
Herr Otto Partz says you're all nothing but pipsqueaks!

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Utrecht (USC 91)

Started by CTG, August 16, 2014, 03:11:01 PM

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Sorry, I have technical problems with the update (see below) - the FTP server does not accept my password. Zak, could you check my access, please?

As long as I can't login, see the scoreboard here:

   1      CTG      HUN      Looping Warriors      1:17.70      M      -      8   
   2      Duplode      BRA      Cork's Crew      1:18.55      M      + 0.85      6   
   3      Akoss Poo      HUN      Looping Warriors      1:19.85      M      + 2.15      4   
   4      dreadnaut      ITA      Yellow Fleas      1:22.40      M      + 4.70      3   
   5      AbuRaf 70      ARG      Meganium Aces High      1:36.85      M      + 19.15      2   
   6      afullo      ITA      Damage Inc.      2:23.00      A      +1:05.30      1   

Edit, 24th September 2014, 20:27: new replay from me (see attached), 1:18.95. Advice: don't try to use RH when you have a fresh surgical wound on your shoulder. It might start to bleed because of the unnatural posture during two-hand driving and 'Esc' beating...



I'll have an exam in 3 hours, so playing Stunts instead of opening the book. ;D

Edit: Poo, I've told you that 1:18.55 is not THAT strong. I guess 1:14.50-1:15.00 is still available.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

430.08 km


Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

430.08 km


Poo: you can check USC site as many times as you want to, but the scoreboard won't be updated before ZCT 158 deadline. :D

Today: surgery (episode 5) + other medical program
Tomorrow: long workday + ZCT158 in the evening (or not)


Por largo que sea el camino, siempre comienza con el primer paso.




Por largo que sea el camino, siempre comienza con el primer paso.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

430.08 km

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Chürműű! :-)

430.08 km


I was trying to reach CTG's time but couldn't reproduce the final cut in time. Congratulations Akoss, nice driving.

Akoss Poo a.k.a. Zorromeister

Thanks, Dup! :-)

Golden rule: go for magic carpet only if it is your final replay...

Problem: I don't have such luck @ ZakStunts...
Chürműű! :-)

430.08 km