
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Started by alanrotoi, April 20, 2003, 12:27:04 AM

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Just read this lyrics of M?go de Oz!!

"Furrowing the streets without fixed course
you entered bad loaded place the atmosphere, dark glances,
cannot breathe,
only two eyes from the bar invite to you to dream
you feel in your face somewhat similar to the breeze of the sea.  

And you see come a body of woman toward you
and begins to shine the light of your heart
while lips seize slowly of you
and a window nowhere
has been begun to open."

"Surcando las calles sin rumbo fijo
entraste en mal lugar
cargado el ambiente, miradas oscuras,
no puedes respirar,
s?lo dos ojos desde la barra te invitan a so?ar
sientes en tu rostro algo parecido a la brisa del mar.

Y ves venir un cuerpo de mujer hacia t?
Y empieza a brillar la luz de tu coraz?n
mientras unos labios se apoderan lentamente de ti
y una ventana a ninguna parte
se ha comenzado a abrir."

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

3202.14 km


Ejnye-bejnye...  :lol:

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

3202.14 km

Shoegazing Leo

Alain Per? Stroika...
Lada Niva & Laika..
Shaka... Khan...???

al il professore

there was a super PC game called perestroika! one of the first one i played on a PC along with falcon AT.

I still remember, when i saw the external 3d view of falcon AT, i had an orgasm with my boyfriend 15' screen... mmmh no, bonzai, not this way... it seems so stupid now, when we see dumb games like MAFIA, or pretty games like madden 2003 with super 3d worlds so realistic.

at first sight, stunts was stunning because of the explosions. In no games i saw before the pieces of car exploding every way, like in indianapolis 500. how realistic it seemed! :') only young people could never imagine
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.

al il professore

btw why its always a girl winning eurovision? why eurovision still exist? oh forget it
It is reasonable to expect that genetic influences on traits like IQ should become less important as one gains experiences with age. Surprisingly, the opposite occurs.