to have 22.xxxx has a result.

Anyway, as Argammon says, some bad calculators do not recognize the operation priorities, so 2+3*5 would give 25 as a result.
This is wrong. To have 25 as a result, you have to write (2+3)*5.

Ask your mathematics teacher if you want confirmation. :-D

/Mathematics lesson OFF

that's right, but Argammon didn't said it  :-D
just have care with your words, "operation priorities" is wrong, it's a defined operation orders, not a prioeities  :wink:


Quote from: "Renato Biker"just have care with your words, "operation priorities" is wrong, it's a defined operation orders, not a prioeities  :wink:
Well, I didn't know how to say it in english, this is my own translation from french way to say it : "priorit? de la multiplication et de la division sur l'addition et la soustraction, sauf si l'addition et/ou la soustraction sont entre parenth?ses" = do * and / before + and - except if + and/or - are between "(" and ")".
I wrote the French sentence because I know Argammon understands French. :D

Quote from: "Bonzai Joe"I know that Argammon is a very strong mathematician and that Krys' lesson goes way below his level, so it really doesn't matter anyway.
I know too that Argammon is strong in mathematics, that's why I couldn't let this small mistake uncorrected. :-D
I do not pretend to be a good mathematicians, but I know the basics of it for sure.
About the mathematic level of these "defined operation orders" (hey, see Renato : I use the proper words now :lol: ), this is for sure a low level of mathematics : my daughter is only 6 years old and she already knows it. :wink:

Edit : let's have some mathematical fun in THIS TOPIC


Quote from: "Krys TOFF"my daughter is only 6 years old and she already knows it. :wink:

Will she join Warner Bros team?  :lol:


Quote from: "CTG"
Quote from: "Krys TOFF"my daughter is only 6 years old and she already knows it. :wink:

Will she join Warner Bros team?  :lol:
She is not interested in racing games except when she can do funny crashes AND continue racing.
She likes Destruction Derby for example. :lol:
Crash in Stunts means race stop, she doesn't like it.


Let's go back to original topic : which sport during our freetime ?
For me, it's running, football or cycling with my children when weather is good, and sex whatever the weather ! :-D (edit : with my wife, not with my children, do not misunderstood me :wink: )